Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

QN behalf ot my fellow trustees and myself, I express our sincere apprecia– tion to the Queensland Government for the quick decision to pro– vide a safe and con– v en I en t temporary home In the M.I.M. building, 160 Ann Street, City, for the State collection and associated activities, until the new Queens– land Art Gallery Is opened In 1978. There are many prob– lem~ nssoclate,cl with the trnnsrer or a State rollcc• tlon COUIR!ning \'Rlunble and fragile Items, bnt r nm delighted to .say the whole operauon WR!ii succes~full\' accomplished and withou·t 11,ny damage to t.he collec– tion. However, there are today 8hortttges and un11,·oldnbJe deJays in obtaining ct-rt :1111 equipment. ,rncl mntrrutl requ ired nnrt it ls likrll' t.hn, t. some few months \\'ill rlarse before the gallery is R~Rlll in 11ormal opern'1ion. The phone number of the Art Gallrr1• for 1.1,e tlm• being will rN11nm !l:? 7600 and In rlue coursr the openinir dale of the nrw te mporary RRller,, will be Rnnounccd. - 1,eon Trout. Chairman of •rru!ll– tees, Queen,land Arl Gal– lery, THE Q11ee:1sla ncl Art Gallery collrcllon. worth more than $3-mlll lon. has been shift ed safely tu new, temporary premises. • Pkt 11rC' ~11owc; •he gnllc•ry ,t1 rrrt c1r ,:\'II'. J n111e,.., W :P11 r k(' 1 w!th par: 01 1:1r iw llrr~· t·nllrl'I 11111 nnrl rr"o1·r1., nn f1 l loor 11f t t-w '.\1.1.~1. Huilr! ing 111 lfiO A ll/1 S t l'POt. CII \', \'f'.'tl t'rd n ,·. Th !> fnrmr.l' ·111:P.1:11., P.c. ff,' the Mu~ .~r " ll n td lrl. :ig. C:rrl,!nry Tcrracr. \\'e rP clo:-:"<I 1111 April !1 h{'(·au.~r thr,· W"l'e c~,, lrlf'rf'rl 1111.-:·, tp to t hl' nnllllc, thP cli" e"t '11,1. ant\ tht· c:tll·-r•· r,\Hfr. l)P hoo.'ll f'f1 tn prO\''.ctP bett er RCCOfll – mnd'l l :1111 than , he J.:illlcry h as hRrt in m<irr llrnn 40 ~-t"n r.o;. The 10: nl :-pa<.:r :n the new pre1111~et- 1:- an f"'it.inAll'd lfi54 sque1·e metres 111.~nn :-.rprn re fr rt• on ly a l!ltle le:.;s thr n tlw nlcl. T ·r :·r•w prP:11 i, r - ;nr '1he fift h nnd s 1: 1·1 f11111r'- 0 11 t hr .\1 .I l'v1. B11:ld111q. " \Vr dnn ·: c·..: prc1 t 11 p gnllrr.,· lo hr o·~e :1 Ill riir Pllb)Jr' for lllh1liirr ('OIIJ)IP or 11rnn1 h:•." .\Ill'. \Vl r rlf'l.;r ,i;nal. ··wr r1111 111ake tl11~ R \·en · a 1trnc1in 1 :met n~rc~nhle ~nllrr.,· i1rnn." Mr. Wlf'n<'kf' .- nlcl. " I'm su rf" p1•nple will ~('( A !01 nf CllJ0.\'11\f'lli O\I L or II ." Th• r "'\1!1:~ hrlc: h t or the nPw r11~– pli!.\' nrrH will bP nbou.~ tll rPP mrtres rnm;mrrrt ,, Ith ~ix mrl re'S In t hP ror– nwr prr111 1 ::rs. T h is w:11 prt' \'rnt I.he lw 1H~i11i.: l)f only lhf" largr'il ll'R\'Cllin,z f', h:hil 1011.. from o, erseRs, such as h 111.!f' lll!lfl~l l"\f' O, .\fr. \Vlrnrl;P r :xpel'i~ tllr l{R!lf'ry IO l>i' in l llr ~11 .. \1. Rullcillll,( tor lour 1:i; :·\ .'i 1 :~!~tl~' I~~~ ~1 1 t ~t~~ 1 h 1 ~J<1~r~?l1~~ Wnrk, 1lrn t hnn! -!o bP s1nrf"<t. will br ~,orrc1 umtrr frOnrt prrsen·m~ cnn- Bri'iba nP Ht\·f'r. L!gh lln~ nnri n1r-ronrll1 lnnlnJ: will ~',:7~'\,~\;".~~1l1~~(t~~fv'ni;,~;;~~ a rat WHEN I first read that due to leaks and dampness etc., the art section' would be moved from the museum, r smelt a big bad rat. It now appears that my l\'or1.iP fen r5 were not. un·– foundcd as we are non· be– Ing told that the museum i~ on n .slle lhA t the R.N.A. II o11ld vcr.l' much like as •n exiensJon to its grounc1 5 • I l\•ouJd sny that the groundll'ork has been laid In preparation tor the handing over to the R.N.A, of our museum and then to Its demolillon Jo make wny for a nice shtn,v roncrcl 'e monstrosity. I don't con– sider myself • crank where conservaJ.ionism Is con- rerned. b11t_ for gondnr~fi· ~~k~u~e1j,~1-~1 -,ccrp somet lun~ .Tlie slealth, underlrnnde -wny thnL ou: lc;rdcr.s are approachm• the disposal ~{ck~~; ~~-stor1e bulldlngs The Belle Vue was 11 prime example and it is ob– vious to m• that the museum Is destined tor the =• trealroent. I would suggest that the tlm• ls ripe for a body tn be set up which 1<111 iook into a.11y mores to rm– crnach on pnrks. buitdln~~ and mrmorlnls. This body will mnke 11.s findings pub~ lie and offrr sug~rstlon.s nnd Acl\'l(•e to Lhf' Gorern– mrnt or lorn! nuthontv concerned. - r. Par.. 011,. 1n r1ucks Road, Arnna 11111,.