Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

THI AUSTIIAUAN P ....... 1S lt74, T., • 1 1. "·" , _. • ' • U13; ] I III "-l~ I : •our new aelleme meana that worker • wbo· ha,•e 1tven ,ervlte to • nwqber of employen durlnl Uielr working life will benefit . from • lona..ervlce endoWlllent acheme effeetlve af&er 15 yean of aecumullted employment.' 'l;he State'• Deputy Premier and Trea- 1urer, Sir Gordon C ha I k. outlined thete and ol her meuure • -In his policy 1poech on be· half of the Nationa 1· Uberal Party Gnv• ernment for the De– cember 7 State elec– tion In Brtabane la • t night. Sir Gordon said the election 1ave Qu11n1landen the opportunity to de• mon1tr11te conclu– llvely that t h e Y would not bow to centralism or be– come en1laved ,in a tteaolate life under In 1 1111, o 1111 meant thoutandl of clOlln1 down new Jcl'OI ffCh yur tor llllmun1 n.te . Queenalanden. People art now r.., . we h~•• 11ur1ut<I a lnl tlll fut11n. policy or re~, urce-t>eaed \ No matter how lh• de~entrallutton. ,.-hlch I Slate Le,bor Part)' Lead· In tum hu l•d lO new er, Mr P. TUoker. and I Job opportunll111. bluer thON •ho cerry tlN! 11 ,:r pM'l<ett and 1he LAl»r Party andor1e• creallon or new lo,.·m . ment In every electorate wllh more 10 come. Ill Qianaland may try ,., Bl,1ta Tr•nsurer. 1 to pert111dlt you that have endeavorerl • to I ui,, ar. "°' u mll1~nt m•na1• our Blnte n,,. or llft-w1n1 u ac,her • ncu In lhc 11me ea:• nwmben ire, each one lul .... l •• you mu1• ·• I la ~ to the Aua• \ 1·ou'r we,kly pay packr lnlllr1 L1tbor Party o.nd None cl 111 c•n arr, c RI -illllM pollcl• v., live beyond our Mr 1\1cker 1nd the me•11s !or ver)' l01111 ""'' A.L P. mamtwn who lol• 1 the umt &llflll•• to low him will, 11 II""" euvem :nen11 the opportunity, hond IAbor cln!ou we " " th is &ate, Ila Governor. rerutln1 to co-opora&• Ill Parliament and you, and ro!ualni to spend the pe~ple of Queens• Canberra money. Lawr land , ~ver to the Whit• I In thl\ campal11n 1 ,., 11 lam•. t~e Cre&na, the prove Ju1t how WTOtll Ca,lrn1, the Connol'I and ,uoh I atat•ment 11. We the camerone and other hav, oo-oper11ted · we aocl1ll1ta In Canberra. will continue ,o co• He 1110 pledlecl tha I 1:v• you the warn• operate when they pro- Slate oonmmenl t.o , 11'11 lhat th e pr-1\l 10 • duce well• 1hou1ht • out mora 1ul1ll!I01 for old I clalllt pollclee lll't.dually aohamea v.·hlch will help aocl1\lsm. pe10Ple'1 ho_, sr-• btln1 ur\lol~ C by be~ you. apendln1 nn , port and Labor Party In an We hive acrepted tourism. and lnoniuad wlU, 11 allowed to con· without 1·e10rvat1on ovu help for toe~! AUlhorl• tlnue. /Ol'9''er di~ , && p1r cent of propoaal1 your way of Ille. ,ubmltted before the tlea. t belleve you mu11 bt 1111 P'ederal Budt1•t we Follow1n1 i. an edited doeply ronacloua of thl nero&Jated hard and veraton or Bir Oordon·• t re m c" dou, ochle\'e - nnanJ 11reed, J' , . • -~ : : . • : t]TJI. ·. r • • WI WIU ..... 1111 reaponalblllty or ffllMllnS . the tull coata or ldu– catlon tor all hlndl• capped chUISren and It II further prOl)Olld IO rorm an advleory - · for apeclal educau• "' , -ordinate tducat-1 pruv1 lon., !or llllldl· cap1>ed children. BENEFITS To pr,vent the •brtak· c10 .. ·n of the lndependlnl 1;!1001 1 y • I • m 111d dlaerlmln1t1on 1n eduaa– tlon by Federal LabOr pollclea, we wlll 1u1ran• tee the ri,hta or puanta to chooae the Corm of ..iucatlon betwl!f!n prl• vate, rell11lous or State sr.'\oola for their child· speech : menu or the Qu'!9'1•· alter ,ubotantlal am« ,d- 'lbe tl'lilc lnabllltJ' or I Ind N•lloMl-t.101ral ' n1en• on n further 38 1 unwllllnlltltu of the a:; t ' ~J!~niJ:;iit;i~t:~~ l"edoral Lt.bor Qovern· · nrnmll'I · I per cent. ment to race up WARNING I only tour are stt ll not equarely to th• prablema , nnallaed and thue In- tmmedlately !or the p,r• or Inflation ha.a torn the \ I elude an IBBue with Cormln1 arts centre and very heart out of AUi· 1 When we lo>k o!CJco re1pe<I to de.setted w1ve1 t.he museum. Th• new tralla'I economy. In 19&7 Queensland WU and ~lr H • / den , • llbruy will follow . Tl,IS qu,te cltarly 1, repi'll~ ."' ' Cillcterel· national health scheme, T .1e , :~~ develop• d la 8l1le under a aoolal . both of ,.,hlch •ha,·e been u nen t lo ex~AA to ODIi ca111ln1 a . ~ l'IOUS QO/ll · B L bo O n " •=-- tum In the devolopmen1 1• t rnre • r 0 "'' · deferred by the f'Nl,ral more than 14& mllllon 01 thlJ flta te nnd ,10 ment. Labor O o v er n m• n t a '1 "·,11 be nmon11 t he Queenal"'1der, lrrupec- Today, " nd " m, IMHlll!lvts 1nd wlll not ll: ,t :11 Au•Lr•lln tlve of his !'Oiltlcnl phi· Oovernnltnt. Queen, lanJ be considered a111n We wUI lntroj u:-e n IO!IOPhY, r.an nllord to 1• 11" ~ 0 • 1 decen,•rell, e'1 until 107~ 76. sclu me t~ p1ov1de Iona· itaDd Id!)' by and allow " nd ,a,tnt-de•eloplns Tonlaht I am happy se:vlc • ben~llt~ li all auch a !itate of " train Stl\lr- In lllr Cnmmon ~ to announce further \\'Orker '5 In Quec1,sland. t.o continue. \ we&l th · u11Jor 111 c e nt 1 ,, • • rt wil l \,. base:! upon d ~ )' Oonirnmcnt i.a deslsne<l to Rid t ht s~n·,ce LO Industry 1en~ Look ,round us to &)' j unrtrd 111 I~• cteslrc to deYelopment ur thl.1 "aliv on'1 " "ill operatt ~~de 1 ",,"t i8;° 7i~~ 1 ,;;~ •dv• m • th • dcvel"I' llt•r. nnd to mak• II an lndrpendentll' o! the ex- mon t •nd Quality or Il l• e,rn better 1 ,1ace 1n ,lln.t soht m• whlcb LS bualnea, enterpr lat: 5 em - 1n th lJ '9tAle '"'lllc·t, to l! Yt' , to work, ...~f"d umn c.:>11rt.lnuous ploylnl many thouu nrta ~ u d ~ ~- of ,RO<lunen and exw~d \~d~r m 11 _ l<l . to J?.'~ ''ill _r o __ en~ , , _. ,v1re "·:1h L)1r. fine $fll: