Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

THE COURIH.-MAIL THUIS. ommunity colleges for Qld? B, DI ANA MACKAY Ql"_F.l•:~~l.A.S () Jl irecll nr-!~enf'ral of i,:,111. ration I ~lr . A. I•:. (;uymerl ye~tcrriev h1n1rd al the po~~ihility of commu nity 1·olle11r,. f"ffo rl', anct 1ctl\·\11r., ,, f • rlult ,dul'it'1on and the Sta tr E•1u,·•· 11nn Departrn,nt, in t h.~ d1rect 10 11. • Thrrr would ~ 1vellt– ,r uu o( P): l~llnr .chnnl bulldln~• and far1ltt1f'~ toY.arch t ht., l 0al lrl1blne, Qld. 0 a 11 e ry director, Mr. Raoul Melltah <pictured lert>, and Brisbane art dealer, Mr. Philip Bacon (right), Inspected the aculP.ture at the gal– lery a new premises In the Mount Isa Mlnea Bulldln&, City, yeater• day. The gallery bought the sculpture for $9'15. It was selected from a collection of Boyd's works at Mr. Bacon's New Farm galleries In which price taRa ranged from $300 lo $1500. "Boyd Is a sensitive sculptor, and the dancer shows a won– derful inte!v.retstlon of rhythm, ' Mr. Me111sh said. ln"f~i.;-:,e~~eh~ self It was the best piece In the collec• tlon." Mr. Melltsh said the sculpture would be shown o the fifth floor • .he M.I.M. :J\~~t ra~~i~d tft! collection In a few months. Acclaimed as one of Aus Lr all a ' 1 most • prominent tlJUratlve aculptora, his ,rorlt II• ahawn In public col• lectlons In BydJlet, ,VI~ o.nbe~ ~~~ourne ,, and '. ..,...• Ji .: ·. ' Brfilli11he 'e,th=~• ends on Friday. Brl11Nne, Qld. 18 0GT 1975. Week devoted to our past A WEIK-LONG appeal for ihe public to ur• lnl forward Items of historic lnterfllt for pr•enatlon win be combined with blltorleal eshlbltlon1 In St. John' • Cathedral from October 16. "PrMerve our Past" wlll be the theme ol the week being or1anlaed by The Courier-Mall In 111· aoclatlon with the Queensland M1.1Seum, the Que~llllaru1 Art Gallery, the •~Eiiuciflon---oepart– ment, the John Oxley and Pryer Libraries and New•tead House. It wlll be the first time In Queensland ,uch • con c e r te d appeal has been made to dl•cover document., and utllactl, An old photoRraph, •crapbook, theatre pro– Rramme, 11 sheel ol music or document In a trunk under the house mak ri 0 : 1tJ.t~~lm~:i ~l,1~~d ht.tnry. An old musical In· atrument or a hand tool could contribute to a di•· ~~~e:~. the Queensland The purpol!f! ol t,he wc•k 1., to make sure such Item• are examined ~iii;xr.r~ 1 :l:ro~ ~i.~~c:ci T h e orranl.<eni wlll h&ve QUl\llrled attendants at Bt. John's Cathedral to receive and copy, If necessanr. document" that may be or tittle val– ue to present owners but could be Important In the correct archives. Displays or types ol hlstorlcal It.ems that are speclflcally sought will ~:rown In the Cath- A h!rhllRht of the ex– hibition will be • display of more than 170 photo- 1raphs of early Brisbane proi1uced from The eou– i1w-Mall'a areblvea.