Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

Premier hit .on The Sunday Mall • IS a STIRRER * Prince Charles will he at his • service FORf.ET "All Gas and (;aiters". Brisbane·s Dean Ian (;eorJ,!e would .never fit the 1iart. T he l:: ugli h 1iv character i, a stickler for 11 1 diem! cathedral tradit ion: . B11t Df'all (ir 1lrl!t !Inds 111 11 !1 of 1 !\,. p,,mp and 1.·Pn•,111 •11\ ,, , '-',1 1 rrl wlt.h .St .Jnll!l'., (' 1' 1\N1ral nne of hr er" " ,•. 'I lle h:-t.1i to· bear n,,,rn n riMt.:f' :"' •HI, ha& rut :\111"r11·a11 ww•, nar. h,Li a, ,111 1 ,kr.-. a ln.ri ::e bLU'k p JI'' - nnrl pull.-; Jlfl p lll'!H'S \\ llh I'll\' or t,:0 \ 1•rrrnw111 rl!c111111r:r!I In h i, IR month~ In Hrlsha nr. hr lt:u hc•rnme knn" n n.; a hit n( a ~tlr• rt•r . hnth \\llhln 1hr An,i:• lh'a n t 'h11rd1 111d In the g1·•1tl'1<ll ,·1,mrn1111lt~·. In hi~ •\l!!('f' \\ )H' ?'fl T ~1;~k;;l:;•.1n~~ 1.~· 1 /\~~t:~ i';\1~1~- h1•hi11d 'IH• Cntl1l'rtral, bf' . ..:o t nrll'd a t·n111 fo:·t;1h:£1 c-o:11u ..:011 tif proppr<!•np pn 1111 111trs. p:lr, or hnoko,; 111 ,d a ln1~f' d1•o,;k slrC'Wll \\I' ll pApt'l'S l\llrl forms. IIf' wa..'- in thr middle of ArrtU1l!ilH! I\ .'-t'""ftllll'"rl- 1 e n a r \' SN\'I<'(' IIC'Xt m ont h !n the Cnt he<lml to he nt t..e.nded hy rrmce Ch nrle!-. Perhnr>., the first thin~ yrn1 not tee Rhn11t Drnn G eor~e ls tha,t he tJ.( P,\ n nnp or thf' pb titurtrs helol'ed or many rhurch– n1en. Relaxed H e set.s nn,·one nL ensc hnmcd1nteJ~· ·with his re– lnxcr1 manner nnd re– m nrks nbnut ··mnn1,;lcd matins" nmt "gon~s n11d srnnke," He has flllerl the clllfl· c ul l role of an inner cur cler!,:yJJHHl with sn murh \'Cl'\'e And c111hus1nsm t.hnL some of his 111- no\'RLl(lns ha\'c shocked more trnditlorrnl pnrish– ioners. "R,:ally I'm surprised that I haven'.t had more criticism," he said. In his short time nt t.he Cathedral.· he has knocked Queensland cen– sorship, declnrcd that our a bnrnon Inws should be f~~l~fr~pot~~ Fn~f1f1!.e~ Btll despite the· "anti" stnnct taken by some oth– er ch u rchmen. S o m e hA \'e accused h tm or turnm~ the Cath– ed ral Into an nrt ~nllery. There hn,·e br.en severnl a rt shows anct the scconct te.peslr.r display Is hang– In g on the cathedral wa lls. "This time there hasn't brf'n nnr sim:lc comment ni:::1inst them,·· he snld. Concerned " I'm co1H'Hned about tile tag ·a.r1 y dean·. Art. ror me. Jrn.':i n stron'! rela– t1onsh1p with religion. It lsn'L a.n adclect extra. but a nt a l part o! l,h(' 11ndt'r– st andm~ of God." he said. h n~eb ~~~~1 1,~;~i~1ggeo/l;! Ca llecirnl ~o fnr this m on th 10 ,·1r\v the Jean L u rca t t..apes t.rlei. c By SUSAN DAVIES ) He t• well on hi• •·ay ~~t~ chf:g; ·i~f,e 0 1b' atg~~i) - to mrtkt' It a commu- 1111 _,. and cultural cent.re t,,r I he rn v as w~II as tin 1r ...p!rln't place to wor • ~hip It n r k !\IU!'l'!I han parkrrl thr C'athrdr11J lo m·rr(lnwln,t twlr.- since thr l>f'an arrfrr rl. .:\ stint M ... 11h•warr1cn R II{! d rn pla:n or St. Gf'on:r s Cnllf'gr. Unlvrr• ,c;!I ,. of \VP._, rrn A 1,tralrn, Rfiinnrct h .... 11pl.lm1.,m m mor1ern ~out,h. "The)' har, a lert l o( l d e Rl I IS m tt nd concern a b O U l h! i;: lS~U"~ of SOCIC'{)' mr i;?('l\('rRt,IOn o r t-tuclent.--; nt'rer had,'' he salct. Emerging People are his "thing" and he would like to be able to l)f'rsuade city cte– ,·elnpers that there ore "more imprlant thin~• In 11 re than making a buck.'' · · M o d er n cltle8 de– h u m n n I s e people," he sold. "Drlslmne Is emerg- 1 n g r ap I cl I l' from a sprawling, sultry, troplcnl 0111 pnst to be a maJor modern cit~·. "The nl'w nrt p-nllery Is ttrrlhl\' lmporl ant as a focus tor ln!';plrntion and morale or the city." The entrance to the n e w \V a t k I n s Place b LI 11d i n ~ 111 Edll'nrd s, reet is nn example of ··deh umu nased ,trchi.. ~;,\~r'8~or~'i.cord1ng to "They hn, c taken nn I n t e r e s t I n g piece or scu lp 11rf' nnd dc:,t royed it b~· rnn,·cru ng It to n. box for tclenMon screen~. and :i<l<led a mngnzmc s tn11cl," he sold. The t•nt.r.anre could he }~{ ...~~cl ~lr~ef."'~1 1 :1~~~~ were a fountain and ~recnery, It would be a r::~.~ht for people to en- Smee his plea recently for m ore trtta in the in.. n er city, he has hod a stream or phone cnlls f{i~';? people supporting AIthough he would be h!Lppy to •tay In hla present Jl()6l1Jon for the rest of hJs lire, Dean George thlnk& It I• tm- l~rt!~!, to~ 11 f Pii/tt .~?: "f think el'er)' prores– slonal h as h is own par– t lcula r \'lslon to commu– nJc1tLe." h r sa!c1. '' IJu t e,·en ·0ne's scope or leads Is 1ln11ted. Once 1'~~m hi~ 'i~ tTg,~ni~\."~c~t:~ ,·lslon and for you t.o move on. ..About JO ,•ears should be the llmlt.' 1