Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

-~ ----· -------- • Y DAVID ROWBOTHAM MR. RAOUL MELLISH has been appointed new Queens– land Art Gallery director. State Education a II d CUiturai Activities Minis– ter I Sir Alnp Fletcher> annow,ced the appoint• ment yesterday, Mr. Mell11,1 "'ill take up his new post on July I, on the retirement of the present director (Mr. Jam ea Wieneke l. Brisbane - born • 11 d educated Mr. Mellish, 46, married, with three ct,.Udren, has been Lhe gallery assistant director alnce 1D68. He attended St. Joseph's ~~lle\~·e~"~':i't~r~t r~~e State Publlo Service. He 11 a former Queensl•nd championship oarsman. STUDIED IN U.S. AND EUROPE He 1" a painter and wu awarded a Churchill ~J!~"~: 1 ~tudl~ 1 111lf~~r:. In the United States and Europe, He Is a Fellow of the ~Yal Boclet1· of Art.s, London, and li·as the first Queensland Oultural Cen•re president. He In– augurated the Ilalo– Au•trallan Travelling Art Pr~., retlrlri11 director, Mr. Wieneke, who was born In Bundaber11 In 1908, was appointed dir– ector In 1967. He said yesterday: "I'll no"' have inore time for mY own palntlnK, and private Ille." Gallery TrUstees chair· man (Sir Leon Trout l • aid yesterday the trua- MR. RAOUL MELLISH tees had recommended • trongly that Mr. Wien– eke remain at the gal– lerr for another ,;b< mo·nths aa consultant. Sir Leon said : "I think we are \'er y fortunate to have Mr. Jvlelllsh as Mr. Wteneke's successor. He has ptoved to be very royal. rella~je, and knowlcd~enble. ~r. Wieneke said that, In the circumstances, he would be more tnan haPP\' to remn1n ns con– sultnnt 1f the rc~om• mcndntton were 1at1flrct. M1·. Mellish said: "My 5trcatcst nnd most im– mediate ambition will be to see the new art 1,;ntlcry berome n rcnlity. "I wish to pav tribute to M r W1cnekr. and other dlrecLors, and to all the ncoplc wl~o have workec1 n\·cr many ycnrs for a new art Rallcry for Queensland." THI COURIER-MAIL FRIDAY JULY 12 1974 Artists to blame? I REFER to "Ignored In the Arts" (C.-M. Letters, July 10). PPl'hBps the creatl\·c art• l: t~ in Queenrlnnd [ll'C themseh·es to blnmc ror the pauci ty or rcco~nll ton by the ;\11!- lrulla n Cou ncll for the Ar!.-:,. Surely I he nrtlst.s. sculp- 1 or. . era tt :im en :1 ncl women residen t 111 Q uccnslnnd - or wh kl1 r cou ld name :!4, at the lcn ~t. nil who arc rx- cC'llenl In Ihr.11' \llll'IOII fields a re not :-.urh ".c;hrmk lng- \'iolets" nr .~o tnnrtic1JJntc th 1 t LhC'~- 1:;, n~ nm tn ke up t he :.:01111t lt'L fer t he Slate In \\'hlch Liley ll\'C'' T his npnthy Is 1n br dep– lored. G et up on ~·our hind ICJ.!~. crawl out from the llrnbo wh ic·h vou inhabit and make roi.1r prr !-irnce felt bv \'il'tuC' o f vour F'Nl– cral ·Me111br rs elf Pnrlla– lll<'nt. the Sen n t nrs. the DI– rector of the Cult ura l Aris - Ye~! we hu,·e one In Queensln.ncl - nnd b\' me– :lh m1 or t he pre>S. - 't,lllan Pedersen, 139 Rrnnett's Road, Sorman l'ark. THE AUSTRALIAN Saturcla A119u1t 10 1974 QUIINaLAND A • T GALLIRY CANCILLA TION of TRUSTEES PRIZI, 1974 THE ARTS Tl1e bigger news ,\ JtT ha, hcen n•a ll/' hi)!' 1ww~ ilnrin ,: I hc Wl•ck; the hi1rnest, ir a lilllc m a il e r of r hhc lo ;; I l m ill ion i, l11 he lhc loud1,-;lone uf im 1111rl a lll' c . Bu (' \l' ll 111,)ro~ 111- r,ort.t ll ' t ll.111 ,111 1 1. 11 , - \·~pt•11.-..1 \1·. ,•t •ll 'I H1•: I. 1),1\1\l llll.!, ',\ ,P I I\,' ,I ll IIOlll H 't'lll•' III 111 l h•• r••· ll!"C'?ll\..'lll o l 1111• JJ r,· tor o f \ hf' Q u ,•1•11 ..d ill ,\ I" G n llt• r r. ~, , .1111i;•, \V1t•11t•k••. 11i1d tht· .1;1- f~,~1\1 ~!I;;I~ t 1 1 1: I!:,,•~•:;:.\( ~\·,, n uou : :'\kll1.•l1 a ... 11 , .-, 1i.. • l'f' -..-;o r. O f l hf' .r., l l:-on r ,1111 r. " D lue Po lt.• , 1H• \ 0 11 11~ p l:ly Ill t ill' C I \ II ill I d o llUI pr, ,110:-(.• 11.1\ 111..: .l ll.\"l l11nt! tn ,"-:.\' UI \' I Ll1t·rc 1111 .... l,1•1•11 I 11111• fu:· adequn t c t"ln'"t' .11 , ,n..• 1 t 111 n n d ab:,01pt1011 01 tl w piece•. EXC'f'PI to pr,111t n 11r. th nt m OII"\" tin:- nni 11.11 .! wh atc\ er LO tin \\ 11 h thr iU'llSIH.' v u l\11' o •· .t p.1111l – lllt=" or a ny o\ l1t•r 'A•11 k o { art. Exorbitant n ·.... 1110 11etnr\' va!ur Is merel \' a mnttrr of .~u11- p l~• arid dmnnnd . tlH·n• 1:-– or\tv one " Blur, Pol<'. .,·· nnd. if t h 1i rr are SUi • r i c i e 11 t. collel·lors .,ur· fic1entlv cage r to ~t!cure It. thr prict• P!11d will he in d irect ri\l10 to thr dept.h of the dt•epes~ pocket. I am not sure that lhl• markel 81tuatlon ap111ied In the purchase by the Amlralian (.overnment ., ••Bl•e poles" and ha,-e Uie feellnr that the ~=---:e..=:- .. , •. It 1• t• ,•r, ·, ,, ll,1\ t' ll 1!1 ! .r 1-. ~;1 '•J 1•,11 II 0 :1,· UI I 1,i 111,, Lt• 1'1 11111 \Id· IJ 1' t •• l111•t1l 111 11 \ ,t 1 • u,· 1. \ A11r.: oi' 1r1 - ..,lJ ~II .1\1 111,.: .111rl ,1•1• 11 '' UllH' 1',1!1·.,. ' .I;, r.1r a. ... H1 h li.111t• J~ t •'ll 1'1'114'.I 'A Ill l1t• L' Ll'ldl h•JI' Ill · rltl" llr(' , lh•· D l!"l't' 11r 111 ·h,· ::-;t:1l<· (i~d .L·r~ 1•x- 1•r1· ,• ..,l'.-. 1, f tll\! tll\1111~ 1n- 1l1wricl'. Th4l l.s wh,· I rlaim llu l lh.- ha ncllin;.: urer 11( th1• rr lth i:uidln~ lht" tllll"t"ll..,huul Art ( ,:llh•r.v \\a.., lht• 111or1• im1rnrta11l 1•h•t.-e ur 111'\\ !1,, Added F<Jr the I.L-~I $1'\'('ll v~ar ..... ~1r. W t1·111·h1• 11:1:- ~1:! 1t L:~•: ~JU~l~:\~'\c;:~n\~i~1;: ~~ awu.ri: tncs.') of art 1owarc1 ... ~1 r 11~tr~~~-;u~~,;1\;•rn,\~'--~';: .-rc1:-rd thf' dut,. of rn · h1111cim: lhc S1nt<.•'.-. ru·\.. ('11!lcction. Surely hnm pcr"d hy !\ chro111c lack of runc1!;, d,li.:.ged by the continuing del{•r1urnt1on or a build · 111c: thnt hi\.'- now filrnlly ~1\ t•n Uf> the ~host. he Im.:. not only added lo the colle<"lion but hos h~– crensed respect for It m 01 her S t ates. Mr. Mellish lnl•r.rlts the d1rflcultles - e\'en one of h a v I n g the collecUon houaed and dlsplayc~ In 1. ~ ni p o r a r y premlSes. however well-appointed the• may be. But he alao hM the p~ot ot • oompletely The Sunday Mall n ,...,...._ Ci.dh·r v 111 wl11ch 1.il M ll t':ld 111111-,,l!lt 111 till' llO · pl.'I u ly I\OL·LOO-cll~~llllt 1111 urc alter all. the old Li.~~~·~: Ii/., -~~c \~~;~,~ !H~~~~I~~ .-.h ll t. r L'l)0...,1tor y fur ll lur• l,lllll'. :\ II ltl't - lo\'l.'l'S nnd, I :\1 1 :-.11n•, t he cornmunlt,y ,11 lnrgL•. \1,;lll WL'ih M r. \V1c11c ke h cnllh and ha11- p1n1•~" in h is certainly n ot id le n •t1rc111ent a.'i tl11•,· w1:sh Mr. Melll!ih s1 a•i-£":-.-. u ncl ·"ntl"fortlon 1n Lilr l'llrt ll.-.11~i11~ 1,0.-.1- 110 11 111 wh ich he IIOW l llltb t! 1111-.elr. An a r li..;;t wh m,r M"Ork ha-. not hll111'rlo c·onu• to 111 )' nulic:r l,ut whu ,..hoWM ,oim• ,wn~il h-c• hh•11,;; and .a n t'11t'Olll'Ul: i11i: c·onLrol of dr:u1~hl"illHU1..,hip, i:t r~hlhllh1Lt a fnll'ly r.ont- ft~~h~hi!:~lt ('::::;~~1 11 <.;: Edward Slrt.-el) . Noel Warrtl'n Ls at his best in a number or ~:-.~t•t;".; "'~/~~~\l bi~~~ dean-cut.. 1\-tuch of h L~ work has" ~~~~~nc~y arc1:11J3~,; t~~ ruther than cm aggres• si,·e tang - and convey.'I a sense of deep ln• votvement in the subject. There Ls also a pre• r:::s•~~i w~h .!,'u~~~ than approxlma~l)' half the pieces In t he showtns are concerned with oorn or ve..,tahlea - which tends to restrict the overall appeal or the or– rermc, JUNE 30, 1974 ··'I