Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

"COURIER MAIL" uunceston, Tas. lrlsb.ane, Old. i 4 APR ·.974 home}. fOr Art gallery near collapse BRISBANE - There w11 • danger ol people being klllad II lhe QuNnll • nd • rt gallery collapsed, Sir Leon Troup ..id yes• terdey. chairman of Sir Leon said the a•l• art gallery soon of Trustees, Jery was drawin& up • said the aaller)' would list of the . most voluable have to be closed Im· nl the more than l000 medlatoly paintings In the collection. A NEW temporary home for QuHn1land'i $4 million art 90ll1,y collection 11 expected to be announced in the II Ht few days. . "The 0 place Is riddled The work• would be with white ants and some taken from the a•ll•'l, of the beams are so rol· and stored, ~"!der JlUDr , ten tlie)' don't even meet," In air cund1t1oned pre• Sir Leon aold. mlses. "The building could "We have reached the The Queensland Art Gallery trustee's chairman (Sir Leon Trout) said yesterday that two inner-city properties wert being fall down withOut an)' •ltuation where we have warning durlna any storm to decide which work• or catch fire very easily," could he replaced U ther, considered. Sir Leon said Stole were destroyed In a .. co · Puhllc Work• Department lapse of the building, he workmen would bealn In• sold. spec llna the bulldlna late The this week or next week. al more froM "TELEGRAPH" .-5 APR i974 lrhblM, Qlcl. MI-M SPACE FOR 'ART GALLERY Th• Queensland Art Gallery'• pointing• and .•t~•r exhibits are to be displayed and stored in th• MIM bu1ld 1 n1 Ann Street. Th• -rreuurer, Sir oordon Chalk, '°Id sialA! Parliament todaY ihe fl(ih and sixth f!oora 0 1 df the MIii bul~dl:1 WOii be uaed by ihe er,. FolloWlnl vice from s Ir Lean Trout, the chairman, and il'll.lteu of Uie Queensland Na· Uonal Ari Gallery, to ihe Minister for EducaUon u,at ihe Art Galler!.. ,had aerlouo .iruoiural Alan Fletcher, and him• sell. The report showed u,ai ihe cosi of reat.orlng the An Oallery '° a saUsfac· tor, condition, would be :&'?"lb,!!lvTifil.:!~lfpei,; The area was alr-con– dliloned and valuable p a I n i I n 1 • and objects d'art would be secure and would be displayed to ad– van11111e, n~ed only for the ume 11 would take !or ihe Gavemmeni to bulld Uie new An Oallery on the aouU\Slde, Sir Gordon said the lo– cation """ vlriuallY In central Cliy and wa.s more accesalb\e '° the p11bllc, problems the Wor'kl De· parunent _ wa.s asked to make an immediate In· apecUon and report, Sir Gordon aald thla was given to ihe Wor'kl Ml :il8t.er , Mr. Hod.-, the Educ11Uon Minister, Sir Preml••• ihen were · IOUlhi for the gallery In the c1i1 ror display and -•· Sir Qordo:\ said the apace available In the MlM bUlldlnl W&II greai– er than the eflecUve It provided the moat saUsfactorY ooluUon to the temporary problem of hOu•lnl the 1allerY unUI IUI permaMnt hom• :ir. fn~fri\~ on Ito own Fron, "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Old. Art GallerY doors shut THl Queen1land Art Gallery In Gre9ary Ter ,.,e fortitude Valley, cloHd ,.nn,nent Y to the public at S P·"'· ye1teNley. The gallery will be relocated on the filth and sixth tloors of the M.I.M. building in Ann Street, City. tlie bul d ng Th• galle.-Y director cated (Mr, James WienekeI Sir· Gordon told BtalAI .aid y..ierd•Y ihe palni- parliament t. Work• De· 1ngs would be moved al· parimeni lnvtstlRaUon of mo.,i lmmedlatelY uie closed gallery hlld re· ExhlblUons planned ,·ealed uie rost ol making for l,he Q!d gaUeri· have ii safe and secure would beef' ;;nr,e~~surer <Sir beifii~'.'~l~~~~; could noi Gordon Chalk) told Par· be justllled tn \'le\\' of the uament yesierd•Y u,e 1ie,idlng construcUon of a gallery would have ample new R•ll•ri• on u,e south 81 ,ace In Its new tem- lid• or the river. Id porary 1ocaUnn. Th• new RallerYshou The ,·1tluable pa!nUnt!" , be completed In rour and obJelA d'art would years. be secure and displayed sir Gordon .aid ihe to ihe be.,i ad,,antnge on gallerY trustee., cha,lnnan i he a I r-condlUoned lSlr 1,e0n Trouil n,porl· floors ed t<> the EducaUon De- , 'P"rt.ment that ..r1ous Grea ter atructural problem• we i,ecomlnl! evldeni In • c!()SOII plltrYbUlldl , "The Trea.,urer (Sir Oor<ton Chalk > hu acled •wiltll' to find II new horne !or our excellent collection," he said. • ' M o re 11roeresa has been achieved In the laai t~?.,~af~r -~~i ,~ri::~1 ! albeit t.emporary prom• l.ses - than baa been achieved In the last 30 years. 0 Bir Leon yesterday In• •peeled premises su1• aested by Bir Gorllon, Both were alr-condl· tloned, In high-rise Inner cliY developmenia equipped with aecurlty system• suitable for the collecl.lon. Inspection Sir Leon uJd an emer• f:r~cy t~":..1:,1 ~~l~Pil; held today or tomorrow to lnspeci and recom• mend a alt.e, The tempot11r/ site for the 1allery would be leued by Uie oovern– ment until the new pi• lery ai eouih Brisbane ~u 1 ~mplet.ed, probably U88 On time The archlt.eci of the new 1allery (Mr. Robin Glb110n) said yea!MdaY ihat plannlna and dHlln · for, the 17.500,000 project Y/&I "On prosramme", He aald he did not ell• peci any maJor problema. The expected fln1ahln1 dalAI WU still early ll'IL The new pllery wlll be built on the aouihem bank of tht Brllbane riv– er near the Victoria ·Brldp, The EducaUon Min• !At.er (Sir Alan Jl'letcherl aald yesterday he ea- \ro~k'! r,.r:~~~iJ~ or tomorrow on alt.ema ~,:r:? the preMllt "TELEGRAPH" lrhblne, Qlcl. 8 a y fl'OWn portance. n will have a tem· ~~•a b :rr:1 n 1 ~ , i~~ si-t, ..,,bile awalUng const.ruct\on of a new art gallery In aouih Brlsbl\M. The ll!ih and slxih noors of MIM building will dlsplav ond store ihe wor~ of ari In "nlr - condiUoned com(orL" about Iha t decadent and tot– tery old lady on Gregory Terrate that housed our $4mllllon State a r t ~liestlO!', James Wlenifie, dirtttor or the National Art Gal– lery, remained unflappable. JNtJeS Wieneke wu bOrn In Bundaberg In 1008 and Sludled at thP Technical CollPge, Brl•· b a n e , under Martyn R,,berio. He ,peni m o • t of hi• chlldnood In the Wesi and reiurned there alter t,hree years siudy• tn,; arL en fflonth! later, he made hi• llrol art s,\11!s w ith drawln@:ri or AbOrl@ines and dro– vers and other We!tern characters. The Works ~pan• ment will exnmlne the oregorY Terrace build· 1:ig for· siruciural prob- 1~ • When lnlA!l"'lewed ihls week, Mr, Wieneke did not expectlDR ihe roof to !all In during ihe nexi hour or IO, He admltt.ed that ont of his es-olllclo duUea 18 as chief of a flying b u Ck et-and-mop brl- D11rinl! world War t1 he made siudles of Au•· tr a 11 an irooJ)S ond Japanese priM>nrrs dur· lnf his spe.re time In Ne.,, Guinea where he -.a.~ a ~rgeant.. After 1.ne war he be· Cl'fflf an art. tcRcht r at the Brlsb1me Technical College and an art crit· le. He wao the owner of Moreton G~llerl'-s a prtval.f' enterprist • •ht n he was appointed Na· 1.lonal Art Gallery direc– tor In 1987, Slnr.e then, the Gal· \en- collecilon hao i;d:tarr'~~r,\i,.~t~r,~ p a rt Ic u l a r I y heavy downpours. 1' o r 4& years the ~~n~~ ?.,•ll~'?i of the Mu, eum bullJlnc, Ii WM bum 7& yean BIO u a concert hall. l n t he temporary home and new Rallery the at.all will have matt time to look ai ihe an ;ati~1::'1e ,ic::.':nc; sil:'.'t The n•w State Gal· lery on the souihern side of Victoria Bridge ha.< yei to be bullL n II noi exJ)fCt.ed to be open unUl 1918 ai fl.ll eBU· mat,ed cosi of fl,500,000- - Jeon Slnclol