Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

TH£ COUllllll•MAIL THUU. JULY 31 1975 ,u1L1C MOTICtS QUEENSLAND AllT GALLERY Ith F1onr, MI M, llil.lG.lnt 100 AM li\NI\, CLO~ 1 Jlll OF GALLERY I• ,,.. TrUtllN u~gnl th•l du• l!t th• i.,e11 IIIC'tnd.Jr..... atrtct1on1 ~JecunT ll~tJ"9 And alr-c;ond1t1on1ng th• ~•ry mwt b• oud o • pu 1 ~~\~d~ntll thau . rut11cu~,,.. ., JtAOUL ~H .J udg·cH . 1>ra1sc art show entries I 111 u .. , II r,.,tl ,.,11,11 :\ " i.• 1·•1 1 I • I 1ol,11 1111 1111111 1• • ,I Iii, \\ ll d l!'I II,, 1,111 j•.ill .,, 111, ,., Jd loll Jt111 ,1 1 1 1...1 1 I , 1, t ,1 , ,I 1.,1 .. 1 , I I,, ,111.. 1, .. ,. J ' ~'' " • .i l,1111 1 r\ d 1 , i/1, 11 I: (\1, 111 J, \\ l1,, \\,I " ! I J., 111.11 ,. I I,, ,11 , 11.1, I , ,·, .. , p i I.., 111 t I II 11 • Architect Mr. Robin Gibson with •n •rlist·s impression of the $45 million cultur•I complex. STATE'S $45mART CEMTRE Plans for Brisbane's $•5 million riverside cultural complex were unveiled today ... and Deputy Premier, Sir Gordon Chalk, promised it would not turn into •nother money-eating Sydney Opera House. Sir Ci•,rdnn suid Lltc S4fi Ill i I I I O I\ c.--unrnlc WO$ lmsect ,1n Och•hL'r 1\11-1 cosw. Tltc first of thl' fm1r ~,a~u..:, Lill• :,rt ~ullt-ry. IS expt •ct.ed t.o be 11n1:,h ccl c:1rlv 111 l!lW. \Vo r k 011 the pcr– r II r m l n.; nrL., centre. should he. complctNI hv mid-lllHI. the museum h:r m1d-l!l82 nnd th~ l\br,,n· uy !Ale 1083. . The stunnin~ complrx will lit• on t:,nd at south lln!-brine lnunritltCd dur– lllt! 1he h:t.: noon or ,Jamrnrr l11~t ycnr. l-lnwe\'cr. Sir O•irdon Slud. 1dl . cclions ot the tn1ik1111~ t~xccpt the cnr park would bc nl>O\'C \'lood lel'el. There IA'OUld be Sfllll(' e. .;cnll\l IOI\ Ill COSl-'i dllt" to In f In t io n. Uut the QUt..~n s lu11d On\'Cl'l\lllClll had looked n. 1 forecnsls nnd kne w cX:\ctly what lhe d<!s:cn for the com – ph.:x wns and whnt ll would cost . Tlwrcfor~. I here wo11lrl be m llllmnt e.scnlntton In co.i;;t "Whn t h nppcned to the Opern Ilouse \\'US tllnt people d id not umter– stand WIH\l lhe t.otul de-- sh.:n would be nnr llow lO 1111l tne rooi nn," hl' ~tud. 1 · · Th t s complt•x ror llrbhr,ne has t1rrn well dc.';i~lll'd . "T he re wlll be no ren– son rur 1t 10 be referred to • u., unother Op,•ra ,House. , Bir Oordon l-Old a l•rge preaa conference nt the unvellln1,: or u model nnd •plan thut I he eomple:< would be u nnlionol ac– qulalUon. • "It wlll no! he shnderl Ji tt :~r~\~nl,gl{(~E~ 1;iki1!~,;:~ sphere," he sulrl. "Jt will b(' o( gre11l 1>enetlt to thr ruturl!," OPERA, BALLET The t>erforminl,I art:t centre east or Melhournc Street will c,111t11in 11n o~ra und bullrl theatre seattn.i 1800. u concert hall ror 2non. anc1 11 ·"tu– dto Uwrt11'{' for -too. The Q11rcnsl:111d .>\rl dn11Pry will ort·upy n site west of i\lclhnurne Street fro11tim! thr Urishanc nt,·1•1· :md will hnvt• n lo– in\ 1J,1or nn•a of t:i.000 'l'ifl\1111'1' mrtrcs , 140,000 .i<11rnrr fct""t ,. The 111u!w11111 will I,(' 111 the snme bind, ns 1l1r :,n ~nllrry hut rwa rr r Ore,· S1 rcri Fll)or nn•n " 'ill b.€' I :i . !J :t .'i .'-iqt1Rr(' llll'lrt•!- 11 50,000 ::<'IIIUI'(' ll"CI, 1'11€' 111.Jrnr~ will he on lht! ~lte or th(' fll'C.l-('111 SL Hch•n/. ll05flil nl nnc1 the n d j j") 1 n 1 11 2 Sn h·n11011 Arttl\' pror,crt.,· with !\ to· lnl llnor n r('rt of I l.14R ,1;f11H,rl' met rtts 1 120.000 !>iQlllll'(' r.:-c1 I Tltert• WIii 1,1 .. n hr Rn 1111dllonu 111 tl lHI n•.,:;1:1t1 - rnn1 wh1r h will r1oul>l(' a -. n t·o11,,..111ion C'l'l111'" on n ,;;11r 11f t hr rin •r lmnk hr• l\\'e1•n 1tw lihr:iry "IH'I 1hr 1'11'I L!'fl\11•n · Therf• \\·111 hr ... ,,art• for ;;nn <'Ar!- 11nr1r r 1lw nrt eoll~n nml 1hr 11111..t•nm irnd 111.-•rr wi ll hf• :1 ,·.1f,... lf• rb rotff·r .;;;l1np :1111I a hmlt rd 1111111ht•1 Ill .. p(•– t•1011,· , h I•"