Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

THI COUIIIR-MAIL WlD. MAICH 26 art • re-opening WORKS valued conservatively at $3 million displayed when the new temporary Queensland Galler was officially opened last night. They not only represented the work of ome of the greot mo~ters and leading can– emporo ry art 1sts, but presented a chrono– logica l history of Aust ralian art fr om the olon,o l days to the present. ·- --- --- TIit Ol)f'llll1~. 111 M . l ~1 . Hou&e, Ann StrPet, rol– Jnwrd t h, rlosu rf" of thr gnl!er\' Al IL-, f} ff"\' IOU' lo– cation m thf> ~,1u r;;,eum Duilchn~. Ore~ory Trr – rnrr. h1.,t _",pr1l. ., .-,~t.:tlOll ol tht Mu– SCUIII bt11lrt111µ \\'ft"I 101111d lltt'II tn be Ull" ll lt•. F'irc Un1.mdt• l't'~tr 1c– th11 1.s (orc:1•d thf" Rtt!IPI'\' t. r u /\ t to reduc,, 111 - \ I\Jtttons 10 ln.-,1 nu.zht 's DJlt'llllli In lhf" :\1 l.~l. 1 bu1lctl11w lrllll\ 900 to 300. I Thr Polu·P MmistPr 1 :\'tr. Hod~1•~,. who ciepu- 11."ed for tlu- P 1em1er 1M1. Bir lke - PNerse111, per1onn, d t t-.ae oft 1c1RI opcn111w . Change Mr. Hod~e.< s,wt th• n,w tc111pornry Aalle1:y wa s proof or public chan~e toward~ t he arts. FortunnLelv the climate had be~ui, LO change, and the II rt.r, were re~ garded more and more R,'i mat1 ers of publlc con., cern. tRgM 0\f'f ltH1 n1r1 bu lJd .. In)? nn1\ \\OU Id Ill Of e tha n ... 11tt11·e unt tl t h ~I;;· r,~!l;r~a~k R~u~~,1~~ lln h11111•. ltT~~~ ~~~~;rr•~.;ii'~rr;;e thl' llllrSl Ill Aliff ralla. The tru~1 re.'i· ,·ha1rman 1, ·1r Lron Troul 1, who llurnkeri thr Slat, rnr 1uc Kid . . ,nld the ~·ork, rouh1 now bt .crn Ln ach'anrnge rn \.he city's centrt . Record 0 11• r,allll tnR 1,oss1bly lt11d e.;tahltshed • 11·orld record - ..The Cypriot:· by Dobell. bou~ht in 1943 ctlrrct frnm t hP iu1 lsL ror H. rnrre £100 ,s2001 and now \'Rll1efl at S:!00.000. • Ai n n t h er, bouµht In 11151 tor .1.'.l:.!5 •S250• Wf\.'i now , Hiued at $15,000. Sir I"'on said rectnl R"irts lrnd rome from Mn. !,Illian Elnsch ,s~0.000• anrt ~lr. W1l1tam Bo11•– mnr• , $10,000 ,, bolh of w hom were born in Que•nsl•nd Rnd ~•a ntrrt to show thtlr RppreclR• t.ion of the StRte. ''SUNDAY MAIL" Artll~ll l ~,lh·. Lill' II\I _ ~u re 1., h.•,npor,· 11 ., h'111por;tr_\· 1 • ..., ., 11 , , 1 , 1, 1<'1'111 n11d 1l 1;-. :,H,n t.l , Ilk('!)' 1,/Ul .' P\ t'I .J \f' 1; • Will clnp,'-l' h1: :01P , : .• I> r o .I c c t f' d II r 111111 \ . , ;~1 ;~t~~. b.111 k c.dl' -•r.,. 'l * HO W c \' r r . cl t •''lo1r l_l,:1011I ~te lll....11 .,nu 111 :il.:tff h .l\'~ dOlll' ;1 i.!! ,Ull: Joh of 111nk l111~ ht•,t 11 1.,• n l Ll1c s1,nce Hild I 1, ii ·1 l\\'Alla Jle b,v sk i!I ii d ,. 1/ 1 _ oymrnt 0 1 ..... ,.,..... 11 _., lO b;<'11k the .,n•a 1111 ,, t,. 1, \l.l11lc rc-t.1111 1n~ 1 1._•o r1 : 11 • lg~\ \,,1N;~~ 11 e11ocle .,r,,11 111 1 To n_111rk l he Opt:"111/l , a fctiture Im., h1.,•t.'ll 111 .~; 1;, in Ille lll"Ollh'IH11fc :-cr– t 1011 01 ,l .-,un cy O! A lh– trultall art fr;'lltl rolom·i, t.o co1n,•111pornrr :;,\ excc.-llenl ~•It t 1011 ho 1 unrh>rl111e-; r.1 1,• w 11 r i iJ . ln~s.: 01 t.llC" ~tl 11,•rv·:-. po:-. • session... 111 f,h b dt'lhHl. • m e111 - 011d n dis pl.t\' o f rer·cnt. R.C'1t1lsnlons 111 ·l"-'O or t,hc, l)l\)'5. A dl'[I,( of ill [erl''-L j,,;; aruu:,c<l by W1e :,IIJl\'ii11.; Brisbane, Q. * . 1 ht• \'Pill tlf' " , sa.v• ..; Mr h.1t•J.., w,.,.., c1,·:-.11~1wd to 1ir,11 1t lt· ,I r,•n r,n t l i>laci:- Rt "hll'h 111•opll' frfl111 cu- 1.>(l.iJr.tn• and Sc..1rbor– lHl1{h I fHH1. o f rours,• t he wh,1\c ur1•a 1 could i11•n.r oro11•.,.,1011:1 l ltt:rlurm- 1111,·c .... , Amt. h~ m h.eh t. 111.\'C ,I ,, rl t..' ,1 \\ 1 I 11 • l II t. e,t,e t.1011hlc ut K•lk m o r !-O of n•111n1 ·r 11••I :illrl "' ' '"ll'1- 1111~ yrottJ,,111 .; - w t11J h l.<i pt· t l,,t•h· Wh al Lh l! MttSIC Cl~11., lu,11l'tl ,,, a c h ie ve . I h c co111111u111Ly or North BrMl1a11e IS ex– r,•1>11011.111.\' forl.utHlt..c ·111 h.w 111g Slll~h a Jcad.