Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

F rom "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, • re-open1n •ll ' . SIIJ• I • valued conservatively at $3 million were h t he new temporary Queensland w en I . ht .. . : officially opened ast n19 . The not only rep•esent ed the _work o t f il,e great masters and leading con– some a b resented O ch rono– temporory ort,sts, ut P f the log, col history of Aust ro lion art rem olon1ol days to the present . I I \ I Ll\1191 over u,e old build• Th,. openm;. t11 :\ • ·, In~ 1 rnd \\OUld rn o re J-tou:)c. Ann Strttl ro,~ tim.n . .,uftire ntU the lrl\\ecl thr clo.-.J re nf the nrw alien· \\'tis butlt on i;al.e ,. nl Its pre\1ous lo• llH" r~, rr bank al South 'rtu\\~:l\:l 1 • 0 d:-~~go~:u-:r.~;. 1 ! Brl~bane. . rac:f' lrt~l Apnl T h.11 propu-.rd ::i11Pr~ . • f ltr '.\ 111 • 11 , _,c ho1>NL \\ OUld be :\ :-rcuon o t • d ' ilt" l'IH•~t 111 ., :'\,r.d,.t. seum huil 111g ""·'1 1oun · T h~ tru-.;re.~ rh:11rnM n l hf"ll lObe Ull""Rlr , R1r L('llll T ruul• . \\ilO Fll'f' hngar1f' rr ,;t1"ll'• 111e.11k,•d 1hr Sli\lt' IOr l~.– IIUll~ rorctd th• gallt'l"Y l'lrl . .. ,11r' thr n·orks ci.. 1 u ld t r u !ii t 10 rcducc- 111• now br sern 10 iuJ ~nt.a1:-e ntat1on~ to ln."l m~hl •' 111 ttH• en ,··~ cr-ntrr . Ol)fllllHI' in Ihf" :'\.1.J.~1. builrl llR from 900 ,o JOO Th,- Polle, ~t mb, t.er 1.\ Jr. Hodic.. 1, n·ho <lrpu• 1hed ror 111, Premier 1Mr. Bjt lkr. Pcter:itn• . pc-r1or111Pd the olucinl opr nl!Hl. Change Record One µ.1lntl11i po, lbly hHd est~bllshed • \\Or i~ record - "The Cypriot.. by Dobell. bought In 1943 direcl 1rom the artM,L for a mere ! 100 1 s:W0 1 :tnd now \'alued at S:!00.000. A 11 0 t h e r. bought 111 '.\lr. Hotlg:e., srud the t9.'>1 for £1 :.!5 1525:!•. 9.UA 110 11 te111pvrarv gallery now l'olued at 51~.ooo. v a , proof of publ:c sir Leon sa id recent 110.nge t.owarcL" the. al'l!,. gift.. had come from ~-tr~. l•'ort.u11ately !lie chmutc LIiiian Bosch 1530,000 1 u,d bcifllu to change, and :\l r. \V1l1\am Bow• and the Rrt.~ were I'('• more •$40,000 1 • both c;,r 1 ,rded more and more as w h o 111 i;,,;cre born 111 01attc1, or public con- Qucen, land and ,,anted t.o show their apprcc1a– temporary . prem• l no11 of 1he Staie. .til'ilil.'.,:I~--- d n t, TH. COURIER-MAIL SAT. APRIL 5 1975 Dl,ARTMINT OP IDUCATION QUIINSLAND TECHNICAL EDUCATION BRANCH Appllcotlon1 ore invlttd from 1ultobly quolifitd ond experltnctd persona for tht following position; ART ASSISTANT COLLEGE OF ART SEVEN HILLS, BRI.SBANE SALARY: $293.70-$300.CSO per fortnight ( Plu • Award •ariationsl appl icant will hnve the abi lity to : inspect, renovate, repa ir and clean costs, figures, original pa intings a nd prints held in t he College collectioh . mount ond hand le exhibitions and individual works, Including displays of student work. produce costs for student use prepare classrooms, class equipment and material for Instructors. handle molerio s and /or equipment between stores and ( r clos,work . corrv out o the r rluties relollng to the genera l a rea of class a nd stud, o wo rk, inc lud ing the keeping of accurate records of su pp li es, equipment ond sma ll lools for classroom me. The oopo,nlee wi ll en1ov good work ing cond ,ti ons, annual a nd sick e nd sune rnnnuot ,on bene fit s ' Applica nts shou ld 1n, lude full r orticu lo rs of name, address, telephone number, dol e o f birlh , mo ri lal sta tus, deta il s of qua li fi ca tions a nd expe rience , copies of testi mon1ol\, nnd the names of two refe rees. should be forwa rded to: Director-General of Education, Attention : Director of Technical Education, 417 Moin Street, KANGAROO POINT, Q. 4169. before the 28tfi Ap ril, 1975