Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

funds 'f , ew QUEENSLAND "" G • ll1ry T1u1t111 h0¥1 rcporte4 to Stote P•rliement thet the 1 • ller,'1 •"nual s rant it "pitifully inadequate" to run tht 9allery oftd buy art warkt , The gall,ry·• 107J-74 re1>0rt "'as prebf'nted to Parllam~nl yr str111:.y r:ould nO'A' r~Lr h l :!O(lfl, R ~~g~&~ a~3bi 1 11ofi"~''ci11 1 ~~ ,er t l91h century , painl– inR up to $5~.ooo. From "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, 2 f~ B1975 -Art funds 'few' QUUNSLAND "" G II ~t~t~ Pa,liemtnt th•: :h'! prt,fuffy inode11111t1" ,,, ,.. 0 ,.,,. to re~•! \\ 11 a"1'~;;;~n~!73. 74 Parliament yes1erd ~ to r!~t Hid the a~iiuaJ ~uly 1;'7\" Increased In bu1 ,the , to $75,000 - n~•. leso thi~lmo o'/?o•ded T,uu 111 t•flery' 1 ""' the could now f•tch ,, WllJJam Dobell 1.000, • $70 ooo an palnllng ver' 119th d a John Glo– lng up lo ~f~l'I palnL- It said 1lsa annual Jrant. wal'i 1ncrensed in ,JUI)', 1973, LO $75,000 - but I.he gallery needed not less than 1150,000 The report said thal allowlnJ for con, Lantly lncr~asing runntnc cost&, the amount expec1ed lo be avail• ble for Acquisi– tions ln I 973-74 wu ~17.670, Th• Queenslanrt Art Gallery did not ha1·• a slani!lcant Australian palnlln~ b.\' John Olo\'er. \\'ho was of ~•at h1.S1orl– cal importance. The trustees sald ell land for 1,he new gallery •n• &1 South Brisban! had been bought and ,om• hulldlng• h•d been cltllrPri from the ~H.f', I he rep0 t , allo\\'lng to~ •aid that Jncr•a.stnr constantJv the -amounrunntng cosr.i, be available ?Ptcted lo tlons Jn 197 °;!' 7 ~cqulsl- $17.670, • • waa oil~~ ~u•enaJind Art •lgnltl~anld noAt l1ave • Palntln b Ultrallan who wa~ 0 f John Glover, caJ lm=rt great hLStori- Th ,- ance. land "toir~eer Hid all llte at Sou1~•wa gallery had bee rl•bane some buu" bou11ht and clearM frg:~ t.li •i'i been "This amount ~•ould 1101 buy a palnllng of m"(or unportance for the • T h • 11allery's tem– ponn· prrmlses In th,. M. I . M Bu1ld1nc. Ann Street. City, \\'Ill he offl- "ThJ no1 bt~y "i:"t~?~tl \\'ould niaJor unpo t · nr of ;alfel'l''s co1fec•1n1ce tor the la the ' U , on, and It billty /!,a ~ry • re,pon•I· best \\'Orica, "~r s~J~Jy I he m :he report ••ld i. Nor- ' Th• gaJJer/s it ~rr~ premises In 1~; Street ' ~Ulldln~. Ann claJJy • Oitl' WIii ll• ottt– mler "/:ined hv th• Pre– •en \ o~ fi· BJelke-Peter- ~•lt~t~:11!\~t~ 10 r~,;~i.:~ blllty to hU)' nnl)' th• best ll•ork&." 11 ~a1r1. Th~ report s•M • Nor– m an l,innsa)' etchln11 ~\i~1;" ~£1"r~ei ibr'! k~~~,';~~: ~l'n 1nn March 2fl.• n Lir,j sa.1• olrhlnr arch 25 1 ueensland ·opens show THE QUEENS· !tiiN~ena~d~~~:~~ of own be"st works the public n ex t · month for the first time In almost a year. 'I1he flrst exhlbt:,lon wlll be a colleclJlon or the be&t worb belon11nv to Ute pllery, 'nle aaalatant director, Mr R. Ounnlfli'ham, uld the exhlbltlon would ln• elude the aqulsltlons or ~he past ,two yeara, AUii• traUon worka from rolo– nt-.:ll to contemporary and other lmportlnt pa.•ntlnp. Work had t>etrun on hangln1 t,he palnt1n1& but the ex– hlblt4on would not be open until the end of Ms.r<f-1. 'Mr Cunnlna,ham E&ld the second exhlbltlon In ,tihe new pllery would be one of Oennan expresston\Jllt 111&phlcs, Jn April last yev the Queensland Art O&llery moved from Oret!OrY Terrau, Fortitude Val• i', to the M .J,M. Build· 11111, Ann St, where Qld Art Gallery grants 'pitiful' THE Queensland Art Gallery cannot provldc properly ror the needs or Queertsland unless Its annual gmnt ls doubled, the tru.stees have told Stnte Parllament. The .chalnnan of trustees, Sir Leon Trout, said the annual State Oovemmrnt gmnt had proven plll!Lrlly In– adequate to run the 11allery and mnke ac– qulsltlons for the col– lectlon or nrt works. The grnnt had been S75,000 but wns In– creased by SI0,000 In January this year, How– ever. Sir Leon snld It was stlll "chicken feed". Slr Leon .;aid In the Inst run ilnanclal year the amount nvnllnblc for acquislllons was only about S\7,070 nftcr r unning costs had been deducted, He belleves the gal– lery r.eeds at least a grnnt or SJ50,000 a year to operate effectlveiy, In hls nnnual report 10 St3tc Pnrllarnent Slr Leon sald the $17,070 would not purchase n palntln~ or rnnJor lm– portnncc nnd lt wns the responsibility of the gallery to purchase only th" best works. "Wlth the increase In vnlues or nrt work., In Austrnlla and In !net throughout the world gnllcrlcs hnve to cc,m– pct e !or the purchnse of works vitnl to their !'Ol– lcctlorts," Sir Lron snld. He sald work.s or es– tnbllshed lmporlancc had escalntNl most ln vnlue. For Instance, a Nor– man Lindsay etching (first prlnt) 1otd Inst April for S2000 and Sir Willlam Dobell's palnt– lngs sold for up to $70,000. CULTURAL Slr Leon snld Aus– trnllan palntlng.; by John Ot~vcr sold for more than $52,000. The Queensland gallery dld not hnve n slgnl!l• cn.nt Austrn!lnn pnlntlng by t.hls artist who ls or grcnt hlstorlcal l111port– nncc. Sir Leon snld the present grnnt virtually only col'ercd the run– ning costs of the gallery nm! the purchase or I\ handful or art works. none of major import- "For the growing cul– tural needs or the people or Queensland lt Is essential that a cot– lecllon of hnportance be built up nnd selectlvcly presented In the new art, gallery," Slr Leon snld. "This Is or vltnl Im – portance ln order thnt the Queensland Art Gallery muy take its pin ce wlth the other Stl\Le galleries." The gnllery collection ls belng locnted In tem– porary premlscs ln thr :VflM buUdlnK In Ann St rcet following Uie closure or t.hr old gnl– tery ln Dowen HIiis becnusr of structurnl fnu lts. However, n new gnl– lcry complex Is plnnneli for Stanley Street in South Dru;bnne. RUGBY ART JUDGE Tiu• Ulr,•rtnr or thr Q,11•rrhh11ut .\rt (ittllrn, Mr lt.wul Mellh,h, will Jurt,:r tlw qu,•rn,'il;tnd Ru1ehy l lnlnn f'luh art cn1111tl'ttfion. · TIH' f'Olll\)('1 JI 11,n ,;-. 111 two ... c••'LI0l\,'I - SflOO f'or t1 p :tlnt.1ll&l 111 RIIY 111_'..rt llllll ()11 11 11 ~· i;11hj1~1·t E\11c1 $l(1i) {or a <1raw1n ~ or JHl lt\1111~ Oil ., fOO[hRII !<illl>1rcL P.nlrl(>s w1 II r lns•• n 11 •\pril 1 nm prl1.r wh1nCr.11 ~;::. 11 hfR.a1111ourwt•ri u~ n tunrt.1011 at. Bn\ly111orc on Ent.r,e.-. will he, 0,11 c1i.-.pluy in u1e C ltth tllllil 1\pril '.?1