Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

On the right, ladies and gentle– men, lies the "parlia111entary palace", the plushest, most exclusive club dreamt of in Brisbane since the Queens– land Club poked up its patrician nose last century. WllCll erected It will \J('C'Otn<' \hi! l\llt\11')' home or our Stille 110ll1lcln11., . l.'nrnplrle with ~umptuous J)f'rsonal suites. ~wimmlng pool. games area, barbecue. Exprcted cost $!:I.fill million. Tender let 1n~t 111 n111 11 . ritpeclccl r.omplellon dntr Drcrmllc r Iu,8. On the left lie~ tile Qurri.,:lnnd culturnl riorities wrong multi– million dollar projects complex, the sel'llllllgly CIA'l'lllll clrc Rm of Brisbane arU! lovers. pt•ctrd r.om 1 lt>11nn dt,;f" a ,-hai(,· ln'r l!li1:l. When complettd ll •·Ill brh11 Q .,r1•11s- 111 nd into line c11Hur,11ly wli h other ,· 11.rs ur 11, slt,e In Auslrnlla. These ,..,., n 1n ~11tflc·,•n t b111i<11n~,. ·1:11 t. w1H ··i,;r on , fJllO~,ur ,..111,~ of tllr. nr 1 •b ,nr Rh•r 1 ,u·, h mo1rnnumt. to Q urt>nsl!IO<l ProjectNl cost M5 million, Disr.11s• lon on uw µro.lecl now M.vcn ycni's aid. F.x• poll! lcllnl' thlnklftll Keep it simple, says Ferrier 0 0on'l lt•l too m:rnv (i,wrrnnwnt 1lr 11,1rl · 01rnt.. 1:1•\ hl\·11h·r1I In t hf' <11rlwnw. I)un't ,•m· 111ny ard1llrd"' \\ho cir· ..itn uHin• hul\(lillll"'• nr m1,n11,f,::1•111rnl" "hu h t\\'I' 11r1•,·lnu.. 1, ht•i•n runnltu:. r,utnrlr-.." Mr, Frrrirr, of ~,,,. nr,·. who ha, h,•,·n ~r, ,1•;1r'- in ..111n, hu.,.lnr.... , ·,... r1•d..il Inc Ut'i..h:lflf' Ill a 11rlnf'i11al rnlr wilh I h r mu<11h':tl rumr1h " l n•nr" al llrr :\bJr-.- 1, ·._ Thr:1trr. llt> \"- lfllrr""''"'' \r, thr our1•n -.l:11,rl (in,·· 1•rnmrn1·.. flrn\rf'l to hullrl 11 ( 'nll11r:1I ('om- 11\r, nn I h r urnIh -.llir Vtttran Au1t,ahan pi 1hr nr1-.1,anr ltl\·1•r. o c tor Noel ferric,~ l 'hr ( tu ,rr nmrt1l .. :1icl \alto..,,\ hope, lri,hanl 1:,,t ,,,•rk 1h;11 "ork 1111 will qet rid af oll un• thr ~-, ~- mllli 11 11 •:nm pin: ni-u••"'Y ~u,eaucrocir, I ;'.;:!~hi,•n~!~~ 1 1 ,., 111 ,~•\ 11 ' "1~:. for the , ctt1ng up al .'" i•hul•• :, 11 \rl t ;;\llrf\', propo1t•d Per • o,m•nq 1.llirar,·. \Ill"'""'· a111I Arh Cc"tre. , )'1•rr11nni1u.: :,rt, t 'rnlrr. "1.1•1'1111 ho1,r thr 1,l:,n· " I !I'll'' Bri,ha 111' . i.. 11 inc :uul nrnn:11:rnwnl 1,, "k 111 ~ tu ,\1lt•l:111l1• "ill lM' put in thl' h1uul"- \\llh 11 -.. \ rh 1 1•-.l l\,tl or a ,mall l!rnu1, or I ,,ntr~·- a nti to . P1•1·1h \ll'lll'lr "ho kfl•'"" '\\'h•t "ll h 11 ~ I nl1•r ln1nnh•ll l 1h•·, :,.1·1• 11111111:," ~lr, t ""' ''''· Tlu•,r :1rr thl' F1•rrlrr .. :,hi.