Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

Queen1land Art Gal· 1 Dlreetor {Mr. Raoul eUlsh labovel hu been leeled h:r the Amorltan nnirnment to take part 1peclal an rallery dl- nf:'erf sc:"~•t In tile CaUed the Forelrn Ma• m Profeaslonal1 ProJ– t, It la or1anl • ed by the merlean Rtate Depart• nt and the American uoelatlon of lllu1eum • of Art. L.Twent:r profe••lonala ..... been chosen from muaeum• and aallertn e1 art lhrou,:hoat the world Mr, Melllah la the only profeulonal lit have been cb0110n from Au1tralla. The project be1ln1 In 'j\'&1hln~on. on l\laJ 22 i>f thl• year, and wlll lul five weeks, darlnr whlell the prof-'-11 wlll •Is· 11 fallerlea and muHum1 lhnachout Amertea. f r .. IH l ",. r, n I II l ul \ ll' I\ 11( ,l r l t"ll llt 111 11111 11 , ,,u ld ,1'1\l'ff' h h ,,\I' _. r: 11 ' 1•11 J.t a 111"1 1· ,ll)ptu- 11n.,lr I Ullr '11111 1· th,• 'Ill• ! 11, l.t n,I , , I ( ,,d i• f\ 1 '1 I 'I H u lld ,n .- ~n l :"'- l n•1• I 11 , ._ "" tl 1-. 11l.t, ,lll r ,hll,11 11111 fl l 1\1,111,:h, I rr11rnd u , 11011-.. 11 r '.'-11' ..' f,' ., ,, ,. 111 I"' ,, fllf'l'r Tllll'ht I I\ ' .11•1\ 1 .. ,.L~,r I · , .1 l 11 ,,I' 1 ' '•••1t f; ',,., I'll" u1d ·, ., ' t , lt,•h ,\ I 1 I ,• J II • QUHHSLAHD ART GALLERY director (Mr. Mell ish) with the two P,cosso " finds" - " Head of a Sailor" ond, at right , the etching " M inotaurmochy". Two Picasso treasures? By NAN GOREY WOOD U.S. AlT eapert Mr, Williaffl Lieberffl an believe • a Plco110 pointing in the Queen•· land Art Gallery 111oy belong among the world'• greot ort treo1u111. He ret nRnl.ed I he "He•d ol a !Sailor" by l'lca."llo olmosl by Acci– dent In temporary storn~e nt thf Querns• h\nrt Art Gnlltir y'!- i~~,~~~P'a~\\'3[~~'.•A;,\ 6trttl. 111111 week. Later. In • te!ephono call from Sydney In O•lle~• Director , Mr. RA o II I M! lllsh •, Mr. Lteherm• n Mked ror • phnloaraph ol the PI· casso ht ad for further rl!!SC3fCh "II lhls he•d i. prol'• en 10 be a sl11dy related to !he cubist muter• olece •IJemoLsetles d'A,·tRnon'. the most ~::!i\:~,l.'.•l~~~gLll~b~/-~ m•n explained. "It \\'ill Add lmme.R~urablv lC' thr 1mrort•n~ ol the work." · M y" mu8P\1"1. tn Mr. Ltebrrm:1n, ,~ the f,1 m– erl Muoeum ol Mnrlern A rt . New YC\r k, or ''Mommn," to thoM 1 1f• lretlnn•le!)' lnrllnrrl. llll'Nllnr nf th• llrow• Ina:• and • mrmh,r nr 1hr Mu1011m'• lnlt'r– n•tlnnal Cnunrtl, ~lr l.lrhtrm1n h1u hrnuchl lh• Modern l\loaten• Show ol 113 palnlln11, rnllrctrtl from all m·rr th• world, to si·dneJ and ~lt lhnurnr. To • pprr.<'IRle Mr. LlrhermR1l's de!1ghl In his dlsco\·,n· - nnrt our good rorlline - the "Dem01sellc,, d'Angnnn" lrom which thP sailor \\OS chmmntrd. hRs long ~ll~~m:~f'fri':~; 1. l\S a I t s appearonr, In ~:~JnfG~: a t:~!k10 ~-~l~ ti~r~ 11 ?8:~01se~~ 1 t 0 ~l~ casso •nd 1a1rr Braque estabhshrd cub1sn,. Original The orlclnol •httlY cnntalned 1 !i-&Unr 1ren– tnl llrure I ond four "' nm, n . Pl c • A~tt rh • na:rd It tn fh·r. wnm– en In thP llnol p1lnllnR, It t-<'rm!i wr n\\ n the matt-lot. 11 ,._ bill e\'en to hP ,-1\minn lNI b)' PI· r n!ri~O. ·JJr Ari nf A ~ Allor .. nnP of lour P1cn~. .:n~ 111 thP OAllrn . \\f',: ~i ·rn bi' I It• lnte MRJor Hftr• old ,1,. Vnht n.nh111 u:1\~ fr~t/~.-J.~~="· ·~ri: mnsl \·ahmhle PtcR~go l n A t1 ~ t r R I I n , und ' ' W OIll R n On The Btnclf ' Mr t,1f" hPrmRn made ~~~~!~.~~n~:~eor~rinlh~f~i shO\\O tht rnurth Pl– riu;~n in th,. Que,nsland collection. D•r•use the elchmg 0:1:rttd " ~trong ln llur.nre on lhe dellnt– t i t· r cnrnpofilt\on or "O urrn1cn," which s1so hnng~ 1t1 the Museum or ~,n,t•rn /\rl., l\lr. Mell1'h ,SAY• "the ·Min• ot1111r111Hrhy' 11\\1),l now be rr ~orded ., Ihe most Important PlrRMO \\'Ork - •• opposed 10 a pa!n11na - In Austra• lta."