Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

The Fon L_yu on ArL Show is on again. and to– day which l:, rather short. nodce. Well worth makh1g t,he trip to whRL Is the thtrd , annual show he!, by Rotary and Am"'" ·ho O\\'O the fort. A very au-no~pi 11 L r- caslon, with pa.inter>_. µo t– ters, wea.vers and sculp– lors exhlblUng and dCll1· onstratlng their wnrcs around tl.ie bnt.tlemcnt:,. A little openlns part y Orst with guests tuck · Ing 'into champers end. s,.\'ourles, and an o~l– lng bY 1&aa11I M• . h, director of the Quetns• lalf~eArtp,?.,ff~ery will he \\'armly welcomed from 1 30 p.m. on and they'll be able to take part In the ,uctlon or panel pnlnt• 111 ,. 6 that are being 1 alnt– crt" this morning. ua,ld I ull Lile Liberal candidate !or Boonnnn. will be dolng the o.uclioncering. Hosts will be Wynnum– Mnnly Rotnry Club presl– den~ Arthur Hall nnd wife 'Rosemary, See you there'/ r.ou111H-MAIL FREE PUBLIC LECTURE JAPANESE WOODBLOCK PRINTS ~Y Pref•-• Jeyce •••.... (Queensland Unlwtnitv) S.30 p.111. Tu11•11Y• Ju1t 10 QUEENSLAND ART IALLERY 5th PI-, MIM lulUltit, 160 ..... s...... ,r11...... ALL WILCOML The Sunday Mail THE •~4JRTS ·cross-section of clrawing styles . rnlOltlTll•::3 in 1 It ,• 1111111 iplkit." or nrl ,;ho\\', now in Lown nt·c hard lo d<'lc r11 1i1w. IJttl p!'oi ,:tl, I~· lhc m u~ L inl'unna l i\·c fot· art f,,l lnwcr., is 1lte ex it ii>i I j.,11 nf drn11·i11:,rs al th e l~tt \'etlsland Art t.:u llcry (1\11~1 l!uilding . :\1111 ~trel'L) . This ii- :1 mh:ed ~rl<•l'– LIon front I11c ~alh-1\ ~ NLCICk , S('C'llllllJ!lY 11 1111Pd 11L•1LhN nl ou1l1111rn~ i\ 11,. I rnlin's ro111r11J111 Inn 1, 1,~1c rorp11.::, oi 1w11 n11d pencil work 11or ~1 1 11 ! - l l'llllHIIIJ! (O )ll'H\' 1111' ,1 C'OIIIJ)h'l(' l'l'OS<;-!sl'l'l,+111 01 ., much of :ill' \\111 I 1 ,,ork 111 l111.-. llrld :1 t. ,w:uhtbh! 111 till' :-. '-"• k- 1,,onw. NL'\rrtltt•k ~. ii d I' (' (! \' (' f" :-\ ( ,,n, ult'l :1hh· rnm.:t• or :,,T) 1r-. :md ll'l 11- 111,pu\•: - 11'(1111 Hll\'C'IIII 1') l1t•nc A111fH - and ·1 1 whnlt.•. 111.1k f', p ' •"'tt .n · .1llcl 111',II 111'11\ ~• \'ll' \\ 11 Conc-rp' io11c: ;le; f , r illl:tl I It", l!l- 1 -.1• nf 1,1" 1 1 1·t•c: and 11 11i. 11•". 1 t. or Fred W1t\1:•·;1... n1 1 f. fl II (: f' 1J I' 1.' ._ ~- 1 1.\ ,I I • lffC' '('Jl lrtl l11 t \1 11,.. I Pll't'C:-, 1HHI. :1; ,:11! 1!(''111 1 h {' JH11'1''\' 1•:11n~ q q ,1 I plf':1~111C· ,,t 1•· .• t !1llllll • Ill' l- ·1 ,.-.., \\ 1rl. a n• 111111'/'I l ll,111 p ,b.'tll\1-: l'J .,tuclcnh r u1 t. r.onveyed In a q lketch by Fred WIiiiam• Compare some con~ vtntlonal uademtc stud– ies with creative drawing In •lmUar aubJect Qlatter. See how the mnhmlc now of pure Unea anlfle~ tlrure, aofa and drape In a drawing by Thea Proc– tor and how •uch unity la lost In a study by Lam– bert, where attention la diverted to detaUs ot cos– tume. 8 e e how Streeton 'a • taccato annotation.a suffice !<> render a Uvely lmpreuJon or llDw Lloyd ~._!loeadnot lose Jn• - &n .-Ol>ert(v at :~ when ~ aoea Into