Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

Artful watcher So you want to do ,;on,ethini; dillcro11t on Sun– day afternoon 7 ltuM•mar) .lul•u - ?ttour, , i;:ht. '!tl, ul 'l'uu"'un~. fuuud ,.,.,111.,·: lhiu,: dilh•r·t•ut h) \ b Ulnl' Uu- :.rt io1lkr) en thr lillh lhwr 11 f the :'11.\I huild ln~ in A.nu ~·,rc•r t. She ,.,.id It " )I .. h,·r flr11t time 111 o111 .-i·t ~:ollery. lh~ •m•n· ,.. ,,h·– t u r r cl ,-.11111, lm~ -' pai11ti11~ 0 1' \\ :di,~ ::~ l.alw u1~ r Ur•·_., ~ •·" Snuti1 \\'iih-,., fi., · 1· 11 · l '.arM', ( 'urn·ntl)' tlwrr lllrt' l\\u m.1Jor •:~hihhiun, at llll' i:: u.lk• "')', 'rhr dl,l1h1, . l'ur- 1,.... u,. ur \ ·m,wn. 111 - d tuh•" thr \\ tit'&..,,. uf 1olx 1•-.1»h1i,h1·fl Au..– tr.1111111 :uti-.;li.. ..\1111lh– t'r dl, 11h1, r..wtun·" ,•oph"" of "ori.., l,y -' faunu11r,; lfith c.:1•11ttu-, t'h•mi,h fomll., of .trl - ld(; II f;uaula) , lhr J;"Hlh•r) uru•u, fruu1 '.! 11,m , to 5 11.m. Queensland Art Gal– lery dlrecl.Or <Mr. R. Mellish1 le[t yesterday to represent Australia In 1 • tour of American art ga • lerles. --l)URINO MRY Queensland Art Gallery Is presenting two trmporary tX• hl b 11lo11s. r·.,e mRjor trnnporH.r · ,,– h I b I t I O n , "l'onralt1 OI \, nrw•n" I! nn \'ie'tl' until ,Ju nr I T hrn e,ch1b1t u,11 hfl.'– h,:,••n µrqJ1H rr1 frMn ' hr ~ ," n 0 \\ 11 1·011 • 0 1(ln .rnd !1•,11 11;1-.. 'AOr~., tij' " 'f'h ~111\('"a.-: ..ll~i';;!;~~- ~ ;b:~~t. l\f' ~ltl fi1 i1~ 11 J O)tplllne ~t1·:'·'r~~,~~:i11r,g~J: I~. 11111,,.,.1 IJIIP O)' Th,. rrr,.nt wlnr1rr ol lh@ Ar ...h 1h.1lr1 r n1,- ror_ .)Or· t.r111, 111rr - SR!n t-l1lf.llPOOk. ...,.M !: \ ("' tn Br1.~han~,t I~ rr-p i ,._,t•1. wd by two p,r· ~~~\~· H~~;,~~101! Hl5 J.-<1 Thr ~nllr ~··., o~- ~7~-!~rl"o1 (~~,~~~~" ~l \\ fl i"~ by Lhf' !Am h rrmu ry f"l"ml~.h faJtJll::r of a r1· .. t .... - thr Rn11!1d,Mtl., Th11- , xh lhlt 'l')r, hu bf'rn llHtde fl\'llllahl19 lO ~- ra :- 1rr,· lh rou~h th• Qllttn.<• l:wrt Aris Co11nc1t arM the f!.f- le1:i r. F.rnhA~ :,, In H... :,,'\('10.tlon 1''hh tilt Rrurtchtl exhth1t.Jon. Or n~rtn.Jdfl' La ntier \\ ill l l\'r R Q II b 11 c lecture In the QUN.'1-•iand A.rt 0 Allt r) ~ 1 rurt:,iJ rti':.1 r.J~~r. l'l~lf'r Art director U.S. trip THE Queensland Art Gnllery <.lirer tor. Rnoul Me!lls!-1. docs not rxpcct to SCL the New York n\'L deniers' world nllgh L on hl~ CHIT 'Jlt. Amcri– cn n tour. · But If he sees nny nice grn phlcs priced be– tween $500 nnd $1000 he can cnble homr for scmc spcntllrtR muncy. •·1 wish we h nd money to spend t,hc way Can– bcrrn docs," l\lt· Mellish said yesterda y before lenl'lng on n n,·e werk tour of Amrr!rn n nrt p:nllerles. "I could br lnler– estecl In Ml'II Phlc., of modern A 111 e r I c n.n nrtlsts. Thr:v arc cer• tnlnly In our price rn nge. "A good grnphic or n lcacllng art ist could cost between $500 nnd $1000." Mr Mellish Is l he only A11strnll11n chosen to mnke this year's Am er– can Association of Mu– se11 ms Forelan P rofes– sion• Is Tour which ts sponsored by t he nsso- ctntion nnd the State Dcpnrtmeut. The group he tour with includes mu– sr.um reprc~enta lives from 18 countries. •Tile• 1crm nrl gn llery Is not used In tlw US. - galleries nrc describ– ed Instead a.< nrt mu– !,Ct1ms1 . Mr Melll.sh snld the 10111· would br n vnhc – nblc llld lo detailed plnnnlni: of t he new Queensla nd Onllcry clue In 1979, PLANNING Hr .n irl he v.·ould be lookln~ Il l 1111 IISl}CCLS / dc.cdp:n nncl ndmlnls– trnllon with porllcnlnr emphasis on llgh cing. He snld d lnlled plRn– nlng of I he ~hllery would begin ns soon ns he returned from U1e trip Mr Mellish said the hl~llil~ht of .he tour "·ould be h is o ,tendnnce nt a lunr.heon for 1000 Amcrlcnn 11 tnt1~colo– gls1s" nttenrlln~ the nn– nual convcnl.lnn or the American As.~oelntlon of Museum.~.