Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

TUESDAY, MARCH 12. QUEENSLAND University's senior architect, Mr . Greg .Berkman. hangs a painting in the new Lionel Lindsay Gallery building in Taawaomba under the watchful and expert eye al Mr. Raoul Mellish, deputy director of Queensland Arl Gallery . New home for the Lionel Lindsay art collection Functional yet beautiful, and exciting in its new concepts - that's the descrip– tion of the new building for the Lionel Lindsay art collection and library which forms part of Toowoomba's new Queens.land University Centre. The bttildiug. lo be officinlly opened on Sunduy with it,; com– pnnion b11ildi11 g . the University's Extcrna I Studies buildin g. bcgnn to tnkc on th" us pects or n gnllcry yesterday. lo keeping with the sig– nlflc11nce plnccd on I h e new gallery by Queens• lnnd ncndcmk nncl an cil'r.lcs, •then~ were · lwo . cxnltrd "picture hangers" helping to put the finis h– Ing touche.s tu I llr bullrl– in~ )'cstcrdny. The Untvcr.... it v·x sc11ior llrchlt r<"t. Mr. o'rcg Berk– mon. nnd the Queensland Ar1 Gallery's osslsrnut di– rrrtor, Mr. Rooul Mellish, llecldect on. a nd pl11ced , CU(.'l\ plcturr lO h t\llC on the ~11llcr.v wnlls. Enrllcr. Mrs Nnnc,· Un– dcrhlll,. or the Unlvcrsuy·, llbrury. hnrl cnlnlo~uc,t the H 7 Item• [l'Olll the h lghl)'•VUl11cd ,·ollccllon ot 11\c lntc Mr. W. B. R. Bol– Lon. rricnd nud ndmll cr ot the lo1r Sir Llonr l Lind– say nnd rounder or I hr collcc1lon or Australian art nnd liH•rn1urc whi<:11 wlll he pernumPntly hou.:-.– od In 1he new b11 llcll11g, Mr. Bol1011· widow. Mrs. w. Boll.OU, Yl'!iLCrOOy cmpllosii;cd tha, Although the collrction would now come under the t:nre or t lu uni\'er:;lty tt 1.rn11ld con– linm• 1 o he o·IL'H rrcl! to 1hc public. Mrs. Bolto11 rccnllcd th111 <he collection hud or– hclnn lly bcc11 orrltla II v opf'llCcl by lhe then Prim£' Mlnlst.,r. Mi·. ~lc11zlcs, 15 ,vtn11,; ngo In nn old hotl",<' tn Oncl!mll 8lrrc-t. rar inc Qtu:cn'i-i Purk. Sir Llo11cl Lillll!-:RY n n d hls son J>ctcr. nnCt h is hl'OI lif'I' Sir 0111'\'I oncl wi lt• were nmoug ·u1r mnnv d lgnlt11rlcs prMrnt ru·r t hnt nt,·.islon. ln Sumtor·s L'cremon\' she s1ucl, t'.hl' coUcct1011 . wo11lcl ill' rcdrdlc-11trcl 111 t hr new building by Mr. PclCI' Lindsn~• Rttd hi~ s ls – lf'I' ,. ...... Jrnn Chnrlc~•. REPUTATION T ilt! Ill'\\' bullc!:n i.: \t 11 . .., ch:-sig1wd ll."· Lh,· Ql1eem,– liHH1 UniH•,·~!l y's 11rch11 cct Mr. ,h1111r!'- i\lt•Co 1- mnrt , who hos nlrcncl v cnrnccl 1111 111 1t•nw tion~; 1 rt'J.HllllliOH ro1· his Austrn l• 11111 pa t•ll1u11r. for lilt> ~lun – tn•nl nrnl Tu~: vo Expo.,, . 111111:- H l' hu:- now brt•n ,·11111111 h., io111·<1 to rlcsi~:n I llf"' .\11~1 ndt,111 p11\'llion 10r I llH• \\'i-1'-h 1 1f!d nn ··1::xpo" 1 r,-. t::tillrr.,· tmlldhu.!. 111 'l oo•.~•-<1!1lh:t 11111,· nlsr) :11 - 1r.11•1 11111 nrn1 io1111I ,lilt'!\ · I iOII 11-. II IJi•('Ollll'!-o k ll('Wll II i1,1-. l,1•1"11 d l'~l:..: ll1•cl ~U 1 lw 1, nn ,...,, 111inll.r ~m nll h iti]( ,Ill! 11:1~ 1111' C: 1'1'H\ 1':-.I P0!-.'-111,t• w:d l !-.JHll't' h 11 1 • '_! 1 .ll ilJ11 -.: T 1II. ~ itate Government must 1peed up Ha jiie~amme for the construction of a new Queensland Art Gallery bulldin1 at South ltrlsbane. It Is·more than four years since the sl te was selected, Under present planning It wlll be at least another four years before the new gallery open&. ,' For too long - about 40 years too long - the present "temporary" gallery has been a bad Joke. The condition of the building has con- vinced the trustees that the best of the State's art collection should never again be displayed in It, even after repairs. For one thing, the fire hnzard Is too great. surely, then, the remainder of the pic- tures 11hould be removed as quickly as posslb~'. Tbll Government also should move faster n :ltA' planning for a new Queensland Mu.seitlll,