Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

11&~ 0 ;''a5 t~ b~Kcl 1 cf~ storage Jar ! with base I Is the gnllcry·s oldest pos– session. T h • po l I e r l' , ll'om Ucton Than! Prn\'lnce Jn nnrlh-castcrn Thailand, hRS been dated 4630 B .C .. mnkln~ IL ahout 6000 )'PRrs old. Picture shnws Lhe G al– lery Society preslden L ,Ur. Gt>l't.rude Langer• g;~:~.\~inf r~~~e~~ ~o!~d ,. h n I r m n. n , Sir Leon · Trout • on behnlf of n1nf" owners. Tlw Thal On,·ernmenL hA ~ nnw pron1bil ed t he <'xport of t.hr . anc1rnt poltrry, nnci I hP A.rra of e x <· a \' a ! 1 n n 1~ to he ,·lo.,rd. LO pn•s('l'\e the :-ill(' a nd It~ arllfttc·l.s rt ,~ t l1011ght, there a re ~t~,~rrpo\ltl~\!~. f~ t~;~~~n~~- nnct two in )l'rw South Wnlr:- S1r Lron sRld re~trrda..,· thr a1Tht1f'.'oln1:1cal flrn:l• I~k~n~ 11 ~t' t 1 1~ 1;al~~sit1i~Ll~r w c~t.rrn man anct his placr in thr e ,·oluuon of world culture. "DISCCl\'ertes tn South– F.a..;L A:-.1a are forcing us to re-examine the t.rad.i- 1 ionnl t henry th I\ t ch·– lllsnuon took place in the Near f.,;ast." hc- ~ald. T h e ~ p e c i a I donor :-ic·htme undf"r which the h~;1 1 ~~.n~~~~ ~~g~teisg:1 1 : Jen-. - N111r proptr dona I ed SI OO rn<'h to bll ,\ t h e Jar from Din·lrl ,J<.mr~ An (in !h•n , ~\'dnr~· T hr 111 Jl!llli'll \'f''-1 nf 1,llP pn11n y i~ ~1~no, but bP- 1 :1'1'-(' \I \\';\:,. l!Pll1 {! 10 :l S\atf' < 1:111--r r . t ilf' price wa., rrrt11(·r(l 111 $!10(l P r L illll!f'I' :•mlcl 11ml \\ JI it 1/1r n r \•· do1rnt1nn <:.\ ,!rm 1 1 \'rf\ 11nf'l In thf' 1•11111111 .mt~· c n 11!cl be a cint1('1r Thr 1nr wll~ nt" nn prr – m:rn('nt rl it,;plR~· nt TilP tZAllf"I'\' Ill t l1r !\t I '.\1. 8 11\l rl ln lf . An n St r~ct.. . Clly. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld.