Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

''If you were asked to choose a ·work of art for yourself from the Queensland Art Gallery, what would it be'I" That was tM Brisbane-born artist, Mr. John Rigby, who has won many art awards and is represented in most Austr1Jltan galleries, now is an administrator at the Seven Hills College of Art. He chose the pointing reproduced on the right and gives these reasons for his selection: "I have selected Sam Fullb,oak's r.ainting 'Portrait of Ernestine Hil ,' for reproduction. Being a recent acquisition for the Queensland Art Gallery Collection it remain, vividly in my mind as a very fine painting. Colar comes, I feel, in Fullbrook's pointing to creole a mood and to explore the pouibilities of subtle tones and colon with overtones. As the picture progreues, these qualities begin to dominate and the subject becorries partly dissolved in the play of shape and cola:. The portrait still remains, the ch•.1racter Yividly retained, recog1,ition of the subject still to the tone, but ave, and above this an ernotion felt by color. Along ·Nith thi, is accomplished techni que - and individuality. Soft and luminous with the slash of red mouth a, a dominant note . Contc.iurs ore lost and found in the most subtl e question. Here and on the next two pages are· the answers (the other is on the cover) and the reasons why the selections were made: way. Animations and gesture ore achieved by the diagonal compositiori, all odding up to a ~ remodcabe portrait 1n the idiom of . our time ." / L .::::.- ...:.l~ ~ ,:____..;....;:;:____~_.------------ ---..,