Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

THE Queensland Museum building was not In danger of being condemned as far as he knew, the Education Minister (Sir Alan Fletcher) told Parliament yesterday. Ht to14 Mr. Davit IA,L,P., lri • l,e11al that Workt Depart111111t lnvntl11i.ra hatl checkatl tha otructura after n1in1 w111 h11NI I• ona 1actlo11. It hod b11n ,ap14 off hen, tht public lpicturetll ond tht lnvntl..tlon tf th1 Art Gallery by •••• 1ultonll hd ~"" 1111•••• II lnciutla Iha mu11um. "No ln1n11dltite action te relocata tha m11..um It plonntd, ~ut tha wholt 'IUHlltn of tlia mu1eum'1 current 1itu • tlo• I • un4er con114tr • 110tt," ha Hid. ·Thi c1nt • n11 wore ln1u114 for $10 mi111011, with a further pu~llc risk policy 11 $2 milllo11. (;J)1len1 P'rc5":. Cvtt,iJ.Q'.; l&iok. Sti,N 1,; m Uh . {S(i :tq ,ro . !UNDAT SU1', AUGUST Ill.' JW4 Right spot for relics QUEENSLAND Museum is in sadder shape than the old, stuffed relics that stare glassy– eyed from its showcases. Dry brontosaurus be relulil'ely b rier. bones In the cellar Brisbone Art O nllcry have withstood t.he hnstlll' wns moved from one l\'lng or the brick ~:~~~~;";ett~~. t;~~~i~;~~ 0~: Bt.l'UCl\lrC l\ fcv.• n1on lhS i1ntc m11:-:1_1um building Rg~iw roor wns lrukhH! hns stooc.l 1111 to ILs 76 and l,hc ceiling so ~lrnkY HU~~~'t!-~ck n lnrgc nrN\ thrrc ~:ns some t nlk of or floor.i;,pnl'C wns roped L,"ulnC" nrt lovers wit h orr rrom the 1J11blic when • fnults were 1011111I In rn flcrs nbovc. Mu!-irIm1 dlrrrtor Dr Alnn Bnnilolomai llC– n lNI tlll'l't' WIIS fl ll\' <lnn– µc r or tile 1.:1 1 \lini; 'cnring in "B\11 "'" lrn,·r t nkr n nctl1Jn to r11,11rc there l:i- no c.:lrnnc·e or Injury to an~tmr:· he ~mid. "Tl1r ropcd-orr n, cn or l hr f1001· l\"111 be re– np('nl.'d nrtrr t,;r,·rrnl t,rnrrs lln,·c bC'cn filled.'' t-towc,·cr. t 11r.rc ser ms Ill t le doubt Ihe bullc.l· I lng's Ille Is doomed to crn.~h hr lmctA. To arnicl dlsMter the J)fllnl ings were shll'led W> n new site In t.he clt)' nnd th.c gnllery 1rill8 permanrntly closed. Unfol't11 n:1 trly a whole musr11111 c·nn't l>" pnckcd olT nnd enrtcd awny W> alternnt.ire premU:es quite so cnsily, In fo ci. snys Dr Bnrt – holo11111 I, It would t.nke somet hing like fi re renrs t.o n•~llc the fiC\'C'l'lll mlll1011 l>lls nnd plecea unc.lcr his con trol. II also mcnns a nel\' lll\lSC\1111 h flS to be built. Anc1 thnt lnvolrrs mll• lions or cloliRrs. Dr Iln:-• holomn l thnl -.·hen built muscunl Intended crnt11rlts. never lO The site most fnrnrcd b)' Dr Bnrlholomnl ls.·1D 11rnrhy AlbcrL P:1rk.