Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

--- Cultural complex will he at heart of State-wide network - - - . -- - . - .... . - - - - - -- &&nel CUiturai Diana iiiiitilned' clrivt to re· 1'M lsarly 1.fuik !lncl"-l' SubltantllW proer•,..<monthlyl 11ro1•1do a 11r• Cl\llt at.all v, m..intaln L• ,uripl)·lnK a I01111•lelt IOW&rc!s Uill iG&1 wu,1co 1,0 artlbl~ and oultur- 11&nd&fdl. oem11nd. made III lfl~ al or«an!Aattona. llom• of the finest _________ TIie i.,\ of \he neL• I, O Ca I ol'IUIM- •• work la be1na donP In work will be lh• QuNn••nombtnlnr lll\o oul.....i \heir a-'tl tin,., by t•IICh· Choral """'UP at \Mid cut&ural -~ i.oo e>-ortllnatln1 UIOCI• - ~ ID "'moce ..,. - emb=• the QUeiaa!and1 t Ion•, uo l)NlmOtlnr • .r•u. •• ~ ..... world aatberino Ar1 Oal~ry, Queel\lland11U1111ral .....,,__ wttll • n II _,ad lo ea-- .. e M11111um, Bta!A! Llbrary,eal, State, &nCI Ptdmil 11 •upervlsor of dramt., to an<\ the Queenaland Pv· 10vernment support. , promote drama on a par The Jubilate ,.....,~ forffllnl ArU Centre. Cairn., and Mount !Al with mu,lc and ar~ ha<I UM dlltlncllon or -----------:Mc centr,., followlnc Murn of this work w111 np.-ntlntr Q11..,n1luul Innl • lall ' • Oon• be achieved with t~ at th• Interna1,011nl S ucceeded • ervatorlum or MullCI he 111 Of t h O 11 I I I P !ioclf'ty of t.l!J&lc t,;Ju,:a– wlll revoluLlonlle culwra the• ru, •~ ....,.,,. t,011 conlrre111·0 In P,,rlh deepltr ·aod • acttvltl- • ID North at Ion comprl••• • The ,·"lue of the.,.;; Qu.. n.<land. 1roup.,. In cultun.l ad- ln Qu~lanrt 1,1 ~ _neral-, - ------ Townsvlllt'a eultural minilitratlon, ID•ll!rvlce ly now moro blllhlf a11- 'l'ht need ror tnll oom• eentre II al an ldvanctd \1'111111111 la pa,tnr dlvl- prec111ted. All odueaLlonal ~• - ltruN<I by Ill• rlann111« •t&Ke, and o1th- denda. 1r 11 L1LuUon1 are "'°'"·"• E lll1lb&lle aeuon or era at all main po nll •n,• youth orch• t.ra Kn i•R~•- to ..,•• llleDDl&I Queenaland aouth, are pr01reo • lnR, movement contJnu• IO their local commurul)', ,-uval In May In remote areu. !:Mt· rr-ow. Nor\h QUetnal&nd e.,,,..dally !n combuied wllldl Neceeded deapit. IIUS the A111tnllan PlJIIIII 8JmpboQJ Orohel&ra ia p ro ,·Llcal prnJtct.1. •.,. flood&, Art Bcbool, II he!Dinl IO _,. rorined. I 'ultLrKI ;.<>lklu, ICLIV- - reinforce local actlvttla TM Auocla\loa for U. !t~es. .,.,,, IIJ'cl1itfftural Ae\i'1tlel In 19'7II &"I The Artt Counell II 10 c.. tlW'tll F.cluaLlon of d•.i~n• ..,~ more ct.-ely dNIIJDICI u a prelude \0 va111 a • enlof tlalf oln- the Children ol the Pen- lnt•vr• sd a full State feat.lval l.ll •r u a pilot to oervtoe t.naala II dovelOl)IDI lta r h • r u tu r • , while 111'78, \lie remote areu, N"ldl lo r.llOrlil\na.lelearly more compl• 11 The Slale budla, for A mod 11 \ l'ldtral youth. ''"" mun challl:n11n 1 cultural activities rooe 111'1111& wlll IMIII,_. ~ TIie Lardll uor111r111l · turn t ile nut phue trom from sieo,aoo for tll'IS/1• luft ID • daC 4-- tan c er I fTalll llta'TI• ~ ~..,..land haa to 11.1:0,00D Ill 1'1•-:~. <0ntru lnl(tOn :.Slaru! are mal<lnl....,,, _,..111. Wt 111u.st T,. 0 dei-~nl&I Queonaland'a cllltl cul• an AlllUalWl repu\Ai.D, nourlab ol!I' on cultural publlatlOIII. lhe Llat of wral need • lit In \!le The Unlverslt, llllfo- r•M>lt,_ by l'eOOl'U,ling cultural 0r,an1... t1ons field of tralnlnl and Ml· nletl& hu mi.lntalDed•tu><:tty all"MIIY Iler•. •nd' ln Queenaland ttwice- mlnlstrat1on. n>e ter•the hllh 11andard b• inrlttnr al JX10,1lble J.!!!:IY , and the Q\INnt: uary lnattwttona re<Julre achieved at 11.1 debut. •:.!!21!9!'.l lrym ell!f'b'~ CULTURAL SITE PLANNERS A COMMITTEE with statutory authority will plan and establish the Queensland Govern– ment's projected $45 million cultural comp! ex at South Brisbane. Tht D~plll)' P remier and T rca.,urer <Sir Oor– aon ChRlk • announced tnl• ta.,t night. The rom1lex wlll ln– corporR Lt an :\Tt gallery. 11b r a r y , mm.cum . nnd •t<'rfnrm 11~ arts centre. s i r Gnrri o n · i, an• 110,,!H:ement fotlnw~ R rf'• p.-irt 10 C;;bmC'l by fin in – lrr·rl!>parunrnt al Meer– In~ romul1t.ter headed by 1he Si~lr lndu.1.t rtRI De– ' Plopmenl DiTPCl.l'll' Rnd Qurrn!l•nd T heAtre Comr,Rny cha.i rma11 ,sir Daxirl ;\lu:r1 . Sir Gordon •aid the ~11f,~ ",\,~ r ~I• ~.~'i~1~ 11 ~~~ E.•Labh, 1 ment Com- mllt.ee, would deal ll'llh all rhALl.ers as.snc1at•d with th, conc.lruruon o! the complex In con– ~mrt1on with the work~ V\'~s~a ~; ~ :e" :ons~\-~~~·~ ing rrnt horaty "Tl1rr(' \\'Ill hf' llf' Go, - u n menl dflR \ \\ ll h thr j)rOJf't l.' Sir (ii" cion !-Rlcl Sir Gr,rrinn "a1ci tbr r m rn 1tt r e ,, onlrl nnt orlri\ C'l in a: , wa,. lrom thf> autonom~· nf inoi\ 1d– U:t l cult ur:tl trust bor11r ". Comm11tee cha1rn~An \\oulc! bP Su oa,·lrl ~1 uir, Member~ n·o11ld hf' the \1nf1f r-Tm ,.., ur~r ,\lr L A. H1eb Jlrr 1, Dt 1 1Jt~· C o-Ord1na1or (in ,11raJ cMr. S. ~r hubcrt I PublH· Ser ,. i r , Boarri rlrput~· Chairman •Mr. D. • 1. '.\1er– cer1 , \Vork~ Depnrimrnt unctcr-set rr tary •~tr D. K. Hom- ton •. F.dllri't ;lon 0 1rrrtor-GPncn~l rM r ., E. c. ,i~111n •. :rncl rcprr– ~ en t A l l\ f! !i lrom th P Qur~n~ ·...ncl :\ r Cin'.le1.\ Q ll er n"" Ia n (: L1h ran Boi;rrl . Quren!-:,nrl ;\,tu – li , u m . anri I l1f' Prr – form inc Ar!~. Rt1sham• c .•\· Cnunr1l wo11lt1 b ~ p,st.'ed :o nniri n:nP .- rep– Tf'~ri,t;\tl \ r- , Sir r,orr,on ~,-11d 1h" P t"':-I O!l11111i: ,.\ 11 \ nn r::\ \\ oulrt r 1,n~1:,.1 of :=11 0-, - 11d \ 11.IIJ' •rhaln n,.n ~-11 A. F. Gu, mn, Que€ns.. I n nd u nh rrsil,y V1ce– C h A n r f' l I or Prof,.!:sor co,\ Pn. ,, ho would rrprf'– '-ent national compan1e., ~uch A~ Tht. AUMTH.ht1n Op~rn. Rnri reprcsentR- 1,: \·t .~ from t ht Queen.h 1,nd Thratr• Com11any. Quer n, land Balltt Com- &~~;llR~~f'riit~~~e~raet~~ Ll'1: ht Oper;. Cnmpan~ . ("nn ...er\'Rlor11,m nf M11~1r And thtA u stra l 1a n B ro0cic;\.i.:t1nf;!. Comm1' • ~ion. 11 1,\·;1 , propn5f'rl tn 1-1 p– po1 n1 ' " 1h1~ au·hora~ :– iepre!-rnt~Tl' f' nf rom- 1nercu~ l PCl t rprht 111· , oh ed in tl1e ~ rforn11n~ a rts. MODEL o, "'" llt:W' Qu..mland Art Gallery, to-M •_,Ja a, • ......-at the ,outtw,n •nd ol V11:• tor,n Sr,dg•. Th• S 7 .s· nuU,on gall,ry is ~•pectud to QPtn In 1978. It w,11 include o nm,n toy~, . a,s - ploy galler41, on ecJ,,c– otion Hcf1on 1 on o url,t• onum, o r•1tauront , J1brory and odm,m•trof • ion olf,ces, The 0011,,,1 will lo,m nn 1rtfe'3' c,I port ol the plaMed QuHn • • land CIJlti.ltOI con,,,,.., which #111 oho /ndude N Quwmlond MuaNnt, Slate 1.obtory <Jnd t"9 OuH,.lond p,.,to,n,,,ig - Artt..lb_t_:n l, ~. Get on with the show B RISBANE ha& hrard It all before, wo entrepreneur 1'11rhael Ed r I e y addtd nnthlnr new with hi• "cultu• ral wasteland" btu&– at performlnar artl' farllltlH thl• wtek, . The need for Im• proved, Indeed even proper, f:lcllltles tor dl\nce, music and opera has been obvious since World War II. B re as t - beating Rbout the need,. haa been (!olng on for Ju~t as long. The State oovern– mPnt hRs a 12· mon ths-old plnn for I\ $45 mllllon multi– purpose arts centre on the south bank of Brisbane River. Finl. It seemed like the breakthrough at Jut. There I~ to be a centre for the per– forming arts, art gallery, 11 b ra r y, restaurant a 11 within el\sy strolllnl dlstRnce or the city. But when do the bricks and mortar be,rln to take shape? A period of econo– mic recession m a y ~eem Rn Inappropri– ate time to begin pro• jects fRr removed from dl\y to day needs. Yet the pres– ent roarlnR Inflation Is Just ns good a rea• 60n for I\ speedy start. T H E 145 . nitlllon ..~tlmRte already will hn., Hared, Tb e National Gallery In Canberra, • tarted with a tar,:et of $1U million, now Is ..~umated to eost IZl million by the time It Is finished In 1971, A start on the South Bank project 111 urirent If thRt "cultu– ral wasteland" cllche Is not to become an enduring tact. The time-table for the project IR five to seven yeRr~. But the city's m A J or 11 v e theatre, Her MaJrst.y·s, may not lRsl, I.hat distance. It Is under threat of demolition. Where to then? Brisbane misses en– ough of the maJor performing arts al– read .