Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

"HERALD" Melboume, Vic. 3 APR l[I4- Qld. gallery 'death tr,.p' BRISBANE. - There, wa~j~ danger of people being killed if U,c Queens– land art gallery collapsed, Sir Leon Troup said tod:iy. ·, :--.ir l.t'Oll, c \:\l1'111:\ll 11 1 the Boa l'tl fll T ru, 11'(':-. ~:1\d tht• .:.:d i 1y \\nt1lcl lrnn· 111 h,· di .. ,·d 11n– m1·<Ha1"1\·. "Tlw 1il:.111' h r ,ctcil1d \\ Ith \\ h il r : 111:. ,11\d :-,111111• •ll 11\1• lw :1 11\ • 1\11· -.p 1111- ti Jl \!I\\' (\111\'\ l'\l l\ 11\1 I ! •• :-:.11 L1'Clll :--.lid ··T lw l>tulil\th! ,·11111•1 f:111 thm ll \', \l \11111· :, n , \\'UI 1111\•: <I\.! Ill ' • ll\ l 111 Ill or c·:tl•'ll fin• , ,.. ,· , 11:-ll\' ·• 8 11· L,·,1n :-, 1 1d :,-;; ;,t•· Puhlk \\'urk , I w rn1r lll\"llt \\ ll! kllH'I\ \\tlltltl h •" i'l If\• :-pp1•1 \t11.! ll\i' iu11ldm· \.ii,. th\, \\ 1'l'k n l' 1w-..: ~ \\t·• k "T l\1• •.;,d h•t v \\'Ill to h" Co-. ' Si1 I ,•ol\ :-tll<I Jt,1\ \' ;I'- tl1'11\\ ll\:.; 11\1 fl \1:•,I ,11 lilt' tnit:-1 \al11:1b\1' tll 1\11' 11\0ll' l ilU1 1 lfll\0 p:111lli11:.:.:-- II\ llh· , 11lll•r1!1111 T h•· \H'l'k.. \\ 1111ld \1•' t.d:1•11 fro1\\ 1111..• u,•\h t , :1nd .-.t ored. 1111<\, t.'ll"IU \II 11\r {'01Hill l•1llt'tl 111l:-l'!- " \\'1· IH\\'f' 1• ,II l1•·1\ ! Ill' ~-lt tt,11\nn wlw1 , ·11 l111' " 111 1!-•dtill_ \\'IW It \\ I ll'\~•• c·1•·.ll1 1• 11•n hl1 •·.; \f thl"\' \ , li('t'.f l(l".l'I; ·:1 .I I 11l– \,11H' ut lilt' '!111\11;1:.: he : ,l 'I illf' , nll, 119n 1- •;d·1••(1 :,t n 111i r t h1\n}S-I 11 i1ll1 .. 11 P ry, near •~ aou - end of Victoria Bridire, was not expected to "! readr !or occupation unti 1978 and Queen., – landers would probably rt'::\1~• ~~~111\~:~.r:•s col- TI1e tru. tAles said in a letter to I.be Educational 11 n d C u I t u r a I Atriurs MlnlsWr, Sir Alan Flet– cher. Lhat an esLimntcrt I o square m e t r e• 116,000 i;quare feet , of storage s1,ace would be needed to house the col– lection. S I r Leon suld Lru~leefi had been uwnre for some lime of the crit– ical state of the building. AssL<t~nt director or the gnllery, Mr, B. Mel– lish, suld some painting• had been stained by wn– ter and others were In danger. ~hea,~e:Su8.:~~:J ,J.IJ million. Sir Leon said ln the plans for the new gallery, near the Briabane River m:r1u~ ::f -tt~ngf1e~ i 1 f~ o ~el~fmfl~agd t~! January Oood, In Parliament last Frl- ';;l W~ ~t~a1~ 1 na~Jt hall of tfi': new art 1al· lery alt.e had been under water In January wlU\ m: ~o.:este "r~~t) 0 ~:t:; water with the hllhelt re 1 r~1~~~:~=1i.,:er Mr. Hodgea aid the lower lloor would have ~r~etl'P.~t:r:::~r 0 :U, the main caller, floor 7 m (23 leetJ above wa– ter. • Parker the new PuK• 28. "NEWS" Aclelailcle, S.A. - 3 APR 1974 te ants attack 1allery BRISBANE, Today: beams are.., rotten they "The 1•11•1'1 will ban The Queensland Art don't nen meet," h• aald. lo be •1-4 far lbe ID• specllon wblcb will take Gallery would baYe to be Sir Leon continue«: ..,me weeks. M closed Immediately •• Tb• blilldln1 copld ran Sir WD aald lbe ·••- there wa• a ireal danier down without any warn• lery wH eompllln1 a 11•1 11 Id llaPfll! klllln ln1 d11rln1 any storm or of the mott nhaable of cou co • I catch ftre very ea1lly. the mere than I.tot staff and •l•ltors. He said State Public palnllnP In the eolleG• The ehalrman ol lh• worn De p a r I m e n I lion whlcb woald Ila board of trust.... sr, workmen would be1ln a taken from lbe 1allerJ Leon Trout, ,aid: "Th• maJor lnapecllon and re- and otnl'NI, ander caartl, place Is riddled with pairs later lhl• week or In alrcondllloned pre• while ants ·and some nnl wtek. ml•••· Frem "TELEGRAPH" Sydney, N.S.W. Now it's the BRISBANE, The Queens• land Art Gallery, cult• urol hub of the Sta te. is i11 do11ger of collop, · ing. 1'h1• ":."1-:, t•:1r.nld hull1I· Inc l~ so "hltr-:,nl • rhtdt>n ~omr or I he ht.:1m-1 ttrnl illllltort lh<" roor do 1101 mt'1•l. Thi" ,tnl~ h:l\'I" dont thf'lr Joh !-on wrll thnl tltt• c.tllf'r., m:iy rlo'ir Tltr r h;iirm:111 of tru .., ,r" "'• Sir 1,,-on Trn11l, sa ltl n •'itrrd:1,·: "r '-•or,lt- n•nli h~ kill;·tl tr thr g",lllrry l11psed. ant gallery "S1:1 rr f" \"ilt'IIUtf'J J>O"'lhlr." ,ltoultl Sir l..ron Yhl trust"" h:ul rr;,rhttl thr tit~r:llf" 110~1tio11 of clr.lntna: up II IL, t ol thr most , ·nln:a.hlt . or lhe 1000 p:i lnll111• to be, ltlkon frnni the 1alltrJ' anti ~torrd under a 21· hn!1r 1uanl in 11tr•f011· dltion,d prrm1.,.,.