Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 (,01 ' Above, " Troi, Dan,euses a la Claue de Danse" by Edgar Degas is the choice mode by Mr. Arthur Evan Read, artist, whose land,capes hang in most of th~ important galleries in Australia and among whose many awards are the Wynne Priz.e and the H. C. Richards Memorial Prize. He says: "It is always difficult lo select one favourite painting in a large collection such as that of the Queensland Art Gallery. Many works ore liked for many different reasons, both figurative and abstract. However to scl'!ct Oego,.· 'Troise Danseuses a lo Cloue de Dense ' was comparatively easy. Se~ing at lco\t one other version of this theme overseas , as well as many of the qreot Degas worh, mode me reafo,c this one is indeed a fin e example. It is o work that con be r~sponded to by art e,;pert and casual viewc,r alike, and we in Que~nslond ore very fortunate to o wn it. Degas, surely among the great in expressing the human figure. brou g ht sensitivity , and what is most important, a wonderful sense of humanity into all his work . This work will always remain a 1oy to anyone taking the time to study it closely.· · I I J :,( ' f ~~I , ,. .J I> I . Arthur Evan I.ad