Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

Art gifts boost State gallery TIH'. Qu,•'11Hland Art Gallery'g showing of its most recent acquisition~ i:1 all topical an exhil>ition aH could have been arra11gccl at ( in tht! cu rrunt pol itical vogue phruHe) t his tloint in time. Nol only !w.-; hn~re.,t In Art., wlt:h a cnpL ul A. l>t• OIHt' ..,Ollli'Ih1ng of t1. stal· us syrnbol , t l1c 111u1:.;11Hlllflll 01 LIU? pull• lie al lar~•· c..' \'t!II th.,t JJ.irL o f 11. wluch arrec1,.-; a 1uurn11h111.; - or to l>t- more rca.hst.lc, a lltJJl ·l)U ll'Oll!:illlL{ - view of the O.l'L!l a. ... o. wll,11~ 1111.. ht.•tm caplured by such mat l1!r~ a., tl1L• vn.-.t . um rm1d fur THAT J ,h.'k,ull P11llo,•k 11a111 lifH( . So now 1:,, thP t1111(" ior our own State gnltery to drnv.· :111,·n1 111n r,-, t.11(' fuel t hat It j,, ~t,tll :1d,l111u 10 [ hi" WOl'lhV collecti,111 hu t 111 .,PIil' 01 yi.?u rs of r1: Ul\llCial 3l:arnll "111 II, hu.-. llHlllllll,t.•d LO [l,.'j.'iCrtll)I•• : {\ roll,•1•1 1,,11 t llH.I 1n S•lllll' dcpartnHHll:. I~ LIil• £.>f1\'Y Ill OtlllCrl •:, Ul our s1.~ter Stut,•... The 11uere-.w1i,: tllllH~ :1hout the nr– quisittons on ... 11,,w - wh1rh cun..,ul– crobh• enhunt't! t h•• valuf" 0 1 scctmm; or t.he collecLion 1hr11 m.,v hu \'C bl'.'t•n :1. lit.lie hLCk111g - 1,; 1h11l •IH• (!l'Calc r J)iU',t of t.hcm hnve been ncq111r,,,1 hv ~11 t. Sir Leon Trout ~llld .\·fr:;, L1lhm Bo'ic h have bct!fl 111')1 :d)lv .ct.~rwrous i11 nu1ki11g a\'allnl.Jlc tor e11J, ,y111f'nt b.v cv– erybocl}'. B 1•:l'r--n:: 01 t"'Xt ('\lf'11 L w11rk:, t.hnt Lo now hn, l' ,111 t!:ld their t1d1~hts among a liru111..•d Jlrt"hl!~ c1n:le. Sud• publlr -.. 1,lrJtr,I i:r-.tur1!~ a rt> es• &.rcmely 1;ratUyi111: lo ::;alle-ry auth · orUles-aud should bt• so lo the com– n1unlly in i;:rnrral - ror no 1mhllt: ::al• Jcry c..-.n r,x,l .. t and clf"vrh,1• without "up– port in the rorm or 1 rlvatt? endowment or~:~t\,oney a.vt11lnhl~ tllro11~li Gov– ernment channels ls nil L•>O oft.en bare– ly adequat~ for frictenl nml11le11a11ce of the C-'it.ilblbhmelll h!l alone Lhe fJUf– cho.se or such works ol value a.,; llll\f from t.ime to tintf" comt! on the market. I am sure neither 31r LetJn Trout. nor Mrs. Bosch have onv cle.,irc .to be pub– licly thnnked for Lholr qift..s but they o.nd mnny bef1>re them. ht\Vl? set. an cx– o.mple Umt might well be followed by others to come. There are many prlvnt.e collector., wlM> oould U1lnk or ,Lile Queen8land Art Gallery whe n , r,)r one or anoLher rea– son. t hoy w 1~l1 t.o replo.ce or dL'iC1..u·U a 11icturC'. Or. muyl>c. when thf'y ;;It duwn qui– etly to consider the ultuuat.e d1s1)0.~'41 of Lheir e:.lales. It could well be that. hidden away 111 sumr l11rrt'11uently u-,ed private i;allert, Un•re 1~ a palntln,: that would till a ~ap In Ute Q .A.(;.'s colleclioo ul I.Ito work.'i or a particular arll.,t There m u.y be, in some private! homo, a11 example of Lhc work of an 11rL1i;t n:la,u n •ly u n k11ow11 IJul worthy 01 r<.4<!- ~~,~~!~'1;ul ~~111:ho 1 ~~~r;f,'!fe11L171~1ti~ ~u,:IH ll IS IIOL very ltk<>ly thnl lhl< .shoukl bi! so. Uu1. th e pos~1b1llt,y L'i t.hcre No1,1,• ptcnsc do not. 111t1mlt1!A• the Quecn-.land Ar,t Ciullcry with pa111Lt111!N LhuL lta\"e l>Cl'I' Jn the la1111ty 1,1r )'l.!ilni, The al,/.l' a.lono of CL Jlll.lnt111g htts llOLh.. IIHt to rlo wit.h lls va lue. Uut If any of you should hnvt! a work of nn Lhnt ,nav rea.sonnl>lY t,c .rnppo.•,Nl to br vulunlJ!t• or importo.nL. I n111 :..um Mr. W1c11ekc or Mr. M clh..h wuul,1 be willuq: to rti vc helpful t1dv1cc t.,, a would-Uc Ut·ncfoctor. * I h;n •f' jul'ot r4•rei\'c,t a C'OPY or an un- ~~.~~1 1~,,u!v 1!:!1~·•re~:~.'rl "C..l,~':{ vt~~at':~, have been ,•ery tm1wlly wedded. It i.s "'l'I111e llclong Tumbunn" - nn excellent. piece or craftsman's work 1,ublbhcd b:v Jacaranda Pn.•.-,s rur OrL'r bnnc•born N ew Guinea resident, arLL,.t Glenys Kohnk<>. MiRS Kolmkc relnt.es 52 lesend.s com– munlcnted l.o her b y the nnUves or ra1>ua New Guinea and lllu.,Lmt.cs Lhem in paint, or sculpture. The book will be a source or dell1:ht to nil who know or ar~ lntere.st.cd In New Guinea BS well a~ to arL-lovcrN, for the :voun~ o.urUwr-nrL1!;t, 1.-. sldllcd in both depur t.n1e11t..s ot tier wurk. '''"' "SUNDAY MAIL" lrlsb.ane, Qld. 13 JAN!974 Bustin' out all over FLOODS and shortages notwith:;tanding, the A1'lf– found a promi11c·nt plac·e in the week',; news ; as a col– kag 11c :-<a id : 'l'liey :11·c hu8tin' out ull ovel', Clo,:es t IWIII C", I 111· 111:ll - ter o~ pro,·is1011 01 u 1H•r• rornung arts cc, 11 rt• !-.W.I • dc11ly er11p1ecl bt•r·11t1'>1! u lorcc blo ·k of Ch \ t'n1m– ci1-ow11crt loud ·\\'ill. ii sef'm~. soon bP rnodf' uvullahlc for •oh ! hltxit.t?d nnd rtarn11a hlc won I, cle– vclopn1ent. 01 COUl'M". wr $h011ld hu.,·c a pcrfon11111i.; nrt~ centl'e - there I. no ar- 1rumcnt. about. that - nud not. 0111)' bm:ntH;c ollll'r Stu tes ha\'(' them. 0 u r only avullable l~~,eLr; ~'T,'~r.;~~ 1 ~ 1 ,w~~::rc~,~-~ table u n cl o.coust lcullv in– ad.-quute m cclin~ 1)Jn1·1• Nor 1s the U111\·(•r:,;ily's Mo)'ne I-fall. apn1t rm 111 belnir d lrflc111l or ncre,;s by public trun!-.port tlf BIIYI. lhc un~wcr LO l lU' conccrt-t.:<Jr-r•s prurer It wns pn•cl ic lcct to be•: " 'r. nc,,d. loo, ~mall1•r (1 u h Ii r-' hall:-. pro1n•rlv tlfl!lf,pccl for l he 11rn.. ,1•n·– tat1on of d1·u1rn1 1ttul ol h– r.r ro1·1n~ nr cnlt•rtuin– nu,ml, \\'lil"'t Ile r the ~llt• thnl trig ge re rl LJi,, l'll l'l'f'll l pc1•form i11(! nr1 s (·t·11rrc 1110\1Cll1l'lll is lrlcol for 1111• purpose Is a 111001 po111t: R I r-co11rliLlon11u! would doubtless I ill er out the appct L'ilng odours apt to wnft u.r rn..;,s trom the neighbouring blsr:11it fac• tory. but co11lcl lhc1·r not be dlfflculr lcs from 11< front lnf,; a busy hlL,;hway'! But lhn t. i~ bcsld~ the ~lnl\io 't'h~c Is d~~\:,<:!;~.,'l~ "°"' flf'fld a ccn tre such n.s l.~ t>nv1:-.a~1•ct. 1h nt u hull h us been 1:ot rolling with n ~ood ()USh by I.IW A1LS1 111• lrnn Bl'OIHICO.~l l/1~ Com– m l.s~IOII llttd Ih e MUSIC Drpurr.mrnt. at Je»s1 or ~ht Uni\'eJ':jily anct Ihilt. it as 111> to c,·cry mn11, worn- ,~~ 81 t 1~1;;;,/·<:~;0;;-;1t:~i~~ will be Lhe ones Lo whom IL WIii ullIinuwly be of f\~·~r 1 ft·"' 1 ke~1~ 11 ~ li1n~o wi5~ l'\'Cl'-UICl'Ca.'Jll\C lllOIIIC'n– .t.um . Let ;-:; h:\\'e the c,,ronn– tion Drive s1u• at posi,1bl£1 nml ,lr iL pro\'es to be pruo11coulc; It not. theu souu?wherc else. Unfortu11ntely. cultural progress l\1 QueerlHIHnrt ~!~1J,~~~llflt 1!'•Jl.,~~~~d ~I~ or, nt l> e.st. nry litLI<> - cross mtcresl bet\\'1!t1n 10,·e1~ and follower5 of the sererul 11r1~ . . prc– l'isrly us I poln.~c,i out last week. A new ~ .I.. i:;... uery Is badly nrr.clf!cl, l'tn art lnnrH (bul how many t heat r e•KOC?rs'! I h;ne been pr?.Sslu~ for lt and - ,:ood luc·k to th<-m ! - ha,·e at,hle,·ed at lea..'it lho beglnnlng·s of one. The Museum is oul– dnttid, RO R 1110\'C is be ing mode by ln1.erc.s1c<1 lolk (how many_muslclans or art lo\'ers or t hca1 ,·r- ~~~.~\l ~n.to remedy the nc:dc~~ e·i,~~.. v~l~r1u~ uml, by dint of umelcnt- Ins pressure by a ~mull ~mu11 - how well I re– m c m b c r il l - Wt: nchle\'ec1 oue. mokeslutt though the building Wt\H. Yet I cannot recall art ~:·~i;;ir t~~t ~~\~tt!.'tl:tJ 111\ISIC lover ha vln'! rnl~ lied strongly to W1e Cray. How much en11lcr it would ho.ve been lr all the muslcions. n.11 the ~~~r,\:!:fo°:t:s a.~.:'c1 11 !~~~,i their 8\l!ll>Ol'l. to the !/-~ist~e~. b Ji,.~~r' I ~~,a nrt-lovers as a wl101e In the plug for a new art gullory. How n1uch ~ner would we huvP hud t1u– Conscrv11torlum IC oil the city's cultural bodlo., nnd lhrlr supporter,i hod ,Sl>O· ken up loudly In su1>1>0rt or the project. \\'by cannnl all t•uliur– ally-mlnded folk won loJclht'I' for lhelr own and the 1eneral soodf One lltlle voice does u~~u~::-:-.r rim:i ~~1.~~t I~ ro~J 6 a~~ cfe~ 1 r f.:'1~•1.,r:~ JlnmcltL Houses o.nd Cabinet rooms nnd c,•cn ~~~- City Council clmm- lo~11nii"~er't.i ~~~~re.peAt Millon IC pro.ctlcnblc, hUL elsewhere If necessnr.,·. So let's o.11 st\y llO. For one - l'M KIUH'r 1n;. IIIND IT ( fortl>,slmo/. 0 SUNDAY SUN" Brlsblne, Old. UlrGALLERY BANNED QUF.Jo~NSLANDERS will hnre to wnit to see the painting "Blue Poles," provided the Queen~lnnd Art Gnllcry cnn arrange an cxhihition. The $1.:100.000 abstract. bought by the Fedcrn1 Oovcrnmcnt, lms not ar– rived In Au.stralla. Its flrsr rxhll>ll lon Is expecl.ecl 10 be nL thls i•enr·s Adelnlcle Arts Pcs– llval. Queen. lnncl g:illen· di· rC'ClOI' I i\1r. ,Jim \Vlcn– eke I snln Inst night that n rormnl rN1ur..% hnrl not, yet bern mude to show ihc palnlin~ in Qucen.. c;– lanct. 1le expi'tLed an np– proRch would be mnde . nfter the pnl11Il11g nr· rl\·ed. Unaware H e tllri no know whnt r, luns the Commnnwcn/1 h rnrt for an C'Xl1ibltlon tour of tlH' pnlntln~. M r. W ll'neke salrl he WR~ llOL SU\'f' Whl'IIJrr tlu• CommonW('Rlth would Ur prrparrd to Jonn the painting fnr dl<plav In ~l!f~lt~~~~cl~~ot alr~i~!~Ar~ Uonect. The pu rchn<r or the pnlnIlng b~· 1110 Com– m O n \\' CR 11 h ln,c;t )'f"rt I' cnusecl much co111rorersy. MAJOR galleries throughout the world are refusing to send valuable art collections to Queensland because of the primitive ·condition of the State Gallery. The oaTi ery'S director, Mr J. Wieneke, said even the new $1.3-mllllou painting Blue Poles bought last year by the A us t r a 11 a n Government might not be allowed In the old gallery. H-0 Srtld the Notional Gallery In . Canbc1m would hn\'o to decide whether or not lo risk having the pnlntlng hung in o. sub-troplcol cllmrtto In a g111lel·y without nlr conditioning. If th e gallery's ex– perlcnce.s In the past o.re nny guide then pros– pects don ·t look good !or Qucensl11ndcrs to see Lile . country's new pnlnllng without 1111\k.lng nn lnter– st a t.c ·vlsit.. One or the most fre• qucnl exhlhltor.< In Aus– tralia Is lhe MWl8Ultl of l\lodern Art In New Vnrl< which lnnns ,e,,.rnl lop cla•• cxhlhltlons e,·ery yc:ar In Stale g11Ucrl08. BuL Lhe mu.~cum wlll not send pnlnt-ings to Queensland.