Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

ord rs study for maior art centre Thi ~ lall' G0Hrn11wnt " ill 01 d(' r a f1•a, ih ilil ) ,1ud_1 in to t h r pl an ninc 11 1d fi11 ,in l'i ng of a rn a j ur Il l' \\ arb n ·11 trr tu lw i11,·l11 clt-d 111 Q, 1,·1·11,land ', .\ rt 1: allt· r) a nd " thl' Ulll r11111 pl1•x in Hri, lt a nc-. ·1 • , P:•·11.1Pr , ~!r B 1, i t t •Pc··, r -.,•n 1 h li • Jl,11, •,,-.,r! ',, . •11,-1· , 11 ··t t bt Cr,-o r!:, .,· .. G c•J' - t:.r ~I , .\fr 1• .\. H.-1 :,-t,n, \\ (,u!d 11. i , ,. ,.... ,ud ·. T Lt: Pr+·ir n !\!1 1d Tl1r r ,.. 11 \ r t' t o t d ,n - i •~riur;~},~ ,!,-:::t,7r~ 1 r !H r 1re~•r,. hc:l;et and ,, lie;· IJl't 1o--i,rn ... ~:.rte .• 111 tht gi. :!t- , a1 rt ~rtr'J -' ,.,..1Jn1 r ,111.111" >.. Par1 of ,,,,. tm ,. ,·~ f1,1 tlir }Jr,,p,i,t-d t , : .,. it t 1 :'\ j1t•r1,·d 10 , c.,1 , P r1·,,m the :11... urN.r,1·,. !r. • cl\,sf ry. II , ' , (l - 1 l;J; 1 1- . '('~ ·,. 11 ...., lnr "" ..-:- , l'P ' ,_ ,,. ! 1•1Hr" , :- · \{,, : jl_l 15 t,I .: B. j I ,. , J tJ,, '\1!' ... j ;! IJo l/' i :c. • ..- r , 1 • r --1 I 1,1 .1 'rf' • I ;, · .- r 1:,- " ,..,: ,,. OTHE~ STATES \ 1' 11 •' • • t" I ' • Ill ''• II, 11.. l r:• •:,. .. .. ,•. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld. I (, ·' •' 13 APR ·,97Lt- ':Jra gedy r,·r ~ ,. I-'. ... ,. , • • , , ..r . a . " .· .,I ,· • ·h.,. , .. ,. ' ~Jl • • f' n I •',. lil '" ' f' !--' ;1 ,' II!,. ,. ,. ·~ . ,, .:.f: \ ;> • •. .. ~, .\. I\. • ,. , : ,. !: ,. . I R M . , a1esty s lost' From DAVID ROWBOTHAM SYDNEY.- It would be a tragedy if Brisbane lost Her Maieaty'1 Theatre, J. C. Williamson Theatres Ltd. Now South Wales general manoger (Mr. Sydney Irving) said in Sydney yesterday. Mr. lrvtng could not comment Jurther. B ut the future of Br1sba11e·s only maJor commerc1al thentre la Q rtalnly In doubt. ~lr. Irvine was ,1. C. W!ll1amson's Queensland Manaaer, and Her M aj– esty'& managtr, tn B rls– bane for 18 years 11111.II UNI!. The manager now ls Mr. S teve Neal~. rt ls understood I hat the Australian Mut ual Provident Society, wh ich } g.u.fr ~ t .1r:r .:.':Je:~l./ has had to ahelve Its · to tncu Ihea tre l11 l~s 1et1e1•clop– ment pro~r.1111111r "Our curTf•111 tras,. nr the theRt re run" ou ·.• !I'! ~ jcthf:~~:e·~. Mr. :-ica.~ Mr. Nr nle, llko Mr. !,·. vlni , 1•011 lrt not cu111ma h imself l urthor. rr tlu• A:\! !' sor.le1.y b•- 11111.s redevt lorm•nt ol the site iu three year.-., B 1 &ban~ In JU77 will be wlthwt a major re111mJ t healre un!c5, a new thea,re Ja stnri,,d .•0011, or other Prtmi.ses nre found. There ls still hope in •ome ~h~¼~P. \~~~~rs i n I t s rPdP\'l~IOllme11 t, n1.1\' be 11ble to tiu1ld arounr1 anrJ o,·, r. nr " br :r:i.:(•", l hf' thr atrt Ul Q UPf'll Street. 1""'L1trr q11e r1 rr~ brlle \'n tlH• ltll'Ul l't' run.\ OUL ltl K lln c1..:111r,: opn1111n11 m n. 111 a rte r n redevelopmen t. proJr ct. Ii e r Ma l,..t)"! "'as }f;tt-r~nd"ts 1 !~e ~~ ri;~ t r a I I n. ' s lnrgrst opera. bnllet nnrt plit,· houses. H . l> nlso used for films. H r I • b A n e hu Other tht atre huJldJngs, but none which con match bv even half the capacity ol He r :14nJesty'a. J. C. Wllllo.nu on au– thorities ar~ reported 1.0 hove 111spected po.<slbl~ alterna!ive tnncr-city r;gF,,"c'.\\~:n"t ;;tu.~ 0 ~ ~]~ estV'5, fi u t t h • company, which celebrates Jt., cen- I,, I I , TIM£ 15 NOW • U"'•• •\' , I ,, •''