Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

f 101n MAIL" Old No. 1 Brisb.lne, Old. light of day IACK in 119S, 1hortly ofter the Queenslond Art Gallery wa1 liahed Jhe authoritiH of the day made their lint purchase. b,.!~1 f"n~: 1 ~~! ,, ;":1';.. ~ra ,·en a.1·(·ompJiehed and b,nu11r I pier , of \\ Ork br Blanctforrt Flet<'l1er. Like numr another nf th,. aulle.r)'·a trea 11r,,. ··~ fl1fii!i• ,p,nd• most ir 11S °'"''" h1ddrn awa}· tn 1 ,tnrrrornn . there lillllllJ ls not ronm ~~n~:t ?~st· l::t~!~•~ gailer)• to dlsp!at a lithe or the lj13te'1 a, 1 poser.,- ionL ' Rllt II h.. b•en the praullce ol the &alh•ry d Ire cJ or, llr. Jame,-. Wlenelce, tram llm• lo lime la del•• Into lhn,, treasure1, and mak1, a i-,t.• 1.-,·tlu1~ blh· ,·h•M· In;:. T ht> IRtrst urli ~e:r,·– t 1011. now nn , 1 le\, 111 the G rf""Ory Tfrntce 1i:allrry, includrs Pletcher· paint– '"~ - ; "owl pnint 11( in– tere.t,tt , r ,·1r wrrg, So. '. m11,:h1 \\'ell be T . W. t:oulderr , "Tho Lr 1t.11n:ur Drama·· thnt h 1t?1!::~ c•'<t"ie b, . Bot I; • rlei,~htful ,x. nmplf"s '" tht work or n J)rrrnd that Is 111 ctanger of br111J: o,·e1 lookr ct In rn,·our nf more rlnmbor– ant mocJern Sl\'lrs. ity The n ir t•nr f'' l11lnt 10n I"- l,11 100 l"OIIIJJl'f'llf•!l!'ll\ f 10 ., l!O\\ 1111) 1l: \1'JJll)I Al illdl\ u1uu l !lfl! Wt•. E11ough lO e8\ II 1·011q1:-t.'-t'~ IJ.tllll – lllJ.:..,_ n1 .11 ,•• .-..d!y l11gh :--1 a11c1,,rn 111 a r.!\ 1 r.~uy of El,\ Ii•... 1-: a r I ., lrn1,n•~.. 1unl<im krr11s ,·um1,an) "llh C'nn– t,,m1mran .t h-,1r.u·1iun : l:11111,,·arw ha .. ,1111 llfe ai. I J'Ullnin.: •malt·· AUlilra - 11 a n :1i-1it1h ,·hallrn,:e ,·nmparh,011 " ith rnl • h·a;:u1•s from anos!I t.he ,. ..... Snrnt of thr plrcr.~ will bf' !u111ll1or LO Rrt-fnllow– f'l r~ . othe:-~ hn, , 1 not pie– , 1r1u.:I\· ,or 1wt tor R ,rr\' fon 1! 1 1111e • beeu u – h1bllrd twre. T hrrr 1.11: for r~AIIIJllf'. ;,w1~ 1 \ 1 ha1 ';,~1~t{;f' 1{ 1 ; ~:;~ flrl5f! tt1 d 1111 f'Xl'llPJnf'IH 10 those who know hr r ~;;~~Hl ~~t; R,11 Jr.",\}1~:.r O[ IVHl, N 11e hn\'e the lon•! · J)J Onttsrd 11rw Al'l r:;nllrrr. It mar he pos– Alhlr tn .~·ee thrse anc1 othrr work. nt frtquen1 l111rr\'nl,i; in th£" n,, nn• I I m e ' f"\'f'l'Y R~l •IO\"f"f ~hnl'lci t?i,•e J 1 m1~rlf a 1rra1 b,· rironnina In on \\ 0 ha1 Mr Wir nrk, llAl'I nwn:•"rrl In nrnke nrRII– Ahlt' Ihle; w,rk. "MAIL" 11 JUL197f Qld. art show impresses f. . FR! !'I kl'- i; Thue how• be~n l•ml' \ In the pOII whefll th• Q1.1un1land A.rt Galle, ,. ha1 bun ecuue-d of '-••,,9 tlfflid it not ,eoctiona,.,, 1,. 1h • ct9u l1ition ,.1i,, tor ih collection , Thr fa<"t 01 t hr 111:1r·n f.'R~ lhf\t , • ·h ll,. thf"fP m~> hA , r ~ n. LO ~A·: lhfl lflfl ~l. & "t.nv11ttr'lnHI" APrtl'OR1•h , t.ht : monry tn m • k • up,'Ml"1! pur– r ha..,.tt: !llrnply ...IA noL ll'AliahlP IIIIJ1f 0 \ f'llll ' lll ltl I h r !1· n ,1nr1S\I ,11 .A. ~1nn h ,tf. nnt hf"l'rl O\ f' l'·l:fntr o ~. bin ,·1~11or~ 10 1 hr OalltrY '– r I r rtn t ,.. ,h ,hn ,on - ttmtn 10 •·om,,lt11H•111 F11 rnriean Cult 111, l \\ 'r" K t.'hlr h br~ln'- r,r q F'n •· . - r trl t.llll}' " Ill ,11•1 llfl' !'hie to r o ncl1-mn I h•• ,:1d• 1, n•'! m n--il rrc-tnt Mi't"'flll ~11 inn~ ''" I he ~r\ 1 rt nl 1111 f,u J. ~, · I ' , ,:r- 1~ :~\J,; r1;~11 ,.ri ',' "r l~~-J~·.,t -~i r ,I !I• ., r· ' ,:i. ••, I \ I... A 1 1 ' ,. \ ,,r," 1-,, 1 A. "' n l" f 1J , 11.1 urf'I 1' /lf' a, :• 11 y , ' \ 'I k 1 1l1 1,,,.. ,...,_ r "'<'"' fll ,- ·1\Nl 111 •nt< ,·o. h•• • ,.., 11·,, • ol !I I Ill 11• 0\\ 1,1• , ~ 11•1\d l t•1r t h ,. .r...: t1nH• 111• , , •in ••• l 111 , u , ) ~ r,• r ~ !l ' r1 • 1 ·., 1. .; ..; "' n ,Pr 1 • r n ~ 1d 1.1·1t l IH\ ',t' .t,1 1'rH. "'.l, f\ ., k,•L('h fnt rt '1l · llf'<l 1ron · p :1.,,1" ,~l· ,,, t~, 1 =~·i;~ F~r~I ,;: "{t~:0...1'1:,' 111 \ .so rr id" ttnil · '\;f'\'\' Fi\, "' 1r 1h,.. \.\" •·· •~ p, •1r 1P' ,l,1!i r \I, . ,I F'1l'fi \\' lnu 11-; • "- ... n k !~of r h 11.1.t1 •,>1, · ••· H P I'' J-'f'r ll ,-. ' h ll' \ ~.,·!111 Km ll "n1<'or' ~ 11 1J'!r -.. ~· \I.P '.l n.~ ;l :1 11 h ...n 1hni: " natl "rulp lu rit h, .lnt111 Mt.., r1n t· i,11 It,•· c!t •Pl" 1 ,l I ,t \A 1; ,,i. p &,"l tl l\fii'• ::· ~11.r~ ..~., ,. n:1':, ,-:1't1~::!r l l I ·, I' ,,, 1 11 1\/t<1 F ,.,...: 11! •·:-. " 1th \•' .l ,I• ••1' 1 , l ' It I ; "~ • \ I r 1- ' ,I f' ':• , :• r ~ • f' ,1 '>U I r ,1,.: ,t'd I , ' ' •• 1' !h 11 1· lR i;f' tllf! •~1•t•II\ ''' ,I. '• In (.,o•,f'll '1\l'lll 1',11/•111 \I t•~ 1 rw I ,\ ,, 1.-. 011 1 II•' d a t ,111:" ,.. ,1, , ,. 11-.,n 11r •·I""" I •. I 'r . ' " fj .. " l"f':I'•"' 1 " , n ,,\((• 1,, •·'II ah ,/111\1' '.1' ,if 't 11• p rO)IIIS4lr1 ( inl!I':\' a ,11; A •·! {'l' l'\l l f R )lf \fl/lJ\ n eye..ca c er o Vivien Hanis, 18, left, and Koren Kintr, 17, botlt of Stafford, 11A they admire this large Australian lnnd•cape. The Olgaa • , • Soon, p11lnted by Breit Whiteley. nt a Queen• I R n d Arl Gallery showing, to he opcneCI tomorrow by the Premier, Mr. D j c I k e • P etersen. Work• to be shown nt the g a II c r y. in aasoclnlion with the p e ter Stuyv~nnl the best Austrnlinn Trust, include 55 of lnndscn1>cs.