Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

JN( AUSTIAllAN Set_,., Newe-., JO 1974 ART Sandra M Grath 'J'I I IS I, I ill' '·"' 11 l'l' h · ·end that :-.1tl11c v arl c11th11siasls ,·,11 i vici, Ilic s p I c· II cl I 11 • \11straj !.i,I II C 'c ra11tj1 S~o" :If ll1t• .\!'I l~ alfcr\' 11 "N,,,, S11111 It Wale: : .\flt•r the 1st of l>crc111lll' r lht• cxhi l,iti1111 goes "1111 tl11• n,a ,l" for l \\'c, ycH l'S. H you llvu in Pert h, D:.r1,1,111, Jlrishanl', Cant;.:rn,. or Nt>w <·0s1 It! 111rfort1111111t·1v yu11 \\ Ill lrnvr lO y.•utt. lllllll lll71i lo t-,1•1· thP t~xhlhlliun. •~'hut. 1uu·k111l; n11<hL111ares the orw:anlst•r:-i must b r huvtn" to i!I \Chll'I' ! 1 For unyo11t• who think~ t lmt "l>Othll"Y" j ll:-il lllf>llflt t'IIJ!.i urnl s.auc.·r~. V~L.'it•.s, l>0\4'hi and ,·rookc'<I canrlle:,111'1:., tJ1b show will lie n rew•l11Llun. Nol only llomi: Lhc ushth!tton demo11- :ilm.te a rt·mnrknlJly lurye vo– cuhulury ur t1•cl111kul wondt•rs, It 111.-o fo":lbl)• sho~·s that <'"· rnmlc un hus n rich rtu1i.::c• or 111·11lptt1r,1I t•>ssil>ili1 les th11 I t h,· 11 ,·,•rugr or 11ol tio ,1,·1•rn~w ,•,cw.-•r m i~ht n ot hu\'u 1•,·1·r cuntem1>luL1'tl. 'rlw tltle.s or thtJ plcc1•s tl1Pmst-lv~:; i,clYt! some lncllcu - 11ofl of the ,·urlcty ut conct•t>t.i hehlnd the forms: l.llndi,, Nigh\ und Dny, M,·sa Llu1d- COURIER-MAIL FRIDAY 1.1111 111 1 1, .1 ' t U Ut.,·, ,i,J •i I l, ., \\ 1 lwt l1t·1 l 1u- .,11r 1 ,1i•, i,, r at1 ili'd, 1•1111r •. • ,11 i:, ,., 111111 .!11 Ill ~II\ Jt1II d ' It :,.1•11.-.1111. q ... 1: I LI·• ,, ! li.tl •• ll; t, 1 Ill \111• lllnl• rl I• 11·, 1 1 k\11.I " ' ..,. 11 \ U}11, I u tt,•JI I. l.·. ,.·· ~·11lpt Ill ,d ~.h11\\ 0 11':-.l,,lld!llt. 1111 ' I )111•t'1", h ,ln1 ll c. •1 1!1,·ll :,trung llt1l-;la1t-d 11..1. 1 .,,:\, gru~i..:•·-1 d a \ , .i • 111 ·11 1:1d r,,l,J...p.11 :- h11111 · I:. lw :--lll'l,11 1· :\1 , { .1•,. ,I• ' \1 1 1111 1·l1•1'I I , l. 1111 1 1 1 1 '.'JllltJl.1-CI It 111 i-:' 111 )t ,1\ , • 11:1d \;fU~, ln a 1 .., , • 11! l 1, q1• I '1 1•f:e,·t I., pu\,,•t 1,I .,1,.1 ,, \ 11•rlow, 11, 1: ! la,· .111 1-1 !1.•1 l'lt'll II.id 1·11, t 11 , p1·!1 4,,,.,· t !1t• work Hobt•t t lh•l!'l'I ,,. t , 1 \ r,,•nci :-i!Htpt• I., a l'llr1ull t I !llli! li.it ;, 11 of l>l1m t11t".:-:t 11 11d "tli,111l!w,,, l h,l l t-''(lld1•.-. h t 'l'l'lh- 1. r.•• I •• · :-i,·n ·,·, \\'LII•· l '.111, ',1.1, f\Jok 's hm• 1 , "' , .1 1111·1! ,·11rl1111.f 001.llh.• !111111. pusl11 tH! lllld splll!Hi,: 11\ t r I Ii•' !hi:\ nl llhlSt Vi"iJhl\' 11•1 1ll1 ,1 :-.t·ll'>,ll loJI of :.l1tncf11~~ lm11 r.,-,1 .11 ,1 m11tlcly JHitld !t• 1111tl f1•,•l111~ Ill,• cold mwt N1w·l1 h11u! lw'Y. 1 1 ••11 1111• I01' S Jt John Cr11111p'h dr• 1lc-s,•r-. c:rnckt'<I plate Is 1, n ·m.,rku hll' l"Plldlllon of 011c o, J111t1111•', ha rsher rmtt,•rn,, llll'tl :\1;1r1n ASSISTANT Thr St:,t,. 1'c1,.r-iit., ,n a nrt (\11' ·1:-.,l Ar t •, it.~-. M lm~tf' r ,S.r Alan l- h·t,·!1t·i-• ,\'1~:-.:<.•rd.1 ,,i •;n 11.,, d the, appoi:11 11w1:· 0 1 :01 r Robt"rl C' .' : -~ :.1tn ., Q,.1ec"11:,,lu11il t\l'l (i :l!w n " "' .. 1-.tan · r!1.i•1 1, r ~1r. C lin n111i:lrn1n, , ,...1r•r ft fi I,·, .:, r telt,..~11riw Stut1· c, iLti.:r. !aK,• 11;1 ri •::·,, 111 the r--rw Yt•:Lr 111· 1.-. a ;o,,l· •·r .111, ~' f, 1111•·· rondU1·1ni n pn ,·ntt• L:all,•: ,. 11 ,I\ /;., per1ell('l' m l h•· art world. l l 1:,, rt>portn1 th3t l11s ~1.0.1 y ,1., ,11-· . tor Will b(• ,1n01ll $11.500 His Qtu•,·n:,land 1q11• •:!l'111 1 tf ,. r rPatcct Y. rw1 ~11' Hun ti :--1." 11 ,. .1p111,,1 ,, from the pu:-.1 u: a:-!-l.t..1 ,1111. d.1 11 111,r 1,, lt',· ,.. " ' L Cinllrn· ,11r1<t:1ur II J1111f' \1r ~lt ,. l. h •th , , ,,,1 '.\lr. Jal1w~ \\',,•1wk1· fl..., l .. l"(t •, r ·1·1 I • 'I ,, I ·,' ', , .101 1 I ~ ., . 1I ' ,.1 11,. ,! • 111 ., ,, \I I, • I\ ' ,Ill' • ,\~ ; I • .t ' lu \ • ' 111 I 111. , I, I. 11 11, •I I 1111 .i:·1. 1t·,t ,1 I • I.'"• I 1 • '" H!t ,.11·'1,11 I p ,, '• I )•'1•\\' !!I I ,111,,t!"l\l'l I'• i I 11" .ll • ,1., :,.1,c, ,I II i, I' · r-1.,11, , : , I Id•• , .I ,, ,t! 11 • ••It._ llll I L ,I 1 .,tr l ,.j \ 1 1 ,11 ' t·))I 1/ , 111 I., JI ,,,I II 11\L' "h I. 111\ 1 ,! " ' I·. ,lid ;,1 r l..i ,,· , • 11.,\,· , :.·•· ,·111, 1-•· • r11 " !I 1, ,,·.t1 ,1ll11 ,, 1•r', l • · ·nn \\Ill .. ,,,,11 1 I do 111, .,11. n l'i.l 1. 1 ••1.1 '1'11 'I h111k About Any– , .l H~ \\ h:ili Ill f,h'l :,liuw,·d , 1· l,act .1 l,11 11 , 'hlnk ahuut. .1ol 1th" tll,·rt· itrl 1·rllH':a In 1lllllx! ~ lt1\'1•~ li1rU"'°'ll1~ IIIUd Ill 1,:11 iii Ill!'> worK:) 11111 r1:<111~ ll '1 ,lllllht d Ulldlt·lll'\"". l \l WU, 111JW 11 JU In \' !l•tOJ'lit , !'il'l'llb 11101'1• t, .. ~1k·r•·cl um! tarnt~. Slult-s t111\V1J 1~ 111:, l'111lcl und wolr r \ •1,k hlH.I :tllllllo test.Hy lo l1~s 1: 111~t·. t h' :i11rrouncll11v-;, whi111 Ill' pUll\l UIIJS l'·fle,·t u man· , ,,. tr111 t 11•lt·brn1ory utLI Ludc ' " 11 1l11 r1• uwt form llfo. It Is. l/1 I ..JI'! , lltJl l'lllrprblll~ to fi ncl ·11,l l 1111' 1110.,L r,,n·•·f11l-luukl111,; p 1.i1 t11 1~ tuL-. h,'i'n done by /.r11 J ,m·a:i Miki• Uruw11's (1VA– \1·11r -old :illll , 1Wtw11 w1w it ,1 .. 1.., rt rt•t·l•I Vl'd lus fl na. cr1ll· •.d .w. l,tllH 'J I Tli,· work by Tn•\'or Vkkcrn, ,1 ~1i-lbu11nw pt1l11kr, (X)illt.:i up t tll' n d1c·11lut1s ~n.1, Lhut. ex• ...1:, lx·LWL"CI\ t fdboun,e nnd Hrd1w1 arlltillcully. Bydnoy lh-nplc.; i1urd ly know what M ~l– l 1 ,11n11• urtbL" are dolnt,;" unct , 1n• \'t•rM, \Vhy Is this the ,·11w '' "IVl'il, very d l!flcull ~nl• ('!"}' :--1:11.,tlons urr Involved .'' l.s t lie· i·t1lll!Jlt'l1•ly Ull.."wt.! sfoclory llh\~ t•( . Trt.'VOr V\cki!rs' work Is ex· 1, "1111•ly lnt,•ri•st.1115::. Tanwl);, n11uulaltls umt loo&• pultt!rns .irr <11•lh'n1 cly upplied Lo sur• t.., f•~ cnltt•n window shades, \/i hl h11n1< softly In tht! utr. A •i1·rk,; of colore<I "slc1S' 1 harks \1 1t·k to VlckNs' t-llrllt-r ht1rd- 1·d~!1· geometric style. One ot 1hi 1nos1 Impressive nrtlsts ln t ht• Pit'ld show, ht! ls n ua1·ttt-r who:,c work shoulcl be 1,,dh•r known by Sydney 11udt– r 111•,.. ~ At ~lneq1111r1t, 011llerles, Por– t 1ck 01•!1•r cruult's soft b11lboU:i ru,111, with overt remnle lmnK· 1:ry In Austrnllnn 1>lne '":1" l'il!tt 11l11111\nl11m. Tho wooden ronn:; nm Lhi? mosL striking ~·Ith the ~rnln or the wood ust•cl lo reinforce the st11,pes. ~ullv Mcinerney. aL Urn snme ~,d l~ry, has n modest show or ,•t.chillh"S thnt nre dependent 011 ,11>111,•stlc life for thl'lr di arm. C h I Id r en. cnts, <'llhbnL(t~, nnd clothcsllnrs nre~ clPvcrly l'lched Into 'f'h11 rb1:rc:--q1m tnntas tes. Tlwre " n sJ>cclal lntlmacy nbout the drawlnl( 1hat Is very 1111· iwaHnJJ.