Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

Looking at the landscapes A POSSUM tnll 0111 nl a hole and a. mounted to:i~:ra~{,hiie~~.~.tu~=~t 5eape "The O1,:as" - C art ol a landscape cxhl– lllnn at the Qurensland Art Galleri•, Gre,:ory Terrace. Gallery , ta rr Vivien Harris, Slallnrd, took a rln•• lonk al the cxtr&llli ye1't('r- da~ he exhibition, en– titled "The Australian t.andscape"', and ~pnn• "° r • d by the Peter Stuyvesant Trust, wlll open at the pllr.r)· today a.• an object Ja,on In the develnpmr.nt or Au,;tra– llan l.andseape palntln,: 1794 lo 1989. Almost NO Australian landsrape nalntr~ hn,•r hern lnrhulcd In the ex– hibition, whlr h wa, llrst dlsplayrd al 1hr Adrlahle •·C1'th·al la.11rol .,·rar. 1 4'J TltE COURIER-MAIL THURSDAY = ~--- .THE ARTS Best of Australian landscape on show The lasl, nr st• lcr lin1-r :i:i or " llw 111:~I .\u,-tralian l.an1lsca11es e ver t'Xt'l' lllt•d" mi ;.: hl w,•11 a 111111 I th,, 11111,t t•nthu., ias lit• a rl -lo,·cr, But the inlrr-1-tullt'1\ co11111111 tt",· :\P· pointed by lilt' HliO ~ ! n it· U iill••f,\' U1- l'CCtOrs· COnf('l'('llf'(' 10 t:n l h t·1 m :l l ('l IUI for the Ausrrnl11111 L:,nr1,t·upc- t•-.;l11hr– tlon now showi 11 • at r ltr Q11t'•'t1,ln11ri Art Gn llr ry. unct off1t·1al:-- of thr Prtt•r Stuy\'CSUlll Trust whic-11 i111'C,1•\\' ·'-POil · sorL'<'l lhe undcrtak i11g In,,,. f'\t·r,v n•u – son fa br grnlillt'd Uy t hp n •-.ult 01 their lobon,. This is thr r1tw-..t nnrt 111 ,.., r n111 • 1>rche11s1vr ell. ph1.,· .' ,,, 1i:-.:,,,•111hl••d o: Au~trnlinn lnndSCll l)(' )Jlll llllll ' Not only ls JI n ~u1H•rb rp110111r ol fl1,• 11~ri1 1~fi~l~~~O~f l~lll~l; ~l~~~;:- 1 ,' 1 11 :;:'~\-~il\ lcct,lon of bl•nul Hul wo1·k 1,1 Ju• 1•n.10,·t"·o bY the least tnrormcd a., ,, t•I I u:- u,r tilt· cOnnoi s;scur. And let u:-:. tl.', Qui"Cll!'!lu 11r1t•r-. 1 :d••· p ride In lllf' k110,,kdJ.,:r t h:11 l \\( 1 O( t !l,· pieces Jurli::;rcl hy l lll' t'l'U(litt' <'011\IIUl tt•t• wart hy ol lrH'lll~IOI\ In I h,• , ,, Jt•t·t ;, ·, - S\ 1 cl 11cy Long':- dcl1~ll1 fti l · 1 llf' ~r,11•11 of tht• Pl11i11~" oml I Jn , rink , ~Tun Ff'cding HI~ Dog~· - .11·r• t h,• pr11pe1 t \' of Ollr OWl1 fi1101w1:1lh t ,, , ,., , r.., 11t•1•11 ..,. lund Art Oa llcr.\· Wt• nnct CS'Olllpl .... fl l rl,,· n1 •,·111p1-. U\ nrtbts Im bued \nth l-:1 ul1-..11 1n ,r1t•101 nnd fa m ilia r w11h l-'11 L!lhll l:111rt,c;q 11• a nd the ,·ngo rir .. r11 1-.;11 L!l1,h 111..!11 '" adopt lhC'rm,r ht''- to :H \ l'111 1:t•I\ 11t•-..1i ~<•t or roll(lit 1011~. \Ve srr (\\(l p 1('1•f' In .Jnl111 (;t,1• , ... , thnt. In tc11 111111ur,,~ \'1•--" 111 ,·II ·1 111orc nbout 1hr ~ l'O\\'th 111 an \ 1,11al.:•1 ~l y lc tlmn coul<I h t• f'l',1111111,• , ,n ,, ,, wl'ck ·~ Jrc1 urln1: \Ve set• lh<' l-lr1rt,•l111•fL! .....1,,..,,j 111 11-. h f"yclnr n11d :11 ,, .. 1111 i.111, h,•...1 \\•• .,.,. P lgucn11 ·:,: clramu r 11· ,1l11Hh l <io• '1 1o {'OllCf'J>l ol 01\ A11,.t rnl 1:, n l''\•' r •1 "'1'' W(• find I\\O r lm rnwr. ' T ll,· I <1.~• C'h lld '' nn fl " Ciohh-n !-,:1ml1 ..:hl U\ tr C11 hbin l;l\'lllC:: n po ,1 -~• ad11~\' ,. t't' frcshl'r in n rt1!-11, ul'· ,•lnp:n;• ir \Vr llhJ\'C' lnl 1•r 11,1,. 11111,· , r1•, eriJO:V ART :\f:1r:.:u n•t P ,•,\~11111 ':-. ..0 1111'11ov. propllr tic .,;-1,·111;.: On·r l h t• Hllo:illrn \'l'll Hh'f' I'" lu H1 111 l<'u inw•111 IH•r·~ ryplcnl "M tLll- 1.um, •· ,lohn Olst~n 111-:ks for 1Uscu~slo11 Wit h 111.. " DupplNI Cnt11\I ry' 111\d Fred W 11!1;1111, h:i.-. 111, 1111111i..:111l..1•111,1e fi nger• pn111~ ttll oq•1 " \'0 ,1 \.,a nµ.-.. l .1111rlsca p c ," Btrl! Whll l'lt•,\' 111111111,... n cheeky 110~(' \\ I! h " Thi· Oltw~ , Soon.. - ll 1111111!! p1r 1·e ot ~1111ri• - :rnrl Peter l'u '.\ rt11d1 t'{l11 " ITV'~ c1rn1u.:h1... 11i:111c:h l11 '-' :! h :t -.11!.!1.!I'.., 1011 ,11 ~Ul'ff"Rll.-.tll in ' S1•,1-.. ,ljh' . :\ nrl 1111 ,1 1.,lk111 l.! p ,11111 n..;,,.mblr a 1: 10 11p 111·1 .. r,· ll11 1 1rt ,.\ , 1Htt·11", " Lillie Ila ,· l\1 1111111!! Ach 1111 1,,,11~ :· \\ Otllci hf' llllf>fl... ~ll)!f' to 1r,111• pf1/'1 111 ;1 11 ,..,1t1h111011 a rocky 1·1111.,!!l l\1• ~l11 ,1tHl1·d lf1 pl:lM H' f' \'f'll if Wt• l'O 1 il(I ..,~1· 1'11011...: h .1 111s1 1, \'11lue> ill IC. :l~IIV. ~~~:~/I ~~.:t, 1~ 11 I ;k ,1.'' 1 1~,\:!~' ~~ll{;l Ill~/lfi I:' 1111111,11111 of n pilo·nrrn,ph nnr or nn 1·ci1 1 1rn1 <H 11•11 n... 11 It \\1•rr nn c tch1 11i:; n, .1 pn111 01 Cltrl..,.10·~ f'X p<'rlmrnt 1n \\ ru pp111-!· - " \\'r.qipN I CoaM ". llm,,•\ r t f'\ ••,1 11ta1 '-houhl he of val• 11, iu, ,in 111t,,n•-.1 -1 ,111-.«•r 111 n n cxhihl• 11,.,, , 111:11 c11• ,•1" c, ro 11,~ ,•p ,wrlt•<I ('\'t'I'\' lia\ ~•1 11.. 1110111 11 ... 1r111rrf" ol thC Q111•,•11.-.h111e1 r\ 1·1 inllt•n ·