Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

... . . . . . M•Lropollt11n ,.cuv1u- • will expose to Au•trallan glue the desper&te n••d fnr the Queeruland Cul– lural c,ntre In Brl•bane, •qulv•l•nt to th0!18 now pro1•idrrl In all uther A11•trallan capital •. City and State author- 11 lu will co-nl)l!nte more f i.~;:l 1 Y ~nm~1r. 1 tl:• ,:;1!: bane. " l~'ir' .. ~t';' :1~1~~.t~;i with the expectPd Federal ~~f~~ik •~r~~:.n•I~~ cultur11I centres wlll be •xtended by Federal State, and local commu• nlty arto pro,nmmu. The JullA Creek opera home will find counter– parts In at leut llO other dl••dvanta!Jt!cl c,ntre•. The QUN!nAland ..... tt,•al of the Arta, with the hrlp ot Fodernl aJ{rnclc•, C Australian Council for .l.hl: ...Al:l&. A11str11llan Ell– ~n The11tre Tru•t I Rnd the State~· own Art.~ Councils ,,:ill co-ordinate I~• activltirs with the ..,delalne, Prrth, and Ho• bRl't·FeMlvnl~. Thu, tnCOlltl\gt!d, thP r, ma In In JC Slates will Jnln the Austrnllnn lestl– _,,als club, whlr.h. hv IP7ft, ~hould oiw.rRtP on F\ r,~11- lRr Pacific circuit , nnaln• F,:~~lv~ l!~11!W~~~1,Rn ThP Queensland Cul• tural Centre on thP •outh side or the • rh'er, of which complex tlir nrw Qu...,,.innd -/trt oa11..,.,.,_ like the renm•at,rt Cltv Hall, Is but the first anit static phase, wlll house the more dynn mlc anrl creative ""d performlnK art,;. cJ'~;a~'.een•~~~r~r.n~ Ballet Company, Qurens• l•nrl '111eatre Cornpnnv nnrl QuN!nsllmd Rym - 11hony Orchestr11 all hove an tntrn~I! lnlPrr"t tn arhlrvlng thl• r.ent rt. Thr rllmRle or both ~6~n'\~,',~::l 0 f~~~~-~ ar~~ quire t~1•t the rominunnl. cMc. voluntarv. wellore rl~~. t~r~~~ll I~rls fu.~~d r.raft, be 1'1so respKtPrl. PhologrAPhV, film 1'nrl telcvL,lon tRcllltle• tor no n-proleaslonal llnrl non-commerclnl purpo•l'll ,hnuld be ther,ln pro– vldl'<I. Gallery 1'nrl mn· M!llm actlvltl••· espPCIAIIJ t.dnratlonlLI, will h• co– '(IIIMled. ~ucrM1ftlnd • ·111 h, \'fll IE i MAIL" . - ., : · • . I. ', . "COUR . Qld. ·:· ·,. ,~: , · lrfsba~•-' . _ ·+·. 5 FEB 1974 -~ · ·· - ,· . ' .. ~ .. PII C Ja er •• 0 I\P• . , , \ point appropr1ately-q11al- 1f1cd •tall. The prOVlllCII\I t~~~~~~i r~W{tu!~. 10 ;fi\ achieved full repr-nta– t Ion at ever, level of the Aufltrallan Council tor the Arl4 : th• Community Art., and OevPlnpment Coinmlltee and the (at preMnt I 1even boards 1 n d Iv I d 11 a, I Inter• , and their vartou1 con• n at Ion al cultural ex• 1ultantA panels. change,, expeclally ort· ot Btbe 1~ar.1.".- ~':,~~ ~~W· .'t'1 1\.:1~!~; 0 P le~~t w 11 I h •Ye been Arts criticism will lm- promote loc•I galleries, Literary activities, In puhUc and private. The t.he little m111azlne&, In I cr11IU1, •tlmulat.ed bv t.he plays, radio, .,,., tele" ' llnc\lng, of 1he c ralt Jn– vision •erlpLs 1md Uhret.tl, qulry ot the Au.strAIIRn encouraijed hY the Liter- , Council ror thr. ArUI, nry Board'• p0llcle•. will will conttnu• to blnssom ha v e bumper se11AOns. acrM• the Stnte. . :~~ni~~~l. ~~~ 1 .~:~t~ rJ~~,yt-~~?~m.r~!:Jri~l: need., more accurately 1,~,. teachen, &nd achol• a,nd ,tuatly a.~seMed. Perl• ar,1, ' i~, 1:r 0 ~;"•t 0 T 1 ad:._, 1~~ The cultural centm tance to Queensland'a will play a le11dlnR role In proteMlon&I companle.s, •~~~r:.n 1 ~? 1~[fuer~~ :~~~ I 1ho11ld &t laat be tultllled Pen,lfled hY early ret.lre• , by 1979. Drama, ._,peelally "'Ith Plar.•• of worship will the advPnt of color t.elt.· lnlen, IIY their cultural ,·!•Ion, will l)eeome mor• a r. t Iv It I e, , especially of a foe&! point tor amnnK the youth. These multi - me d I• ex• policies wm extend the perlmentatlon. Youn~ • a c r • d r,pr.rtory and rher~~ I rr:.:n i~:r:.t::, A~~- ~!~~~cii, 1 a 1 ;J•~~=tl~~~ t r a 11 • n Ell1,ab•than I fleet trend• In ,eculAr Th• Austnltan Ell• ~n"ti,r~~~fh~l "~:;~~~~ ire~~treT~- t ~~hn.:;,r,. po~r. }~:;l~d'~~ ~g~CP~-~::!/; .Queensland •hoUld at.lain ' ot lhe Howard Slratll :i~•trh••n A~e~~~n~fll~~ need• . Correspondtn,IY , Australia (Queensland pt;,~t•~-~rind "n'r~~~:ii, 1 Dlvlslnn t could Jointly ·• p r tt, 1 •·eekrnd noed,c,. Corre• 1 1:' ?r':.'cti,~ 0 ~~ 1~ ,¥~ 1; sponrllngly trrtlary, sea• members should be •e•n ~~~i;\l'Jri 1~ 1 ~l,, a:l'l~: , J~ 1 b: t jt/:'" ~f,~.:r ~~d ma,lngly offer commu• I projectA af!eetlnr nlly arts far.llltles. The , Quecnslllnd and oper- VRrlous function• nf cul– atlnr sometlm.,. to Ila ' turRI aoLlvltle• must be detrlnien L. ~ 1 ,';,~~~nt~~~lyF~~ "~-~1/::'..; ln All th~ llhOVf" ref,r- Rnd theTRPY Are 11ot prl– enr.r,c, to Ff'rlrrn l A.nrt mnrily conrrrnrrl with St•I• bndlPS. It " ·••v to ·••thcLIC st,nnrlard•. lm:r slfihl of the or1d nn- Chl1rlt'f'n'~ nnct yonth ~1~ f~l. n 0 rl~vl~~~~m~r~~,~~~ theatre m Qu('r nsland t11R1ly, 1hr Pntlr e Acimtn- w1U he rat.lonut1sr.t1 and l~trattvr Anct f1nRnclRI ~~ 110 the t~gUl~evg~~s,~ .. ~~! s1r11c1 11r1t n f r.ulturRI ser• mo\'enu~nt in Qurens– ,·tr"~ f1rpP.nr1~. h\ncl, The!.r nrrlw.'-trn~ T hfl S tRt.fl' will n... ~l.'-t wlll tot.nl mnrr lhnn 40 the Cornmonwr ::.ll h in b,· l!l7R. Rn<I will br rd 11 4 Anh~lctuang m dh·irtHRI rcirrr.r1 h,· the now-... 1nn– nr11~1!. in varlo11o; wn~·~: i 11 K i-:r.hnnl orrhrst.rufii. tTRvel !-tnd r , snrrl :tl pro.I- C 11 I l ur n I tn1,f'l~rnt10n f'rt.t;, hrlp t nwnrcl~ puh\1- •·0 11111 dt. v rln11 more <:Rl,lnn. J)r rfor manr c, l'X- riuirkl~· 111 :-.rhnnls 1h11n hihitton. RCQUl.'-11\0n. fll'rtll- Ill :111\° nlhrr lll't'lt of c11l- f;,t~~~fl t jn~~ks~i.~i{-~[~(1~·= !~:i/:i1:11ro~~~~;~: h u,~',t :·ri= ex11cr11nrnt a tinn Rnc1 Rnr1!nrc1 Jl.pport Is not r ven comprtll inn (a con- rirllh,irRteh' rrlnrdf'd. trol'rrslnl area' · Wll h lhP hPIP nl thP CurrPnt. wnrlrt trrm1.~ Aboriµ:hrnl Art.-.; Bonrd or tnwnrds an nrt hoc1mn · nr unortlw dcH ~' In t hf' ·11rt.1- will bf" o ~fsflt bv a rr– ~pon~ibl,.. ronrerri rnr lhP. hli-tnr~· And lrnclil10n of c11ltt1rfll'. r~prciftlh' Ill cul• 111ml And f!ducnt'lnnnl ln– !liL\1 11llons. T he uni,•cr– •lllrs, CollP~CS or Arl- Bri11~~_:,:~~~~~ ~=- lht r\11,.lrn llnn Counrll Jor thr ArL,, " t rnn1'for– mnt,1on or m1r Aboriginal rull.Urr r nuld hf! efrectr.d b~· 1!17A. Qu~n~IRnd po.c;– f;('!ll~f'li so p,c. of the AhnriRlnRl t1,lrnt tn AU!ll– t r~ltn. Dick n.ou~ h!-r ,·, 1111111lrr. ,tnn,·r r. !--llll!f'r, por t. nulhn:· 1~ r h Alflllllll or U1P. honrc1 l nl e~rnt 1on nf lllP r thmr kind I!. R l.ut nlly rl1rfrrr.n L prohlrm frnm 11r1\:-.t\c mt.r.~rAllnn n n:ir1111onn1 rrnt.urr or .\hOl'l~lllnl rull,llrf'. Vln. rnta1n opr.rnt1nn~ or the :f.:~ra~:f: ~~d 0 1:i., ~~~~i:.r ~~1~r.f ~~d nie QuN!nsl&nd Theatre renalMance . wind and colTIJ)M!I-. triunlni pro• , •t rlng conaOrts wlll be «rammM and Actoii J"ii'.:' founded to explore the rum will promote protes- ' repertoire• now avatlabl •lono.l tralnlnl! ln ' 'lnmodernedltlonL Queen•land. Prnvlnclal– thf!&trP.~ generallv are 1 t~:iru~~~t~~;"~~n:h 0 i~; 1 arts and crllfta. In ~~r~u~~~~t~~/•~~~ new Queensland Con• ser1 ntorlum of Music, which llkr the Unl" eraltl' of Qnren~lnnrl, Rlm~ to rstnbllsh n .<t rinl? quartet with trnr.hln11 dull"" In Q11rensln11d. PTo\'lnclnl lit?h t Ol~ rR RTOUJl~ !ihOuld f'Xlf'IHI 1hr tlPI work of mini-Gylnctrb011rnr~ 1111 r.ounl r,r from Orm1~ton. The Q1u•rn~lnnd Opf'rl\ C n m 11 n n y R n d tht Qnrf'n.°'lnnd Bnllrl Cnni– p:1 11 \' will c1rvP1olp thrlr n<111lt, 1u1C1 hl~h school -r,~w~r"~~~ ;;\\~1rs 1 ~7 the music anc1 t.hent.re hnnrd~ nr thr .'\115trn11Rn r.ouncil for t h P. Art.~. J n– rh1dln1? t he dnnr,e panel, "·ho "" promot Ina: bnth c\11 .~~lcal nnrt mndf'rn Aust.rnlian ballrt. Tighter •nrl falrrr plnnnlnJC " '111 t1nr.ourn~,. mor~ rxt cnidvfl! tourin~ R~ w,.n R$ more Amhlllnll!il prott"rt.c:. coni-:rn•Rtnrtum nf Mnslc, will promo! f" rww 9,·ork!\ of nrl h~· prov1dinJ;t rr:-1- r1 e n l, rellow,c;hip~ n.m1 t:Rm1111• faclllt le.<. Arts • net H11mJ\nl tlr!i. fRCUll,lr.~ rf'qt1irP mn~. ..-ive trRm;;– IRllon 111rrvlcr ~ In thr.lr community policies. r~mQ~~l:~~~rn:~-~ !.A ~~~jl=r~~ :,I ru llnrr cR n. In tllft m o.';t, pracllcnl ~'RY, r.r– fnrlJr,;~Jy cif'monstrate nrtl<tlr tnt.rRrtttlon to non-nbnr11ti11Rl!\, Th P Unh·rrslt v ol QurPn.slnnc1 Mu.sir.' 0,,- 11 a r I, Ill f' n t " n et Ihf! Q 11Prn ~ l n net C on– Fir r\"!1lorlt1m or Mn~lr \\'111 dr \"rlno t hr rompor.ltton nr rnntr1n1mrnn· nu1~lr.. Tl1r rompo~Prs ·anc1 ,·1~– ,rn l Rncl p1n~tlr Rrl.l~t~ will «·n-nprrntP In rr– ~rr1rch rtnrt pnlnt nut lht' r1rsnrrntfl llflf'rl rnr AP– \l r o 11 r 1 R t. ,. gn llrr\ror:: t.n hou!-r m111t.\-mrd ln work~ rnr future cen t url.-~. rrl\'nt.e gRIIPrlPS and r.ollectlnns will ~ncourn~e