Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

T lw , 1iJ· 1rul t 'Hni.ih•, 1m t lw ,m11h 1J.,11k 01 1h1• un , . h.,n,· HI\ l·r " 1)1 no ht' n •.,rl \' 11,r , , upan, ,· rnr llll lll.' ,,0 111(' lllllt', IIIHI U\t' An Ci1dl••rv .. pn•~rnL l10111P p,•t 1111t., Lili• d!.'1-J la\' of 0111~• a :-.111.lll rrnportum or lhe (;,,Jlt•rv·., t·olll'Cl\01\, Tl1r ",)Id Con" \\Olllcl rlnubtl(•.,• 1w1•d ~•1ne nlu•r– nllon-. \Jt'lu1·r b, 1 111; pal to l lil!-. ... \1!!~•1•,t1.•cl u · ,•. BII' 111•• all \ :oll.t.!t'S - a la r).!t.' eh- ph1,· an·u. t.·011- ,·c•111,~11t·t• lO irn:-. Hild ll'alll n ·.u t t''-1, 1111d ,1 \\ell-knov.n lm1lrl111;.: 111 , !1,1r,11tt•r - ,,oulcl :-.urclv Ill•' ir thr....r . H. U. llar,lalit'r. Welh•r 11,-ul, \\'1•ller'< 11111. shows the natural human being, he ls rnrell' satl· rlcal or out to shock. E\'en In his photo• ![rnphs or wartime tra– gedies he concentrates on visual beauty. The bulk or work ls In blnck and white and this Is far superior t.o that In color. * ONE .auld spenll a ood deal of tlm• cnn– emplallnr. the pholn• Jraphs ,b:, m-:,c•:; e 1 u*– Ob!. one o n~ an '• SELECTED w~r•cs by ino.t famed photoKTaph· students or the Austra· ers, which are now on llan Flying Art School 15 ,rlew until Augu•I 29 at· nnother temporary exht• Queenslnnd Art Gallery. blllon at Quer.nslnnd Art Gnllery and Inter 10 be The touring exhibition shown also In Sydney ~•~ 11 \';."~ d "l~e~~/;gra\~ and Melbourne Best.em's 70,h. birthday. The Exhibition or more than 50 works. the ma• The camera In the Jorlty or which Is by hanns or this man or I c O 1111 tr y students. In· many talents t~ an 1n- eludes mOrc then can be 1--trumcnt for hlghly ar- mcnt~lnncd thi\L is worthy ttstic expression. or encouragement. or course, his suhJects ~JI. Etn11 Cn\'CS by lone are r11Sclnntlng; Rockhnmp1on·s Marie he maiorlty or the !10 Bl~ilns achlc\'es a quit.e holographs nre por- exciting presence \\ith Its trntts of the rnmous tn flow or large cnvcrnous the arts and letters. the forms. Fot,age nnct the scrP.cn, 1n A commrnrtilble 1 high society and polltlrs. group or Dalh)' , u,ctenls Prlzemone)' totalllnr more than St700 wa• r~~~:etn '~h~'·st:t•~~,~~; contc!'ot. The major prlte!'i wer" s:mu rnr the m·erall win– ner and SHiO rnr the o\'erall runner-u11, "Col• ~,~!,~·~,~ric' 1 1ir.t~ ·~;!i:!~i •tudenl, Brn Ion has recorded onr. Is dell~hlec1 with 1hf'm with precision nnrt Mabs BIarkband~, SJ:'°'r lnsh:ht. oft.C'n usmg cle\'- tnncous and cx1 re:-;s1 e er props which e dd 10 t"'ro~ Pnnct. piwrhologlcAl pene- or other country :-tu- 1 11:At lnn anrt he work~ rtcnt~. l:rndsrnpr nb- wonoer~ \\1th s ll b l l (' Mr:l Ui b~· Orn.httm Vol· I n uances of tt~ht and lcr. Snndrn fr)' nnd ,J~ .. d t, / smiles rrnd wrll. nn,, ~h nd._ f'.n LCX ure. nrucE? Hnl\'s rlen'-e "nnd 111'-h •·Brrc1,r DAY I~ hnnrtlrd ,,ith dtt~h. More than 200 paint– ing• were dl•playtd a& the nlflelal n1K'nln1 nl th• competition'• grand final al the THrher:-.' ~tt.:'tr~~~l~~~ha:~nd- The grand final ,.... nprncrl by '.\tr. Gu)·mt.r. The jud~e wu Brl,bane rialntrr Jnhn Rl~hy. hlJ!•~ ,~rin: 1~~~~ :::~y and tnmorrow from 10 a.m. In 4 p.m., and 8.30 p.m. to ~.30 p.m.. and on Saturday from 9 a.m. In 5 p.n,. The competition at– tracted more than 600 entries. Two lroups wlll benefit from commission on thr ,...le of palntln~s: Narbethong School for I h • \ ' t s u a I l y Handl• Ci:lUPl•R-1--1/\IL wro. "IG. PUBLIC NOTICE ; QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY !!ith I lnr,, ,., ' M R\llllttno l "tO ,\nn 8 11'11PI REOPENING T'h1t Ttus1u, ,U4 nl,..11 o rt In 1uh·1•.- 1tu1 nnrn 1n 11,,. l'un1u r "llhHlllQ ,,1- f r1ll"lwl11a f' \ hlhlll"ln• - 1 • • II r,,,,11 1nn ' l~"-111"'1,'1 :l A - :_! 1 1 P 1•n, ,\ um,111,1n riving Arl st!~"h~~,;:~~ 1 _ 1Rn 1117~. r)I I I.NSl..\~rt i\ln u11 , 1 1 .,,- 'I! 1 '.1 llutt.1111u I •·,o .,,,n S 11•,·1 t:, ,. \1 11 •1(•,., 1, 111<•1 !h11t t111r 1 • I I, , , 'I d !• , ~ ' : .,,n, ,•:':"•.11~~ 1i1,',:•l:'.'.'/u c,_s,,rn.,..,,....-. .,,.. fl/lV·rt 1h•• • ' ~,.,,u, ' ' . , 11r,1 1 ''"' f"\lt f, , ,,, , 1'1 ••rt