Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

"MOlllNING HERALD" Sydney, N.S.W. ,._ 'reative art critic dies at 59 Mll l.auunee Nleho""' Barrell U.aurieJ Thumu, ror-r ari• edll« or THE AUSTKALIAN, died In Sydney yeslerday ari.,r a ..ntr IIIRH-,. He WIili !\9. Many prvmlntnl ,\u.lrallall arll•lii. ar~Uery o,rneno and media eollea,un pralJitd Iii • -lribuUon 10 arl crill<IDI la•I nl1hl. John Olaen, &lie palnltr, ..W Mr ~ had a .,n.., .r ~:, and a ,..,., humllllJ amo•tr orlllca when appn,achln1 a •- or art. CUrton Push, lhe painter, uld: •t nner k- a more rreall•• man who atlempl4'd lo work wllh bureaucrar:,. II• ..,.. alway1 a r1trbler.'' ,1 r Thoma• leavH a ,rldO~·, A priY&I• uematlon .errlee will be held In 8:,dn•J thl• -nln , Art c·ritic (59) dies A former director of the WA Art Gallery, Mr Laurence Nicholas Bar– rett (Laurie) Thomas has died In Sydney alter a Ions llln(!fl8. He was 59. He came to \VA after reslenlng as assistant di• rector of the National Gallery of Victoria. He reslsned from hlli . WA post In 1956 and later became director of the Queensland Art Gal• lery. Before his death he was arts critic for the ri::~paper the Austra. . '· Death of leading art critic A lc:1d111g .in "1 111~ ~1nll wri ler J\l r L;1111ic I l1111m1, J iell )c:,ti:rda~ . a~ed . 1 1, A r ruin1,:ll Lli1i.;1,;t111 or the J>c.:ri h An t_1.dl"'"' in I 'J5~, Ill' rc..·,1i;nL'd uilcl" four )C:11, tu l'l'i:tmh: a leader wrircr and 1h1..·,1lll' \!rilic for ··The Sun" in Syllnry. He °" a~ arroinh'.'d 1l11 C(· 1o r o f the C)11l't.•ml11nll All Jallery in ltJhl ,1nd joinL·d · T he .·\u, 1r.ilmn'' ih :111, c, 'itor in 19h7. \ fr ·11mm.1o;; \\ ,tS ;, 1t11cc•}c:1r fcllm, ,h1p frn c rc;1li\c \\ ri1ing b)' the :\11, 1r:di:1n , ·011111.:il for 1he Arh in A t1g11,1 laq \C:tr. H " i, ,11n ivcd hr hi, ,, i1~. llrml\\) ll. in Brisbane's inner city was the l • cl< af trres and (th, Very ltn. ''" George) • oid yesterday. ft 1:-. 11·1,,. 11,• 1" 11l,,1,whl f l -' ,. 111' er,,wt ,,,,,, ,d \\'ll.~ JU ', t'/ , t, µlioll , ,.d tu ,,. i ;1 B1 1,n. ,, ,1,1• p t11 r:t11H! ' :, ~: ,. th,. Cn - :1111, p,1~ ,,r,,1 t11,, , ,, 5'1 :.rtr L"" • l•r a · :no..., ~1h'"r" 0 11 1 1>:h,1 111 ,n r' 11 pl,,r ,. 1,l11rh r 1t.n IJ,. ,\ L'- 11, •~ 11 ,·d .n 1111 !1,,r lhJt n ll ld!L~~•I: 1 ./\)t: r~;, i:ll ,;:~~ ~::t,.~ 1~•,::Lltr~;.:~~:;l(ln~r.~)llll d 1' !' H h J" ,v iii L 1• \ ,. ;, 11 J " .. . 111 ••::, 11• i:1111111•-.1 d ·. ,~'1 ,\• ,,p1•,1 lit' ·,·I cl If YI' )t!io\\ p,ll-. I" " hA.1•,, "l ' t,, Pt irt•,h I •'ll :1 h , , 11, l1 pr11 r• · , · tir ,•11, ., • 1 1 r r n 'J, f •11' r1,•r, h,1r n 1:i:b, 1• ,,, , 1 111k' lf"I 0,1,, . ..,t "; 1) 1' r llt' •' •" t"l.t 1H P 1:-· h:\d an1 Al• ,.,t to I.J,,111•1 1' , 111, r••:,- f t\fl ' 1111.\ I , · ,ir" i •",' l•i aer.'I ; /l•' T• ,.,-.. 0 t "ill:/ \'i~ f!:i,~;l~~ K. -I'•• :·1,i. 1 f'\ 11 I y ,i ;• t"" f 'nn h\· "lft tt C ll ) C W lCJ I, corn:. m r rr f' IUl\1 ln'1 ll'h r\' H.llrf p I! r ~ u r, a 1 ,,.,, 0Pr, h1p v.oulrl u: 11:j,: ln"'"'"' !n to lilt .,trl"r :., , i~ <1pl r tn th i- h~,~:~'/'\~·~1 ,~:~J 'i\~~ll f~~tl~ "" n 1 1rn11 n1tnt · ,~. 11 r;,.orjl,., C-rllll I"" 1 1Jn~Jr r1 , to \\ 1rl,·n Colt, ~ln,lf'fi f'lr''. I" ttn1! Afl n (hrr 1 whernt l,J '\o'••ht-, ·•r> • ~ll D"-lanu a ,•rr n " ' :,..=" ·' ',~ 1 "" ,. i'r.. rf'I. for • r ,. • ,· , . .,,~ ,.: ".'' .'·_ .. ' •...·.,·_""• ' • . • i_, 'l."-' • ,·. "COUlllER MAIL" Brisbane, Old. / f, • I ; - . , . ..., .. ' ... Q ueensland arts circles paid lugh tribute yester· day to the late Mr. Laurie Thoma3, a former Queensland Art Gallen · dlrrctor. 'A'hO died in s,· ney this week. ·Mr. Thomas. ~9. died ~~~r o"ne 10 ~f l~:::tia11~·~ leudlng art authorities, and a Journallst, lecturer, cr u lc and auLhor. He died In Sydn•l' on Tu es rlR )' and WllS c rcmatect rcstcrday. He ha-. l~!t 8 widow. Mr. T hom as was Queensland Art Oa llcrv director Iron 1061 to 10~7.