Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

From "COURIER MAIL" 15 NOV I $45m. centre for the arts THE State Government would build a cultural centre complex costing more than $45 million, the Deputy Premier (Sir Gordon Chalk) said last night. Hr \\'3.'i r1elh·cr1n~ the tnrtR Rrirl cr. nh~nrl1,:; thf' $7,500.000 al'\ all•1·1 al– rrnrl,r nroro~Prl ,m p;i rt or I hr l-rt me ~llfl for cnnv plctlnn tn tP78. IL is understood the rnmplr x will be flnanc:ert 1rnm \n;:rn mnney. r onsnl- r1g~,,~:re~t;1f~'y Nf~lon,~:; !ri1 ~ 'j~. re;;irr:rno AnJoFnOc~ Brlsbnnr Cltv HAIi lor the Dec•emb,;r 7 Stnte election. m:A~~,?r1~~e:~r L~~~~~ said the complex. wnulri comprtse R nrn1tr11111 rqu~l to Any In AustrRIIR : Rn nut.standing ""' s•llrr)': Thr arra m u,h rrt will hnr r !rnnl ,H!Cf. t.o Ci rr y, !"itHnlry nnrl Mrlhonrnr.: St rrc1~ down to the City Co111wil pa 1 ~ nppn"itr 1hri SPul.h llr1sbane rn1!– w~y ~tn11on. C"il!-okr i~. It. wn.c: stalr'1 nff1ctally ~ r~I rrday I he Go\'ern– mrnL hnd acq111rcd the hulk of th t• Jann required irnr1 was ncco1.intmg for thr furnl sr cllon. : ~~%%Wf 1?~;!t;~:n~~crl a restaurRnt. Casket cash !SI A nlO)' Street wnuld pa.ss undPr thr musf'llnl ;~~ ~~~ki;~ ~t1 1~~rrw~'t~1~ Cult.urnl lcnctcrs unnni- .~~1~•~l~~ft"~:Ibe~nt~1cn~; ~ citing" at R prc1·lew ol t,he complos mo<tel ,plr– tured abovel In Sir Gor– don••· orrlce Y••terri"'· Wol'k rnulrt becin R.1• moc;,1, 1mmeritolelY. nnrf It. 1, planned to hart the cnmp\Px compl,red in fj\•p \lf"i\l'S. be made ,.,·allahle under thesP ~eel 10ns. Ol' erhea.rl walkway& \\'nuld 1:t1,·e oectest rlans arres.f.: to thP whole orn· lert . wht h •·oulrt be en– hanced h)' extension of Ihe restaurant orer the rtYer. The complex. on the sotlth side or the Bris– bane River close to v,c- Th~ 1nt i!RIIC!ry. plan~ for whtch a r~ ready , will be finished earlier than proposed. Without anY nl the fus. Fetkra1 Gn,·trnment•~ purr.ha, .. of 11111• Poles. the Stal• Government h.. Ju•t clipped Into ll< <'nrren in buy an art "nrk of It.a own. Mind you, tl , .. t a me,·e ,s;o and t• unlikely t.n cause any controversy. lt'i,. a !)0 um hronie sculp– ture ealted Mrlgn_ llAW:U,•ndllhi~l nel,allln~ tt as a hargaln when we see tt nn dis– play. It'• by tho Melbourne sculptor, Guy Boyd! and was bought lrom h • re– cent Brisbane eshlblllon, Boyd felt It w&• th• he•I piece there. and th!' qu~iifuf_Atl...1lallery ~ new recl'o'r. Raoul Mtl– ltsh, so)'• It'• a buullful work whlc•h has captured 1 he fl~ure'• ,·err telling rhi·thm, Mr. Melll<h say, II will he nn ,·lew wh,n lhr art.. ~~~:tfo~=~ncJ'~e;~I~~ !~;, tiomttlr.l~d - Rl a dat.fl so rar unknown. Wtlhnl ,u,y ol tM IUN FMMl'.J (~ov,rnffliflnl'• r:;·~1t J~~:.. ~:'i ha.o JUI dtp(le(i lnt.o tlA rnrt,n ta bu:, an art wnrll ol U.a owtL Mind you, II <Ml a mN"• K~O a.n,I t. unllllety w ca\lM' an y cont.ro •tnJ'. ll'J a to cm bron1.e ~Wp- 1 u r r c a I I t• d ., trlcan Uanct'r. .nrl I think ,.,,.,1 he hatlln1 \l a." 11. hiU',:aln •·h,·n we ~tie It nn dl~– ,1a,., 11'1 by t b~ !llelbourn• 1<ulplor. Guy Boyd! a.nd ....,. bffl11bt fro m h s rl· otnt Brl~ban11 ,1hlhlllon.. ffo7d felt h ".._, Ill.I' • but pie« tbM"' , ,.,vt l.h• Qu,..naland Arl Lla.llory', ri::. ~tte~~ ~~!}~1~!1-I •·ork .-ht -h ha..'lli , :a.plurrri tht rtrur"'" , ,.r,· l1•lllnc rh•1hm. M r ~frlll\h UJli II "111 l\t " " v(~• wh,.fl tlu• arl ~~~~~f ~:°~dn~,.;~~~~ ~ ,·nm plt"\.Nt - al II tft1t"! "'° f .t.r unknown.. All essential service., woulr1 h~ built abo,·e flnnd l,rel. A Gorernment spoke!,• man ~a 1d t hr complex tandsc3ped 11·1th lawns and gardons. would be idealh• placod "'Ith the river Rnd city as " back– rirop. Prores.sor Ztlman Cow• en. Australian Opera. Company board member commented : "Thi& really mean• a major r.ontrlbu- t ion to Lhe per- (.y~~'i?~s~'.-~faist ~tUJt }g~r;;IL.~~~ other per- "We need It ur~entil', A perlormlni arts centre 11• I t h major lacllitl•• t ums & town into a gre&t metropolitan centre." Sir Leon Trout, Queensland Ar-t Galltry trustees chairman &aid: "The proximity or one section to -another I; bound t.o stimulate wider tnterest In culture gener- ally." _ Mr. G. K. D. Murphy. Queensland Llbrary Bo•rd chairman said he \\'RS dell~hted With the ,cheme. Library accom– modation "·•• at crisis point. Sir oa,·i d Muir. Q u e , n s t a nd Theatre Company chairman de– Mrlbed t.he overall con– e e p t .s t,remendou•IY lm•~inat1ve.