Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

TE I. ECHAP II MIM SPACE FOR ART GALLERY The Queensland Art Gallery's paintings and other exhibits are to be displayed and stared in the MIM building Ann Street. 0 1); ~:~~ c;{:~rk~"~~-~f'st~/g ~\ 1 f'. 1 1-'lt.'l('h{'r. anct 111111• Purli:,int>n l tu(IU \' tJlP f1(th a11rl ...Ixth 1luo:s ul tho ~11!\I b utld i:11,{ \\ollld be used by the i,:ollerr. Followin g ad\'ire irom S I r Leon Trout, the cha1rmnn. and tnist ~cs or the Q ueen ..,.lunct Nn– llorn1l Ar: Oalle r y, to the P..·lt1ll1'ter for Ed1H'nt1on tlHll the Art Galleri,~., had serious struct ural 11rohlems the \Vorks Dc- 11nrunent. wn.s asked to make un immed lute in– s1>ectlon and report. Sir Gordon said this W.L'i ~lven to the \Vorks Ml:1bter. 1\lr. H od ges, the Ectucat1011 ~1 1nister, S1r Tllf' rr1l0rl ,c;h 1-\'NI that the co~t ut re:,l1Jl'l11i,; the ,i\n Oulif•ry t 11 u ., a tfl'ol,tc– tory ro11dlt11Jn, wou Id l)e a prohlb11irc.· tigurc e -.ue– cially us IL woulrt h(' ,IH!t"ded (Inly r,,r the t 1111•• ll would take fur the 00\'CnJlll('lll Lo bu1lc1 the new Art Cinlk•ry on Lhc :iouths1de. P re m I s <' !\ t h(.'O •1,.•crr, sou~ht ror tht• callcry 1n ,he c,,y tor cti.;play 111ut storage. Sir Gnrdo:1 s11lcl the Sf)AC(' :wn.ilable Ill the '-'IIM Uulld111g wa.c; u-~at– cr thnn 1.he cfu.•cu \'C QUEENSLAND !.pr1rr 111 the pr~ 11t g:.d - kry, ·, . ....,. TIie arl•a wri!'f , •ur-c,,n– cllt10111•d a nd \ .d11n h lt• JI II 111 l I tl I!.-. lll\C! ObJl'Ct., d 'un \!.'!HI id br -">4""CUrc.• ancl wuulrl hl' ct i... p J.tr t.·d lu ad– \',11'1' ., ~~- R1r Ci11n11111 °'a1c1 th(' lo– rat11111 \\u, , 11tlrn ll\" 111 (.'Cllt!".d C 1tr unri . 111riri• :1C'<'l•,,.:t1b!c t puhlic. It providN1 the m,,.,t satlsfur1ory :..o l11u11n to Ih ' lCIIIP• •rfl I"\" 1)1 oble,11 oi h1m~1tH! t11e cnllerv umII a.-, Ix•rmune1u homf• ~•,l-.. ro111p ('ll"l.l llll ll,'J own Mll' Ill 1!178 , ART GALLERY The Trustees advise that the new Temporary Premises will be open to the pubIic on Wednesday 26th March, '75. GALLERY HOURS Monday to Saturday Inclusive 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Please Note - Gallery is closed on : GOOD FRIDAY ANZAC DAY CHRISTMAS DAY Enquiries - Phone 29-2138 Raoul Mellish, QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY New Telftperary Pre111iH1 Mount Isa Mines BuHdin1 1 &O Ann Street, Brisbane Phone No. 29 2 I 31 GALLERY 5th FLOOR. Gallery Heure Mell4ey to S.tw ••r h1cl11II•• I0.00 . ..... 5.00 , ..... 2.00 , ..... s.ot ,.•. PI••· note Qallery WIii be .,.. e11 en AIIDC Day Friday Htlt Aprll, 1971, Present E•hibitions fcoturc: - R~ccnt Acquisitions, Treasure~ of the Collection, Australian Art, Colonial to Conlempo,ory G,ophie Art of Germon bprcssionism • th April to • th Mny, 1975. The 1culpture "Jl'our l!easona" by Enzo Plu– zoU& (pictured) btlnl ~~!~~ed rJ'f. •~~lok~i f~a~t: 0 ~1~t:· 1 BWcl1~"1. Ann Street, by the Police Minister (Mr. Jlodgesl . Other worl.a Include P1casso'a "La Belle Hol– landaise: • ,Dobell's "The O l' p r I o t , · · Moriarty•, " Po rt r a I t or Bernard O'Reilly," and Toulouse• L&utrec·• "Tele de Fllle." o!~~tl~f:ml~~k. R;~~:: Iof. Chevalier, Walter tJ~~f::· c~~~~r. ~~n~~ Marten• and John Olo• ver also share the ~7t m (900rt.I or v.•all apace. In all. 160 art obJectl .-111 be displayed In I.he humidity and tempera– ture controlled 1aUery. The pllery will bt open from tomorrow and rrom thtn 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Batur• dr.y. The gallery Is only a ~r::r~r~.g~•e u~~au~~1 complex ta completed. The Queenaland Gal– lery moved from It.I former premises In I.he museum on April 7 last }"e&r. Gallery director <Mr. Raoul Melllahl aald YU• terday: "Our exhibition ~~ul'.~lr 0 ::,•1u{:'~t rec:,~~ ~~ 0 1'~1t:!11Yand~~1r:~nt "It ehows the pu\11c what we can do under Improved eondltlona." Cultural complex G ARY J oh n so n rc -M wrch 23) Is apparcn ty un– aware of actvancPd plannln,t for the ESl,Rbllshmrnt of a combined c u 1 t u r a I compl x tn Brl~bane. Delallrd plans hR\'C her.n P'1' e p n re ct anrt punllahert conco:-rnm~ a $1~ milllnn, ~~:nr 11cJ~~~; ~n~~~~•~~~~-proj- A workln2' mode) h as bcr n lrnllt Thr t:ompl<'X wl ll tn– rnrporn lr n11 Rl'l, cAllrrs . 11 - hr~ry, rnu'-rllm . nnci nrr– fnrmini: ai t ~ r rnt.re. A w1rl'" •' - rrpr!-srn f;1f l\ e pln1mt11~ ill,r! r.,tnh!ISl1 • mn11, ro,':1m11tPr hC'nrtcr1 b~r thr Q11r rn:--lanci T hc~ rre Compan~· r l1n1rm R11 1~1r nr\\ irl '.\cl\111' 1 !~ \\'Ork.111c nn 1hr r rn_u•c1 111 r nn lllllC"tinn wilt, thr \Vork.'- n rnn11- mr111 , \\'hlr h \\' !II hr , the ~, I , ,. 1 1" "llY, ~.r r n."~urp ;wr. .Jnhn• ~nn thr. t thf" r-rnpnsrrl rnm– plf'X Will nnt on!~· he R ,•rrrlit tn Q11rr1-:~lrlnrl. h11t, 1n 1 \ •:s· :·;1l 1n, f;nnlnn C"h:111-., 111"rtllt,· Prf"mirr , :1ncl Tr1"a!'urn. I \J r ,Jflhm,nn r·nmplR111Prt tlrn t. Q11t"rn~b n rt wn~ rr• ~~~~~1~/·~ h~r;.{~~;~: 1 \,~ 1 'r~ ~ rlrnrt1 ,.,,1 nf ~ pl., n !or a rulturnl cr nr rf'. l