Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

St. Petcr'S Lutheran College Is also getting Into the buslnc.;s, with an art.,; nnd rralts dls- ~~l~,~~nr~cgr;!1 i~r,~ be held at the ln– dooroopllly school on May 24. PCOl)le like Roy Churcher, Nevllle Mat– thews nnct Mervyn l'Uo- !~•~;,d";~r~eo":tV:~;:egt: rector Raoul ~ielllsh !~\~, e 0 .,"tJ~u~i:'t c:~:ect one uf the pu.1nt– lngs for the l!ChOOI 11- brary. .. Entry forms have been sent out to many so ho o I s throughout Queensland. but I gath– er the entries arc slow coming in. At the last count there were six girls and only one boy. 1 'the winners get trips to ShlKlll)Ore and Hong– kong. The Brisbone Girls' ?srtU~~~~~ ~n~~l ~~:I~ Moreton nay, nnd this year Is cclebruting Its ctmteno.ry . Lots of things hap– pcnin~. wlLh an old drl Hl't. show und· the opC:n– tng of till! humnntt.icN classroom block due in ~~\\t~~t;./!lcl ,, grnnd 11\~~-.~. ~t.~\\111;~ 1~/! 1 ~? room, so tots of guests w,uued. please. " CHRONICLE" Toowoomba, Qlq . DorinJ M.a,· thr Quren~– l•nd Art U•lltr)' ,.m trmporar)' T m· ,n1i}or t'xllib 1 tion " Por1,r,-. H..,, oi w onwn" , \\·HJ Tl)lt,, hlH-i \>t.~11 pr,·part'd JnAn I lw ~nllt•r~: ·s own cul– !,:tl lOI\ nrnl \\ Ill lcn llll'l' "•OJk.... l>y st11·h nnlt'd A11, - 1rn1mn port-nuti:;ts n'i G,·on;_t- t.1rn1bert. Bc~ic (i,ior-on.• Jo-.1:phinc M unt'l,– Gct,r~e Bt:11, Sir 7 MAY 197 R llhN·ll DI \'!-..<Hdl· Ru1x·rt Bunu; . Tlw 1 r-••(•nt v.·in n 1·1 c,! !ht A rf:hlhuld Pri1.t· l<•r p1•l – t,ru1t 11n:. ~um I•'tillVroot " ' Ur i,;\Jont:. v. dl i.>t- 11•p 1TM·n1- cd b_r t-\1.0 1x..1 1rn 11,-. - Erne:-,unc H\li hJH, Hi1l-h Dt•rgnt'r. The ~:ll\rn ':,.. 01h1·r 11-111- p onlry ,·xhll,Hwn , M11,· 6 to J91 l1•tttur,.,._ J.-~rinl,•-: of \I.Orks by t llf' lh111l'1J"', Hit-h ccntu , y F it_•m1...h Jh'11dly the Drueglwls. This cxhl'oltion 1n• t,,t•n m n<le aru ili1ble 10 lht: 1:nl- r.'r, nm 13th May, DURING May the Queensland Art Gallery Is presenting two temporary ex– hibitions. The major lempora,ry ex· h _I b I t \,On , "Portralta or '' omen ls on view until June J. This exhibition has hren prrparcct from t.he ~nllcry s own collection and features works by such noted Australia n portrait• i."ts RS Georl,!e Lambert Bessie Gibson, Josephine Muniz-Adam, . George Bell, Sir Russell Drysdale and Rupert Bunny. The recent winner ol the Archibnld Prize ror por– trH•iture - Sam Fullbrook who ll\'eS In Brisbane - ls represenled by two por– tral~s. Ernestine Hill and Rut h Bergner. The gallery's et.her tern· poniry exhibition ,until :VlnY 191 reatures prints of works by lhc famous 161,h century Flemish family or nrllsts - the nrueghels. This exhibition ha.s been made avnllable 10 the gal· lcry through the Queens– lnnct Arts Council nnd the Bel~lnn Embassy. In R.ssocintlon with the nrueghrl cshlbltlon, or. Gertrude Lnnger wlll give a pub 11 C lecture In the Quecnslnnct Art Gallery i 'rue 5g~Oel r1,~ 1 · El~~r. Plet.er lc·ry throuµh f.he Qut-Nl!-.– ll1nct Arla Comu.·11 and I he Dtlglnn ~.:,nuussy, In :,\..socl:111011 wlt.h the llru,ghcl 1•xh1bltlon. D l'. Gertrude l,:1ng1-r will gh·c n public lt,·turc In the Qu1"t!ns11111d Arl O n ll • •n· on T lh.,.;dny. Mr•r 13. nl . 5,30 Pm . on Pictt' r u rutghal 1he Elder. 1'1-tail; of 1>0111 exllil>i- 1-ifll16 mny be ob1a1nt:d 1101\1 the R~b,l"itttlll d irect– or of 1hc Q11r1•rn,lnnd Art , :allt-ry. M r. l3nl> Cunn in ~– h:im. •U:kpllonc :?9213Hl.