Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

•• ' ,. to • ro .- r•.u\r ti •lTl , e tra 'l.\ 1 ,h.rt !.~ ,r.e.: ~,u i ,W truh fr tt nd Hit- htc-. w I! 0tnJLt !· ... 1111 w. t• t•:~.- •v 00L..1'n a rr ~ Iona service r nd.Jo. u it • • ... ,1 , r no~: J:1d.t:r· a.., 11 s h errie t!ft C't!\'c o~ t , tl~ 1; .;ng rt ~ r1t ) ' Yi ,ci, "'" t acr rr , .. ,· , tir e e y.-~r 1r1,n~ 1· ; tmPICI "Tllt ll! 16('-\ un • r cu. :-n ave 1' Aa Li,'\ t ni;,,lo:~er I il.1! ~ O} rva d wt.:! 1..1· ctoe, 1 t qw Ut) f 'l: ,...,,., r,mo,·t'J t .!-rvtct, lea \ e:, hl\ 'o l v.,,. •·t!J ro11trnut o,:r th• employu w,1, µ•1 pohq u! prov1a1r.w tho Into & ao, ernmtr,:-~on- a 1 ,.a i ar possible t&res troJlej tn.u:. tund 11 s .in nd frt .f ht , tor an f"QUIViilent to • JI prn - :"A Queen • .t "":Jen ta en.r t.lement !or Iona Atu- r t..orutdera.ble re ave ~ a.rc -n tncll.Jd, ~r, &n e1 · u,r~c: ~-1J1 be l...,HS: :li tens1\ d !ea.sib!l!q· l lUd \ and when :he employcH comrn«-nced In conJunc – ac-cumul&lea hla 16 yei n t1on -.·.th tti t" pre\1ou1 ol v.·orktnr arrvlc• . :h• L!ber~-Country P•rtY ac:cum uli.tlon h eld ,m o .,,ernmr nt •~ Can his beha lf ,nil be P• 1 d berra 1n<1 continued to h tm w that h r .n~: wttn :hr pre,tnt Ff.de:r1I en uv lun1 6t'r\'IC'f' ,,-,.1 Oon,mment wt ha v, 4$ do~s h1s f..·11 .. "J. r " ' '" ' btaun ~o :mp!emt"ll'. plO)'N'b lo\'hO ·.\rri• f 11 • lht m ..irr1 di:~.rt"d me:riJ r1 , , .. r·1o'li : 11 ' Pt,'.lran transit i..'htme onlr ont- , m_ilo)'er d 11 :- \\'t' a:-r µrOC't l!ldL·i" 1na th.. ir yenr:o, ot aie , 110 ,.. " .: h the croae-rl\'tr vice Jin K llf' ' 1A.'rrn R )ma TlHa 11 another tJi Btrert and So11!h Bru- 1 ample of • Q11ee1tl• nJ bane. t ru Wlthln our nt•,r: t t,! m ~1)" o overnment ho• • or o!llce IJua ~nd train I , ood labor rel11.o•:, 1 n t er r h•nce t~clllt!N ·• rord and now propo • •·lll be hullt. nev.· and , ne11· 1y1tem or a,:: •· modem l>Ul<!t will be u•Uot1 which will ena o.. provt<led. and : .,c el,c •mployeu whn• a ,m,, t r I I Icat Ion or rhe hu been called to '1• · luburbari r-... r.r ~\t, ,,n termini !or tllem..l•H wUl b• ,·tr:u, 111 .-um I w n • t h • r Lhe itrtkt pteted , 1houlc1 continue. Th• tcheme enl'l51COI It 11 obvlou, that tht an d!lc1<nl ,o -ordlnarei pru1n1 penal prov.110m but and t:-a111 "'"'ICP a1at1111 worll:tn "'ho •;. 1 ,.. 11 1 bus. !ffdlnt Into 1a1e In 1tl'lk11 are not tut and re1ular train appropr11t1 Jn tht1 do I Hrvlcu . This project and a11 and we propot• alone wlll coat 10me n~ to repeal the.• pen • 1 m11lton on preSf'nt day pr<J\'l&lon1. prices. TRANSPORT SUBSIDIES TIie ao.r,rnment will take poatttve 1tep1 to pr-rve the private bill l)'tlem tn the metropoll · Ian area and provlncta I cttlN. We wtll 1ubaldl11 them ,.a. that !area can ma tn b!e we Will alto 11rc •ldr r,,rn.atonen wJth C'J."ICtl · , vl'IA l h rN on vr: va.te ,.u-t>& r. tra.n Port Ht"\1 1 ,. ar h> , ~ .o.tr '1l'O\ lded to x-nlor c-: .1u r." 111: , 1a,. • ~l! r.c.l tJu Lra ,;p, ~ J•1 a...1.JIU0.."1 .u th, £~1)() ar1nt to I nf' t,t · .. ~ ... a,. ('Jh ·,,unr1. tt :irt 11t u~ '">t.l rnun tc, t:,r J~ u ~·.J>(.or- Ct,, u :nr .l LI "' "' tlle!r publ.c t:--ar. par! OJ:,;.ra, - lni COJ lj ,.,. e v•,11 OJ•· a bstd l1e 1,,u en , o! 'u der.:., •· 11 mu.1 'nn r . ·o~, :-ounr:1 t.Hl',. , ltt'fo;-ro 8 :SU am so t h ll t tnt nnld r, 11 at .It t.ri \ l'I • t C'UI.Ce!S.Ol\ll It J t ll l =--• tt\ The St.ate H,.lth 0. p1 rt mtnt. desp.te ~·hat !\at:- Hayd .rn ! .1r.s. L'onun - u•• to '""P Queen1l1nd·1 ho'!' :a I ayst""1 • ., e,d ol ; :,e nut o! Au,tralta. Our Q u ee n1Jan d , cht-m e 11 a &OOd ,,o~ &nd I i ll< )'OU the ... ,ura.nce th,.t \l't w.qJI o.)nt'nue to ma1nt.a1n it &11:l !Ulpl O\"f ll W ~ hll\'f th, 1r~et.w1 numaer cl hruplt&l u<'d, per h..d or popu1aaun · and • n.. w "'-'< 1Jut1d1n11 prornm W'Oft1I a.•at e r , ~ior • nl>&h a nd 0 t n • r muht -mll on dolla.r proj-,,t, are , hr , u m l lion new ..,a.r b'ock ~,r Catrru. c 1r. p; et.na the entire :-e– bu1ld:na o! that hoaµ :ral and S!O 8 m1lho1. tor • ntr,e-nure · b.ock • l Southport Huoplt.&l Tn, llealtl, Depart.• mr nt •~o conttnuea \.0 In d /l uJl ra lla In ta, dt"weloprnent ot tt.1 rom – mu.nl ' y un•.cu cent rf'i 1n rettona lhrouif) the Btote, live centre. have bt•n bulll and a !urther 10 11·1 I b< uu.b!l•hd ~ nu.t }'eclr We \\ .J, r,ca,m1:1e poul blli !I or u tendlll K the c.,mmu11:tr hrlp u r– \"lr e to Include houirt• nol.:1 &nrt 11urs1na ih!'.:. · ranc-~ to mo1tu-•r~ c,t ) 1 11g l h:ldrc.-n m., h t 0U1e:rw1:-.,· 1•0:,p Ha l,sed, w" recus111sr :l1r \'alua ble commun it y role or tile Queenola11d Am1J1 la nce Tron•port Brt1adr LIUt year V.'C raleed the IUbold)' from 60 t-0 76 cent.s tn th• dol• Jar It la now ~ropoeed to ratae tho 80\ emmenr 1ubeld v to a dollar !or "eh ll<,llar collected a.s !rem 11Jy 1, UH. a,o, , than ,170 ml Pilon Wt became rn, !Im II ·- 11 W!r 11 "'l" to mall• rrants and 1ub- OOvernmeut In Australia 111 Br,sbane nt pr-nt . atdles available to spor: · •·• hne In µro1r... lh<I ' tnr or1ant11uon1. To larrJt .stngl• hoop.<al , date aome U .7 m llh.111 roratructton project tn hat been paid to hun- Awotrall• 1nvol\'tn1 1111 clre<la or 1 port1n1 clubs u~ndltun.• o! l20 11111 • , and au o c Iat Io n , 1.~m for • 11 '-"'' cutpa 1hrou1hout the State t 1ent aJ1j 11."&'d compl•• at the Roval B, ,,b"" / "ommentlna on Bir Hl:J t>!tal tlora.,,i•1 polJcy 1petch 0/ 1'9Cent time, ., Ill& nJcht, the Leadtr · hue op.,ned ne~· 1urd et Ule State OppOlltlon. b I O C k I Ill Ma.cu, Ur Pe11: Tucker, l&ld It Ca 1rn,. ROCl:nompeon. wu '"pondero111 and Town9Vllle. RtJcllfft. hollow, with proml111 Blloelo, lp111lch. Oym - baNd hiavtly on fundl pie. Warwick and Olad- from Ule Auatrallon ·ton·! . OOftnun•nt' which he Nn, hoepltall h&Vt did not MknoWledat." bNn butlt or are near• Ins com IM!On at Bla:k• $2.Bm paid on cUltural site THI State Go.effl~ant has paid $2,:J ~i.OO~ ~h •\~i~.:.~ it;:e~ Melbourn• StrNt and Manhattan ° , 0 __ ,,.paeed culture! c-•'••· i · I, ,11,.1er,1nc>1 rn, The pro~rtiu J ltH· (.i-,vPrnmt-11t ""a~ .th,e :n chL~ lnclud, the 1111- lm y llw propn :, to.. If'.-.~ haLLIUl Hotf!l ('~pit").. th an the pnct a....~ed t.,y th• Plllace Hot•! 61t.<I ond rtl l n. I w o " 11 o t m ' n t s w t ~, t hf' conMJ t r bu11rt1n1s rrontlnJ Mo!- Swap hope ho11r11r- Rt.rr'P' T t1 l TrtR.'- ir.-r I Sir (inrrtnn Ch11lk 1 ~a.ir1 t: 1 \ ': C1o\·,-rr1menl mtenrttrt • 1 c o m I> l e l t ' h, n 11tura. C' 0 m p I e I w1tlun f1v" Y~{.'h~ Govrmmrnt &L"-n h11.'I arqulre<1 11\nd on the other •Ide or Melbourn• Strttt t,1 br UM'<1 ~ • alt.e for tJ1, Df'\\" St&lt Art O~h";)' Manhatlan Hol~I 'll' Is p I 5 8 r d in frr ll.:I00.000 In an auction ln 1971 and l1>1,r •·u '" 1~ tr> an 1nter!t11, tt con • oorttum rnr ,ur,o 000 Thttr, wert pl&JH i~, bul1rio •n tnt..rrna t1nn11 l hot,! •mot.el on lll• prop - T ht e, 0, r~trn1rnt l1c 1; ···~ l h,11 : hr f':ty Cn,rn1,I ,\ ,11 a,.:rf'f' t11 !-'-' UP •';"• ~t nn11a ' tM Walk par~ f\-,.a for An &rrA of r(J ,1H.. ~ 1 7 t• a.Joni{ Mtlhn~irnr .~f rret TJu.11, v. ou 'rl , /low tilt l" II! 1r~1• 111Jl11J]PX U\lllc! • :rl.'."- ;.. ll"'·' 1he ~l\¥1~– ,r:1 It' "' G.,ur· ·" '"' h:r h facr • ...: •.,·1:1 \ ~ •.rr-p• f ,. 1" nl t11r h11,'d n p nn tne b'.oc'< pR.rt of the ,1,~ 1rr h?:1nu l'O: r.-~poni 1- r 11,·p t:chonl. alrrnrly tl r f" llWnec1 by Lhe Oovern– :nl"nt to the Presentation or the a111tlng bv Ihe Mrl– g OII r 11 c imlst. Lesley D11111brell. was made nt the new tc mp o 1 ~.r, rcmises of the gallery In B,e ~il.M. nulldlng, Ann Street Brrsbane. The' painting ts_a r_nod– crn optteal Rl't. ,, ork. Rn .,cryllc on can,·~si 6 ~ 11 ; 1 ~ 1 ~ surlng 2144tl~mpat:l $S76 for The soc e . It.