Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

Tho 0,.uoalo•4 A , I Galle,y Tru1tH1• c:h•ir– ••• (Si, La111 T reut I t•• •itllt will e11111u11c, 1ift1 te tho t•lluy worth Mero thH $120,000, 8tr ,_,. wut make 1 • • r t a I a,knowlodJ· em;,nL ta tlut .ionon ol 11alntl • p an.i 11K111•1 11 a "Tllanll11hl111 Nlihl" al lh• pllttJ. Thlo "thanlti&ldnf' eenmony wlll rolnrld• with the elfldal ...... lr';:...,:.! ,~':: .1:i~1: lion IIJ the Go,,rnor (lllr Calh1 H • nnahl. SELECTID Sir Colln QuHn•land Art Gallery Patron •tit epen Ille Hhlblllnn at 1.15 ,-111. TIit. IA an nhlhltlnn et oei..etett ,ntrl"" from Lhe Tru•h••• Prlr., :r:::•:::" ,'::,,=·~~ C. lllthanl._ •· 81r '"'°" TNlul J..• U!riay "" woald alsn a tt le I a II J 11111ounr, tanl1ht th, lloubllnr al the annual Tnl>teeo' Prbe ta IIUlt. !\IRS, UUIAN UOSCII ... $30,000 gl!L to the Queensland Art Gallery. Gl"·YEAlt H• .. 1d 1971-7% had Ileen the "bln.. t rift· :,Mr" for th• railer~ alnee 1959 when the tale Mr. H, d• Vahl Ru- = s:r.M'.="f.. 't~; pller:,. "I want l<I mike thl• ==~~~:f." ~~~h/.,~~ &aid. •I I l • nd wnultl hf' ah·rn a "'-"' art. a111llr.ry, people In 111 walk• or Ill• h•,·• bf!r.n encournrPd tn ~h'e In th, r•llrri·, "Thr l11rJ:;1111ril. !ilni:lr dnn11tlnn I" prn!'lperl l,·r.: •• i·el. Rul, II II Is marte. At rould •11proxl– mau, ~tn0.000." SPECIAL Sir l.eon sln:led out, rnr sprt•l11I mention ve!§– terday lhe rill nl Mr,. of sunshine 0 110 no won ,rs about splashirrg po, n! proved por,ular " 1!11 1 he children at the Saturday mom ,ng Crco li ve Art Classes in the Queenslnnd Ar! Gallery groLinds yes!Ndoy. Applicat ions IN 1hr ~o T ru.-.tee Scholor5h1p,, lnr 1973 for the Childrc-n s Crr.ot,ve Art ( las!ies close on Dec~mber 1. lc-01; e .. o,,,l"lc~ of thP1r o, 1n1no l w l"'rl,- ot the Arf Gallery hrfMP. Dccr.rnht>r I.Illian llnsrh, of the <iol,t Coast, of • rnlltr• tinn or drnwlng;s, prlnb ~•!~ tl~h~,f~ilJth:~I:~ 110~ ~~fl.000. lle 11lsn mtnllnnrrt 1hr hrque• I - rill ol th• IA(f' l\lr~. Rhrnr.h~ Rnl– tnor. ol CtRi•llotd. The Ruttner h1•q11e"l ,~ A ,·ntlcctlon nr rurnllnre nnrt ~uvrr or an C.lili– malrd \•Rine nr "lhnu• $~~.irio 0 r~/:~•~r,f~r~:;~ Al'Shlp. H. m,rntw roor p a1 n1 1ng · Blalk Pool" ,.\'OkPs a p· pPa rarwr~ lrom lhP air Sam Pullhroo"'s "Potn– r 1 a n ~ · · rnnrten r space in 1 n a I •nr11l l1$?ht-color !ln\l \ n r I u r1 f" rt A.rr Robrrt firlP\1" 1 1 riehc10U!- "M lm · Cin'ld rf'ptPsrnla 1nn In n'\a · l.loyd Rf'e~· . mrlJow f1guri\tt\'P, sem1- ftgura1 1,,,. · ~I <' r n I ns- Licht:· Basil and a b t ra r L s t~IP.!-. " 1t h Hadley·~ sen'illl' " rrallsm, 1.1hnu1 1wo-th irc1c; of lhf" .,,.. Gleihom·, flamboyant col• IPCtPrl R2 Pnt n P~ rrnrn in- or n1·11q1y nnrt Sha,---.-.r...k - ter !:11r , nrnkP 1h s a \ f' r · lnJ:', ··vnlrnn11· PRtnr1RI" hflnc1,.,ome m ixed pxh1b1- r ·prr 1111: tl1P r·onc·ealed t1nn. rn.~~~~t'.~~ 11 ~11P n~1'.:~:i.'·r-a, - ThP or11.e ,,·inner +1 he aah 1., n hrnu11 ful I -r1rnl l'lto1c.:t' wa.~ IIOL t>RS\' •, pa1111111c T IH'I'(' 1. n dr h - Sandra 1..-,•r~on·~ ··optu·al ,·1nu~ly r rt'-1), d r nn Rnrl Rrn s ll" ttd11r, r~ a i Pm,r wh1m~1rn1 nr1lfil'IBI land- ! 01\'Mtrv Wtt h "} temA l H' Sr A f)P " Ult1ma G hule'" r,rf'ClhlOn : 1he f,t rnn1:. nn- b\· f'larr Hnht>rh,nn. POhll'~ c.olor~ o f !he !Ill\' l-~11 1nymr11t nl rt \\'h l!Will' riOl1i blend Bl (11~t alH'f> IO a Al IOJat!lnA t lOn Al ft fllll(, .oft 1nrlescrn1 lt;-h1. chan - r rrau,r anrl ,;k tl fnl !tt· r nC'l!rd In to a ~eometrir rtul ht ~nl rrnrn Colin I.an paurrn. relrr'1 •'The O h1cc·t nf ,.<\ I nnn -nbJrcllve \vorks are: :--hon'lli of thr Mt'rl1t cr rn 4 t\ l~o ouL-;ta ndmg Among I Trnrrl 1,; tn 1~ 1 the GeoUrey OeGrnen'1 wa rm nr,rn:· a lmpJW 111nrr1n£c or and rirh color-!->tripfl paint- pH111t111~ n1111 ~r ulpture. Wfn1:;~.:~P~~r~~-·:,,1f~•~l1~ m ~i~r; ~er nndP o~ri;,~w,:t~1 lo\'er o\'11 ·.e., P•lrr Ctarkr't rr.nl/p; ;fll nr R11rrlr (ind - ~.'l'n" rsvr J 1 • 0 L"!).ot.,,,a,ttha 1 1 1t,~in 1 1apnl! rlrl rd'"· " Ji'rrnfirn Srt·to:- 5" ~-'1 t h,. c1rlt~htful ··n est 11ur ta!tz1n~ll' elusive spa tial nJ111d" by Roh,rt Ro.m e•. <1imrns1nm,. DnnMld I.JI .\'• Pnr1ru inli? pilllll lnJts hy a rnck'A lu!-h " Plum B11 r~t" JHOU!l of \,omrn p~ln1rrs whrrP. a tiny t1t 11la t1n_e r11 r- \,J,nsc ;11m~ are , 1mlla r, '•'",:a'.,P•hnokt ~0 0 r 1 m 0 , 1 h,eulrd,,ts from n ;:i 111 r I r Aun, Graham, l ~ .I II n,. ~ t,. 1• h r n In n and Dynamic Thrn there a rP Nr,·11 M II t l h,. w ~' 1·nnstr111·t1nn 'Throuj:h "' whrrt"' plartd wh lt r O\'itls a re .o;plit by riy- ~':r~~~ 5 ~•ttt~r1Jla 1 IJ~~. ~~hfla~~~ prnlsed II recently, t he sofl vnlr.c nf which must not be drownrd in more ,·ocal comp,ny. Lanrtscape m ~p1 red many good painltn~s or rar1ed 51 :r'!~!i 'li'f~.~~?· who htu abandoned geometric con– strucuon for nRture and spon1ancous brush\\'ork. af– fords n rerreshtng space expcl'il'nce in her "Sunset mRm··~,nwn·• hroorty ro- _ Unrolh)· R~ ud, ond Lhe r1 e c o r ~ t Iv e ''Merry -O Rounrt" by ,lohn Rlrhy. T t1rrr :H~ nnL rnn n wnrks llr rr whlt'h Rre rnn c·ernec1 ~,·!f h A r.rll.lcal Rltl- 1t1rte 10 ~nc\111 strurt ures.. 011c of IIH! more inlcl'C1tttn nr thrsr I'- Mlrhi.tl ·r11)•lnr'111 ~~~l:~ ~t~j·~e };:~~~·Pb!';Je l~ thr pninlrrl lnn r!\ pnl11L"'.I 11t. thr i,;11h.,;;1 1t ut1nn or the mm·lri;, for rrnl !! fr n~ wr.11 ~l~n,oor' ~l~c t~!~n~1l:c11 func- Amon2 lhn. .,r not men– tioned Are qul!P II number or ,Y1~?' E~ 1 h1~ 1 i(1~1 ri ";~lws, be showln~ •t the QuecnslRnd Art ORllery until No1·em– be 12. " AGE" Me lbourn e, Vic. -,· p nit ,.r 'lan~lr" " R l ',\ n I II' I" ' fll t ~• ,;,! r' , I ~ ,, 1 r,·• I ·i '" '.\ 11 r ...,, r-, ''- 1 n I 1••l f>r,. .1 5 4