Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

SUNDAY SUN, MAl'CH ,,,,,.,.,,.fill#I ,,,, ~ ,,., t;,,11,,r,1 'I lw Trll•I•·•·• ,11h i-,· 11, al 1lu· ,,..,., ..l',•uq ,u ra r~ P r,·111 i...,•. a n · 110,, uiu·11 ,,. 11,.. 1'111,li,· a, fr,.,., \\ ,·,l11,·-,la1•. :!t,11, '.\l ard, , I•1 7:i . Sunday Mail MARCH 30 , QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY "f he T rustees a dvise that Tempo ra ry Premises the publi c t h Mo rch, GALLERY HOURS Monday to Saturday inclusive ~- .,.,- t__ ·_.1 ""'·. THE COURIIR-MAIL MON. MARCH II 1975 Art G a lhr y : Queensland A r t Gallery, In Its new prem l. es, M.I.M. build ing, Ann Street 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. ' \1111 111.t \ tu !",1l u nl ;I\ i 111 1,,.j \ ,. IUJM. a . 111. lu .·~.eHl p . 111, 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.111, ""11111la, :.!.Oil p.111 lo ,';J M• p.111. Sunday 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.111. Please Note - Ga ll ery is clc,sed on: ,.,,.,, ... ,. ,·,_,,, . ';,,11,,,._,. i., "'"·'"'' 1111 : A \Z ,\ t: IIAY C: IIHJ :-nl •\ S II •\,. l'lw1w :! 1 ) :! I :m HAOII I. MEI.I.I SH. /)ire,·llor INVITATION TO Vllff - QUEENSUND ART &ALLERY I New Temporary Pre.,.;ises Mount Isa lines Buildl11 160 Ann Street, lri1bane Phone No. 29 2138 GALLERY 5th Floor Gallery Haun: to Sa'turday inclusive 10.00 o.m. to 5.00 p.m. ·f Sundoy 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m, ; Please note Gallery wlll be closed on.•Ana:ac Day, Friday 21th Aprll, 1971. · · Present Exhibit ions feature :- A. Recent ~cqu isitions, Treasures of the,, Collectoon, Australian Art, Colonia l' ' to Contemporary. B. Gra ph i~ Art of German Expressionism , 4th Apri l to "I th May, 1975. -.~ GOOD FRIDAY ANZAC DAY CHRISTMAS DAY Enquiriet - Phone 29-2138 Rooul Mell ish, Direeler, Gallery is back, but not ideal AFTER 12 months in limho, the Queensland Art Gallery returned during the week to tem1>orary quarters on the fifth floor of M.1.i\l. Building, Ann Street. Adn \lltngcous t hough ll undouhtCd ly ls to lHl\ C tltc 1-:ulltJr\' In :-o ccnlrnl n po.;;11101\. t.hc nN'l.'.~-;ily of 1mtro11.'\ hudm~ LO a• ..;– tcnd w n 11 upper 1loor \.4J \'\l!W llS l,rcu.•m rt:'li 111t1kC:-i t h c urrun~cment fo r rro111 tclc,11. Admll tcrtly. the mcn– SH l'l' t:,, t,•111pornry. l>Ul ll'lll (,Ol'lll'Y IS B 1'€'l1t l,\\C 1er111 unrl ll J!,, lflQI'(' t,lttHI llkcl\' t.lrnt !1l'\'Cl'!II years will . l'lupi.,i• helOl'C tlw p ro j c (' t I..' et pcn lll\l\Cl\l :,,out h 1)1rnk u:u lh'ry i:-. rcai ly. * Ho v,c\· 1• r . d1r•1•tnr Ruoul ~tcllish a llcl l1ts ...ttd f h1t\'C' done u 1,.tn111d Joh nf 11mkltll! best u:;c 0 1 t.he spat'e ,u,d tacllil lt..... R\'nitn hlf' lH' skttrul ch'pl– oym e11t. oi scn•<'llS to hrcnk Litt• nn.•u 11\1 0 hny:, wh ih• re 111 rn 111~ ll co 11 t.111- uo11s Jll'OIIICIHldC lll'lltl llcl t h i.' wulls. To 111nrk the openln1..t. a fe tlllll'C h u.'i lll'l!ll 11\lHh~ in the pronu:nnr!P sec·- 11011. of :t SUl'\'('Y ol A W-•· t.rnllttn urt from colonwl to con1t•1npon, ry ,111 cxccllell\ :,,clec11011· th at u1Hkrl111f'" t he wor1h - 111ei-.:-- ot the 1,.w llr ry'!-t po:-– ~1•,;;s1011:-- in t,h l:-- depnt l · IHClll - 1111d I\ dtsplnr nf rercnl 1u•~t1\s1t10Hs Ill t wo or 1.,he bnys. of son1e of t he ~nllcr y's " t.re: \. tir•"i" - a wor<I tlmL. lt:~I • l:th ly. sc,•111cd Lo h t1\'L' ,rt•,•n 11Hcrprct •et· hy ~pcnk1·r tll T u ".id1L}' 11h~h t'!- nff1c 111 l o pr 11111 • us .... \· 110 11 y 111 ou s wlt h " lllltf'h 11\0IH!\'," So the c1ller \•'s coltcc– t I o n is \' u l u ,, rl ttt s:t,0110.000 • plus' T hut's ll vL'rY co111f,11·t11tl.!. huu,.dtt If lht:' Qq\l'l'1111U~llt. ~\'Cr t hough t or :,,cllm g It 1 wtwn thf'rt' m i1,:h1 he !-i0 11H' d l:..:q1po1111 m e 11l,'I •. hut 1~ a con:-.1dcru.t1on ::-t•t.:ow1fl ry to Its uc.,t.h •tic ,·uIm· . • 1-1..nd t.hl •r(•in , the I r ll:-tce:-.. rtln.--ctor Ull(I t h e cu111111unll v h:\\e cau~e tc,r / Rli~f1ict,1~11.. $1000 art Qift to gallery Q1,r rt1!-'lnnrl ,\ rt (r:,f. tcrr rt Irector , ). r. H· ~h.>Jliir;h 1 ~·r ~Trrrln\' nr•• ccnlcd • $1000 pnlntlna cl O ll AIC rt h\' A ll nnrin)·mr,us r llrtlf -of lho Philip Bnmn Gol lrrles. 1\.1r. MC'lli~h accrptr>d the Owl'.'n Plr.1rntt. Jl>tllll· Ina f rom Philip Bnrnn Onllr rlr s rllrl'tl nr I Mr. r . Bnco1n . Mr. Barn11 .;nld !hi'.' pn1ntlna. "ln the B" i:!lll· nini::." w:1_~ , hr lnrcr ~t nnri mo~t ar,·lnimC'ld ,•·nrk of 1h r ;\tPlhn11r11,- :irll'-l ·c. c~l11blt 1 n1t n t hr Rnron 011llcr\r!,: