Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

• • to nine 1n Queensland NINE Queensland•~• are amo119 the 68 Australian Churchill Fellows for 1973. They will study o wide range of fields - from remedial education to poteto marketing. The fellowsh ips ore awarded to enable Australians to study abroad and gain overseas exper ience. Tht latt • t award, tre the 1i9hth r11ade by tht Wl111to11 Churchill Mtr11orltl Tru1t, and trt worth • tatol af $220,000. The trust ha., no"' n ·arcted 441 Churchill Fellowships. The a,•erage value nl the 1973 awards 1, 53200. Winston Churchill Me• mortal Trust chief execu– t11·e ofl11•er (Dr. lvor 0 . Meddleton I announced the 68 winners 152 men. 18 women, In Canberra last night. The Queensland win• ntr5 are : Mr. Rudney Warm• lnrlon, 29. a State Work• ~fN"~h"J::;;gate a,;;~;:~i; free architecture to gain know I e dge and ex– perience In movement or f: 1~h~nt~~~~~/:~ ~~g:~ tectural environment. Mr. Warm !ngt.on , of Brelox Street. t:hcrms!de, rrg~~~~C~fit~t si~.~y;~~ I! conrtned to a \\•heel• chair. He will leave for the United St.\tes In January on a three - mont.h tour. As secretAry of the Queensl•nd Committee for Access for the Dis– abled. h• wl!I •dvlse ar– chlterts and builders on hi5 return. Mr. Ranni ~lelll, h, 44. assistant director or the Queensla nd Art Oallcry. Is to study techniques or gallery artmlnlstrallon. part.tculnrly display pre– sentation and rc~t oratlnn or art exhibitions. and educational methods within galleries. Mr. Mellish, married. with three children. li\'Ps • t Da~mar Street. Hol– land Park West. Chicago, N•w York, Lon• don, a nd Parts. Mr. Jame• Bruce, 51. a d o t u m e n t repairer• b o ok b I n rl e r with the Slat• Archive,. I• to In• 1·es1lgate new trends In repair and preserva1 1on of documents and record mRter!al. Mr. Bruce, married. with two children, or Sector Street, Coorpuoo. will go oversrAs next April for three months. · He w!tl visit the Puhhc Record• Office, the Jnrtta orrtce Library. and the Imperial College or Sci– ence and Technology. all Jn Lnndon, and a paper mill In Scotl&nd. ~lr. Wllllam Anthony gr~ri'~ 53 Bu 1 ~r!"ar~ti. Beechmont. Is to study accommodation centres which relate exclusively to nat.tonal parks with particular attention I<> des I g n and planning public education and "!n– terprcta ll ve" facllltle&, vacation schools. Mr. Groom. married. with two children. will visit national parks In the United State• for thrr.e months from next April, Airs, Irene Dan·enlu., a teacher at Salisbury High School, " 'Ill study espcct.s or remedial edu– cation rel•led to the problems of pupils Jn aec– ondary schools. Mrs. OarvenJ, a, mother ·or three children, or Vic• tor!a A venue, Chelmer, said thLs was a new field In Queensland. She will work In Junior t~ft~d J~~~ls;n:r B:n~ a!n. · Mn, Darveniaa Mr. K. Frederick Donn)', fiJ. manager of t h t ,,. o r k er s · com– prnsa lton departmtmt at 1h• Sta te Go1·crnmcnL lnsuranre Ollie• . I• to sturiy Rdmlnl. ..1rat..lnn or :;~~k;h:· rrh~i;u~;7;~ 1 ~7 lnJurrrl ~·orkrr~ \n nd– ,·nnrrct OH'r'-CI\S coun– trtr~. Mr "''ith IIX children. 11,·e• at Nel- • n Stroet, Kalln;a. He ••Id he w1111 Inter• est•d In workers· corn· ~:~~ ~~:~ ~r.:~. ~~~·1~•: Mr, Doody ternational Labor Or• ganlsallon In Geneva, and the National Health Scheme In BrltJln. Mr, Alan John Beattle, 46,chalrman and manag– ing director or the Ather– ton Tableland Potato Grower• Co-nPf!ratl1·e. will study lrteas on brushing packagtn,, ~~kke~~~l!ng ~;~~•~~: trnl or m•rkeUng of l)OIRloes. Mr. Bl!att!e, married, \\'Ith lll'e ohl!rlren, live • on • farm In Malanda Ro•d. Atherton. He w!II tour the United States. Britain. Germany and Holland for lour m on t h s •tarttn1 next MR)'. Mr. R,nry La11renee Thomp1nn, 40, laboratory manager In the UnJver– sttr DepRrtment of .Clln!– ca Btud!ea, Is t.o ,,..·dy IRh0rRIOry design. l'lo..f·· agement •nd technl!l'I •Ut uo11tonpo1 1\itut!ona. Mr. Thompson. ma r– ried, with two children, lives At Pentlay Street. Kenmorr!. He said he would at– tend veterlnar)· schools In the United Sl ates. Ca– nada. and Britain to took at. advanced labora1or)r techniques that could be w;ed In Au1tral!a . Hi• •Ix-month leave w!II begin next March. Sup, rlnlendanl Nor• man Sydney Gutbran.. n, ilti, supertntendant In charge or the Queen•land Police Brisbane ReKlon, 1\111 study the !unction, est.•bllshment, or11an– l•• tlon and operatlnn or crlm• lntelll~ence um~, In overseM police depart– ments and their use In the prevention or organ-. lsed crime. Mr. Oulbron.sen, mar– rltd with two Adults ~ons and an adult dnught.er . Is a rormer chief n! the Queensl•nd police Crtme Inletl!gcnce Unit. Mr. Gulbransen trAn!lrerred to lakP !'hargc or the Bnsh•ne CIB, st!ll retam,nc con– trol or t.he Crime In – l. 11 I~ en C. Unit,, In JAnuRr)', He was prnmolcr1 to Bri.shane police region superintendent on Sep• tcmbcr 21. While 01·ersca.s he 11'11I study crime lnt,clllgence untt ' operattons In USA and Brlt•ln.