Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

1 q75 $1000 art gi to gallery State Gallerv ., Q een/'JlttnO A rt Gaf– ltr.,· rt1rrrtor , Ai r n, Mr JII h ' YPMPrria , . ar -· c·e1>Led a $1000 1m111tine d O rtlllP a h , ftll Rnnn \ mous r hf'nt of the Ph~hp Bat·nn Gallrrir,;: ~lr. Mrl/1.,h ne,•,·nti-d th p 0 \\l'fl P H.?l!Oll J)Hll1t– jn(! from Philip Rrtrnn ~ =~~l 1 ~s d1rrr1or ,~l r P. functions again ~ r Bacon 'iHlri I hf' p~1111.~n~. "l n 'hr Jlrr.ln– ntnJ;. \\'a."i !1l' l11ri.:r,;t Rnd mn t acrfoimrd wnrk or tht' l1elbo11r•1e ,,, tJ-..t ·"i H A r r I Ly the Queensland Art Gallery 111 function• Ins araln. The pro\'lslnnnl prem• Jsrs on the !1!tl1 lloor of Mount Isa Mines uu1ld· Ing. Hill Ann Strect, .hn\'e the mert1.s ,or being very centrallv sltuoted. Air• condll.lonrd and well-lit. llowever, one hopes that the intermediate pc· riocl until we ha''" our new nrt gnllery will not be stretched too Ion~. as th e r e nrc too many short-coming• and hml• tatlons at the present pre 111 Is e • which were nel'er tntrnded to hr,use a State Gallery. one ol the worst as– pect• Is the uncomlor• tfthle. as well us llmltlng, celllng-hel~ht ol Bit. not to •peak of thr ohtrustve colour ol the carpet ! Do sec the /,resent rll•· plays, whi,h Include from our nwn collertlon, In ndrtlt1011 to some 01 our most cherished po•· sessions, •uch as La Delle Hollandnl,c, n Good •e• lcctlon ol "·orks tllustrn·. Ung the drvotnpment of ,\11str111lan art from early Colonial to the present day. A number or work.s h a \ e be en acqu1r d 11\rough donation. and I l\.', k f,1rg l\'Cl1CSS If 0.S prr.!ldcnt of tlu• Querns– land Gallery Soc1e1y, I am takln~ pride m the ltlfl~ lhe SoftCl)' hnfi made. both 111 quantltl' nnd QUlllll\'. T • n gifts by s ve1etv duirni; 1he last two y,~1u1i mcluctc: tv.·o m n Jo r ro111rmpornry ~:::~\!-:~~:;, ~~= o~hcrA 1 b~ Lesley oumbrell, ortg:nal I Jrtnt.5 by lradmg con· cm1,ornrY [lriuoh •rtL5t• Ccri Hlchard~. PRt nck Heron. Bernard Cnhcn. I Norman Ackroyct. nnd a. lo\'cly llt,ho~ra11h by ltal• tan ortllll Plero Domz10. But the most pre· Clnus ~tll of RII Wf\S a. su- 1,crb pot. dated ~th mllle- 111um n,c .. rrnm the re– cent· dl~•ln•s In North– • as t Thatlnnd. which •hed new ll•ht Oil the car'iv hUiitory or mnn'5 cu1Li.1re. Tl1t~ purGhuse or this Th•I pot ltas been made \>Os~lhlc t.hrb11Jlh u newly .:~;:i~n~he~~l)~Clal Do· !You c,u, become a Spccl ~I Don or b)' donat– ing s ,uo.oo' or more to- ai~J~l :/;';,"~.~ ::;:,~ : .tr[~'.~hl~ :~:t~v·~~l ns they occurred <luring and the Sociotv would the months ol recess; welcome special Do· and a tra\'C!l!ng cxhllll• norsl"1. \Ion or Ornnhlc Art or The exhibition ol Gcr• Ocrman Ex1>reii,slontsm. ma n f. x 11 r • ••I o n I • t Recent purchases by GrAphlc A.ii , which In· the Gollery, have been eludes wCJDdcut•. l!tho• varied and quite numcr- graphs and, e1chln11s by 011s and Include such the mm~111ent's most iood thing• u n. water I pr~pt i artlst.& 1 now colour. most pjiln•t.aklng conal•d alreaoY aa yet radiant, by, 18th cen• --- . • tu r y a r c h I t e c t and I cl,-s&IC;I: o~ 20th eentl!l'Y r cc o r der or ancient arL , ! : buildings Jaques Louis One -must remember C!erl,..,eau, n del!c!nus their rebellion started In wash-drawing ol a nude the prosperous and opt!• by the masterly Jule• m!stlc dnys or Imperial PRM:ln Cl\ nice 'addition Oermnny. to our snrnl! but line col· Bclore nnd durln1t the lectlon of French nrtl · F irst World War, Ex• two superb portrntt prcsslon!sm In Germany draw In It s by flrett had reached Its climax, Whiteley am\ a spar- In pa!nlln~: "" well as klln1t, lovel)' water-colour other art forms. by John Peter Ru5Scll. Dur!ns the Hitler re- gime, thCMJ artlsll! were Amnn1t the lar,rrr : 1 g~ks,J~n1~nl\ ~:~~~~r~·~ "Chasing Mullet", pnlnt– rd tn J!'IM, U\C ~ 1 r nr It \\'RS exhlhlled at the Im• 11ortnnt Dlrrct..lcin I r.:<hl- ?/,t~o~~"~-~~~:,J~s~~J:r.'ac\~ Jon based on R tot.al ex– perience of nature. r n.ssmore·s painting here, with All 11., Aroptng awkwnrdneM, Is most cx– prc~s1ve. dcJ~~:dn:~edr ~~~i~~~e their re-Instatement. All ol them now have Inter• nAtlonn.l Rccla!m. The artists represented are: Beckman, camp• cndonk. Dix, Feln!ngct, Orosz, Heckel, K•n• dinskr. Kirchner, K:ee. Kokoschka. Marc, Mnel• I er , Nolde, Pcchstc!n. RO h 11 S and Schmidt• Rot.luff. 8"a~l~~l~~~ at 111, nscon tate ery functions again H A P P I L y the ooodwi ~\I_- Include sucll ct..mpon,r;, Brltlah art111a llme, these a were Q I I w~,.a u a water er! Richan!,, Patrick ilefamed and persecuted ueens and Art colour, moat palnataklnr Heron, Bernard Cohen Some never Jived to ,ee Gallery Is funcUon- yet radiant, br 18t.h cen- Norman Ackroyd and a their re-Instatement AU inJ arain. t u r Y a r c h t e c t and 1 1o,·ely llthorreph 't,y Ital· cir them now have Inter• The provisional prem– oes on the fflth floor of Mount Isa Mines Build• tna. 160 Ann Street have the merits or being very centrally situated, air– conditioned and well-lit. However, one hopes that the Intermediate pe– riod until we have our new art gallery will not be •tretehed too long, a's there are too many ahort-comlngs and Uml• tatlons at the present P re m I I e s which were never Intended to house a State Oallerv. One of the · "·orat a&• pects ls the uncomtor• table, as well as llm!Ung etl!ng-he!~ht or Rft. not to speak of the obtru1lv1 olour or the carpet! Do see the present dis• Ia Y s I which Include rom our own collection In Addition to some of s!1[,1~';'. 1 .J~~~:hl~ ~l; Hollnndalse, & IOod ••· lecllon or works lllustra• ting the developn1ent nf Australian art from early Colonial to the present ~-- Further recent acgul• lllt!ona not 'ahown before, a., they occurred durlnr • the months ol recess; and a tra,·elllng exh!bl· lion or Grnnh!c Art or German Expressionism. Recent purchases by the Gallery, have been ,,art r •corder ol ancient an artlat Plero Dor•.zlo. national acclaim. ·~\l.!l~~JS. Jaquee Loula But t'-• The artlats represented ,.,.....,au, a delicious 1 ,.. moat pre- are: Beckman Camp. wa&h-drewln, or a nude c ous a!ft or all wu a su- endonk, Dix. Pl!lnlnpr by the masterly Jules P0 1 rb pot, dated 5th mllle- 0 r 01 z, Heckel Kan• PMcln ea nice addition n um B.C.. from the re- dlnaky, Kirchner Klee I to our amall but fine col- cent dl1J11ln,1 In Nort.h- Kokmchka. Mare.' Muel eetton of French utl; east Thailand, which le r. Nolde, hclut.e!n d t wo s u per b portrait shed new light on the Roh If a and Schmidt raw In Is by Brett ecu"'itlyureh. lsl()ry or man·• Rotlurr. Whiteley and a spar- kling, lovely water-colour The purchase of this by John Peter Russell. Thal ~ haa been made Amon r the Jarser l>O";"j~ e t.hrough a newly WO 11:s la I ln5-:-,ued "SP,fflal Do- ae ~ 'Jc:,"~ n ~":~re~ nor s Behr.me •• "Chaslnlr Mullet", paint- !You can become a ed In 1g&G, the year It l!lpeclal Donor by donat– waa exhlblt.ed at the Im• IJ1lf 1100.00 or more lo· portant Direction I exhl• ., a r d • a part,tcularly b!Uon which ushered In \\'Orth-while Wlll'lt of art the new Sydney abstract- ~~~.e ~Jety would =!~or 0 ~a~u~~ ex- noraf"), llll«IAI Do• Pasamore'& palnt!n, The nhlblt!on of Ger• here, with all Its grop!ni m 0 an Es II re 111 • n I • t n ·kwardneu, lo most ex- raphle Art. which 111. presslve. eludes woodcuts, Utho- A number or work& flapm and etehlnJ!S by have been acquired he In movement's most throufh donation, and l g,~de:: a:f'~ - , ..,~slde°;t~f%S: ~C..na~ ~ · rea ~ , rand Oallery ~ety. I classlca of :IOib eenwr, am takln, pride In the art. • gilts the Society hu One must remember made, both 1n quantity their rebellion started In and quallLY the prosperous and optl• Ten iiirts by the ~~~ant~ys ol Imperial t!l"°lety du!mg the last Before and during the two yeara Include: t"•n First World War Ex· m &Jo r contemporary presslon!sm In Germany ll&inUnp, one by Alan had reached Its cllm•x Mltelman, the other by In pa!nllng, as well as Lesley Dumbrcll or!Jlnal other art romu. Du n t.