Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

WITH reter11nc• IO the letter b)' ~ 11,on '.1/?.~ 1c.-M., t.o r 11. ,-7 1i 11 th,, 1ype of •rntud• • n1ch lht dlnct.or or the National ~iezt •~rn,~~~~ nut Aullr•U• are lrJlnl desl)ll'r.111 v to o,·,rcomt. I ,..~ raWu•r 5urpn11d IJlat a..... " lrUAlff OI Lht: Quoen•land Art Oallor) . ht <l10uld mu• • uch a 1etnll1Hr:h · 11n1ntormert a.nd uneducar.<!d at• 11 m t n 1 lllout thla Im~• work. 11 1 .:u~~~~ ~I~ ~~'::f wndlna: up womllllhood and It would be mo&t dll• IM&e!LII ID the maJortty or the pUbllc." De xooaan, _.,.. • lift, not flllllallJ, ail •~IV It II -n ..,_., ledae u,.a Mt loll WO!llffl art ,irtuous. 8ulJl)06e !or an lnataal Ula.I. the Nulanal Gallery f'~ t.~~~~ ~~ Wl\lch (U DlUlY did) de· DICIM I.he Partsltnne wborea of hla time. Would lllr Leon oondtmn II u • aend-up of woman• hood? I'm • \IN! that t.ltt maJom~ of I.he publlr would not flllcl It di81&1>lelul. - PhU• Ip.,_ llrt'flll, PrHldenl, Cnl· I... o Ar1, Studenla' Uillon. "Look hard" · Mr. Molllaon of lht I! -1 Oall II "lookln M MdH@rDaao tn t.he r1t– llh O.Uery <C.•M .. October Ji. I 1uneat th•t he haw a ""' Ions loolt at It, lndetd, In • llten.1 8thlt, and II 3:l'. ~=I~ ~a~~~I m~ ,_nee between a Mlchel– anseto Uld • De 1toonln1, - D. T, 1-, Coonu llltwt, , __ .._ At worst And DOW ~ot.ber "pricey" Amertcen Plllntln1 ror Ille Nllt.lOnal Galler, - "Waman V " by WllleiD di lloonlna. :a, u.e black "°• whit.I Dboto la Tllt Oollrltr• W.U, lt atnick ma u lhOWUI& Waman &1 her wont.. We - l"Md. ·over– i,owertnc, aome1UM1 n- 1)111111t, aometlm• blood• IIIICIIIIIII ftll\Dlre." What -&~·a mind runa to ::=t un~~ ~i: paintfd people ol hi, ume on1,1, at... \~~~ bN.iw the IQOdn<!a In people and Ult world," yet Heaven knowa he 1uffered enouJh, havlna known l)Overty and tater tnrllnq hll day, crlppltd In • wheel-chair from uthrltl1, 1.111 hll dath In 1919. But becauae h1 wu, ::l'abl!mt ~~c~tl~~ ND. f'rw of dlstw111n1 tlnlloN,'' he Ahowd 110 trace of hl• penonal sul• rartaa In hll won. and hi hU left behlnd~lntlnJ• f""iaa ~. ti;..1- ,r.:r:.;_ Woolley llnel. THI COURIH-MAIL TUIS. OCT, 22 1974 2 City nee for art lrl1b • ne nHcltcl • con,. ,1,t1 cult11r•I eenh• in which • II form, of • rt could ~• • ccon1n1oclottcl, lht lndu • trlol Dtvtlop. """t .at,ector (Sir Devi4 Muir) • old ynt • rcl • y, Sir oa,·td told Keh-In Grove Teacher,· CnlleRe •rudents at rhe opening or the College·• Festival or Art., that such A centre \\'Ottlrl be a ,·alu– •bl• Rlidltlnn to the St• I e · 1 cultural ex– pRnston. "One r•sult or e ,. e r-expandlng tech– noloRlcAI a~e of tn– rlu.,trlall.,at.lon wlll be ln– cre11.serl leisure time," he &Aid. The restl\,al wlll con– tinue lnr tour days \\·Ith music t today, , physical education o.omoirow1, drama (Thursday) 11nd art ll"rlday). rices for art QNE Important fact about the a c. Qulsltlon of overseas paintings has been overlooked - we have artists In Australia whose works are of world standard. I h1tve "' paint ing by Isaac W. ,Tenner. on~ ot the rounders of the Queensland Art Gallery, PRlnted about the turn or lhe century Some of h is paintings ·are In the gallery and et.hem are In Ihe Darnell Collecr – ~f~. at Queensland Unlver- A Sydney art dealer lold nte the value nf m y P•Jnt– ~~~181'.~~• several hundred WhM. then, hlUSt a palm– In• be, to be worth hund– l!1;\ of thousands or dol- ls one bu.,~n g the ar·11,•:s name only, or does the price depend on how ugly and monst.rous t,he can\18.c Is' Or must the picture ,1m: ply be high priced and In !,he hands or a foreign deal er? - 11. W. P. LnveJy J p · :~~rn~.arton Road, it&w:: Qld. SYDNEY airport secu– rity men tho11&ht they had a terrorist on their hands when they aaw Queenaland Art Gal– lery director Mr Raoul Melll.sh carr1ln1 B brown cardboard box onto • plane bound for Brisbane. "I muat have elven them quite a trtsht" lfr Melllah aatd yester– day. "They pve me a tborouah QulzziDI be• tore I sot on board. They thou1ht J wu carrylna a bomb," Mr M:elllah lllformecl them the "bomb" wu • 8000 • year - old burt.t pot from the Ban Chl&n& archeot01tca1 dJnlnp In northern ThaU&nd, ''They took my word for It - they didn't bother to open the box. I nuraed It on m:v lap all ~e way to Bria• TNI COUIJa-MAA, WD, OCT, The value of art J WOULD like to reply to Mr. Ohurcher•• arlttclam of the Trulten or Ute Queensland An Gal– lery for not pur– ch&IUlg worlu by Blac•m•n, Perceval and P'llrwe&ther when they could be pur– chaard very cheaply, TluA la an old complalnt .nd If one 1-.t hlndalllht on lobe lutun 1)11..,. or J>&ln&lnn. n!ll1 Ml&la and other riNI atach u hOrw– ractnr, be -uld very quickly bloom, • mlalon– alre, Hov,ever,_ In tuuira I -Id adVIII Je....... -- not "to 10 Off ha.lJ'. cocked" lllld to ~ bJa facts cla11 Ntcttt,:;:; e&-liiae&n,U. at &01111 ol &ha WOl'D t1f ~~~=:~bJ BLA.OKMAN, Oharl•: Dream Estuary. Oil PllJ'• i~~28~~ value. 12.IIOO. Pl!:ROtV AL, John: The HenJd Ang~Ceramic pur- ~'fff,-~~: valu_t....... 000. PJU.HWEATRD. Ian: Epiphany. Oil 'IJlffllUllll. -· - " -~, 1172, tor M30. cw-.:.--- 111.100. ~ ~ue. r am Clllltt IIUJ'I tbat'. your readen w111 acree that It I• not a b~ cap.. It.I rain f~r c.i,, • INld Ar\ IUCll t:r~ ~ - Qwllllllad Art a.a:; l!rJ,