Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

THE AUSTRALIAN LANDSCAPE ORGANISED BY TH[ STATE AR r GALL[RIFS o r AUSlnAllA Op•n• 11 th• Quoon,land Art Ga llery, Gregory Terrace, Brisbane, on March 2nd. Ono of the finest collectlnrn ever "'hibiled on the subject, 'The Au!lrallan Landscape' has hcen compiled by .a commi11ee of Directors •nd ~xperls from \'arious national galleries. ThP Peter S1uvvt!sant Tru11;f 1.!i proud to announce its llli.!iOc1ation wilh 'The Au~1ri1l it1n L.rncl\cane' in conjunction with the Art Gallery of New South \Vales. f!labli,herl in 1%3 with lunn, provirled bv the Amcrir.u1 Ci1r,:arc1tc Cn. tOver,tta.!il r1y. Ltrl., Svdnev, Thr Peter St11yvcs1u11 Tru~t h,H h1ougt11 to the Austrillan public such linr. e,hib11ions .:1s:- Art In lndu,try Work, by Rodin Contemporary Nordic Painlln1 Art of the Space Age Recent British Painlin1 Scultura ltaliana an now 'The Au1tralian land,upe'. 'The Australian Landscape' will remain on view until April ht. f'2rl THE PETER STUYVESANTTRUST ~ for the Development of the Arts. LB3.32BS.S