Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

MAIL" BrlslNne, Old. 12 r'.J;~ ] ]J._ / ,. . -Clos~d' shop on artists fHE annual Richards A r t Prize always d r e w e11trles from leading Australlnn artists. Aa an 0J~n compctilfon, ft was one valued oppor– tunity for Jeli/ er-known B~\\'. ter, to gafn recog111- Now It L, the Trustees' Prize all this ha., ~one by the board It hlLS bl'Come a "clooed shop", JnvltatJon., "' •~ter belnar 15sue<1,, l'f ( .i...;:. 150 specl!1c palnten "'"!:"'fncludllll ~ QueenaJan. den. AA neither tht Slate Oal• l~~ di~~ ~: fx~ ceptlon of one arllst- ~u~~/i.~~r i.:-esrr;::~~ ~~~:/~ 1 i.~s .~r1s;.•l[ 0 ~~~Yci be lnter~.~llng to know un– der whl\t rlrcumsklnces these 150 were selected. thfi n~m'1:rn~~ff'l;.,\~:~I~ but lack or space and •tafr has not hindered previous oraantsatlon and presenta– lJon or the compet.tUon. Our Slate Oallery hRI discontinued a valued tra– dllJon - Valerie Just. 77 Queea lllnet, llrtabane. "C()fP'H ~'l-M t, TT "'' 11t'1 ft11 r,1 >1t I 107~, 1how1 the natural human being, he la rarely aatt– rlcal or out to shock. ONB MUN apeail • ... ..... et Ume eon- ~C~L,~: ON; oM , et Ea•tand'1 mMl faaiil fltololl'APb· :::W ':=. 11 r.:..T'n : ~nd An GallerJ, Tht touring ex llltlorl hu been uaembled In E n g I a n 4, .to celebrate Beaton'1,fflh. birthday. The camera In the handa of tbla man of many talent• la an In• atrument for highly ar– tlstlo expresalon. Of course, hla aubJecta alone are fascinating;. the majority or the llu f:'.t~,p~. f!~our:;; the art.I and letten, the atap and the screen, high society and politics. Beaton baa recorded them with precLslon and Insight, often using clei•– er propa which add to psychological pene– tration, and he works wonders with au b t I e nuances or light and ahade and texture. ThOugh he often atrtps away the glamour and Even In his photo– graph& of wartime tra– gedle.< he concentrate• on visual be11uty. The bulk of work la In black and white and this 11 rar auperlor to that In color. * SELECTED woru bJ atudent.1 or the Austra– lian Flying Art School la another temporary exhi– bition at Queensland Art oallery and later to be ahown al.so In Sydney and Melbourne. The Exhibition of more than 50 works, the ma– Jorlty of which ta lnby c Ou·n try atudenta, be– eludes more than can mentioned that Is worthy orJr.eo'M°t~'b~vea by Roekhampton'a Marie Blnlns achieves a qul te excllJng presence with Its flow or lal'll9 cavernous torr;:, 11 commendable group or Dalby student.I one ta delighted with ~~u~~~~:~r:~1~ n-g~ ~rg~ c-:·intry stu– d , n t s. land,cape v•b 1 - •tracts by Graham d oJ– ler Bandra Fry an o Smiles read well, and Bnice Hall'a dense and lush "Breezy Dey" la handled with daah. - - - ---==== COURIER MAIL Letters to the Editor 14 Aug, 1975 "Prize not closed shop" I N reply to the letter ot Mrs. Ve r 11 e Just (C.-M., August 12) I wish to affirm that the Trustees' rlze Is not 'a closed ·hop on artists·. This prize was tnown •• the H. O. Rlchll'da Prize unt II 197:i when tt wu de- ~lfedt~~ co,l\~~'t:e!~e ~1:: !;~~"~~ T;mtY,'l 1r!.~.~ opinion, hlld rendered dls– tmguishcd scn·tces to the development or art In Queenslnn.i. The Trustees· Prize . WAS cnn1\nucd In Lhe olcl prem– ises nt Ore?gorr Tcrrnrc In in-,·~ 1tncl 10n wllhoui llmt– tnt 1011 ln 107 . ue o 1e wor or setting up the Gallery. ~clt1i: 1 'U;'/~'.f~~rJJlfd~!; nut being completed, It was not possible to conduct the prize. This cancellation or the prize was an:,unfortu– nnte break ln continuity and It ha• been the par– ticulur concern or the Tn1stees thl\t It be re-con– tinued as soon as possible. The Trustees are !>leased that the prize can be re– continued tills year, hut 1egreL thRt certa.ln necrs– snry limitations hnve hn<l to he oppllcd Jn orclcr to 11111kc this possible lt1 the Gnllcr ··s presrnt temr rn– rr premises In the 111.1 ~I U11ildln~. Howe,·~r. \\'hf"'n t.hC' rurn.– A:-t. On ll!.>l') l~ bnl!t t he prt,c "·Ill IJe nhl to be con– rinctcrl Eh prr,·lnuo:-l)', wit h• 011t un.r llmltatlons. Enr··r lrns h(•f!n llmlt "'rl to 150 n.rt lsts. i-.r tcctPrl on n11 At1!iitr:"1 1in ~ ,,.·id, hnsts - 50 THE ARTS Boost to gallery If I urlhcr ar.1rnment was lll'Cdl'd for 111·1.1ddin1:- lhc (;1n'l'f'll1t1t•nl into t·1111,·ertinJ,:" 11larnlorr lall, inlo smart al'lion in llw matter of the 1u·o1111sl'd 11~•w arl J.:'lllll'ry. the (l.-\ (; Iru~I l'cs ha \ 'l' 1no,·ided it h.,· an11oi111t'it1g- Ill ans foi– llll' 1!17,i lr11.,lel•,.; 1,rize. 1'1,1111,•1 ,\ l,,.1,1 1\\ r, 11,. lilt• II (' I( l'im r,:, 1•11.•, t 1. h,1 111·••1 •,Ill ,· 1 1 1 ,I 0 !\I" or ,,,,. ,11.1111,d 11/ t ,., , , :.. Ill fl1h ll:1114• II liu, ,11tr:11 ' •'cl r', •:ll :1111\ 1•11\ 11...-. l n•11 111 11.,1. 1h n ,uch11111 :\ 11•1 1,1;J,1 Not 0 111\ 11,,111 1·:-.1.111 - lll'lh1•,t lt•11d1 r -i, l,111 ,1 '. -0 !1'(1111 !11 ,p 1•!11J llt\h.l!0\\ 11.... ~,ho 11.1•,•.., 1·,•11 tlu· 11p – pi11 1u1 11 ) 111 11,,,11 u tl1t•1r \\1 1r1.. ,,,, n .111d 1q1pn u •f•cl. '1'111' Op1•11 111i: " ' t ht• l~\ – lllhi1 1vn o l lit11t1! £•11 - ll'h':,., ,, 11 11 1111• u11nn11 rwt•- 1n,·111 111 1 II,· ,, 1n11t.•1 wu , n r:111· ,,w.. tl 111·1 ut•1·,1:-.Jo n lltu ( llr11UJ.! il l ro 11 l h c-r ll l'l I., t ~ Ullti :11! f'l l– l liU.,JH,"'L~ 1ft ('/'U\\Ch 'il pro– ll1, 11JII h) t·:\c·h :1111.:1• \ll'w.-.. :,ml mm,• 1111111 111,l'!, . 1-ru 11"1•\ ... 1 Ji,, Jllcii;,•,., 1Jt•rl– ~1011. A!-. Ol'l~:1111111_\' e:-.1u b • Jished 11.-1 :, 111t' 111ul'!11l 10 Prote,.~,,r lll'lll'\" ca ... rtl1 R1<'11nrt1 .. \\ ho lrntl bt:'c-11 n t.rusttl(• ul rht• gu llcry. ii WU,\ U ('()ltl pt•t !tmn 111 ~1!!~.~~trm~>l~~~~::.~~"- for a Btll nllt'r 1!17~. when tlw Jlrll',C wu., l'Hl:-('t.1 tu $2500 II \\'ll/'t dt'dderl to mnkC' \Ill' n111111nl ll\\'ttrd 111 mumon- of ,-;onu• pe1·– son who. in I he Iru:-1erb · opinion. hoct renrlerrd dl.'ll lngui.'-hed .o:r,·,·lc<' lo l,Jae tlerrlon111ent ol art 111 Queen~ltmd. t lt1d!11i-: 11 \ 1•111·:- .,. I h ,1.1• 1111111 Tll i:,,, ,\t•:tr hnnuur \\ill lu~ ,:h',•11 to Ur. Urn,·,· Bnn·ad,, 1q•IJ-"11u,,11 :1rl ,·u11110J,,,,ur ;11111 a t1·11,l1••· l'rum 1!1:1:1 11u1il hi, 1!1-:uh J;1, t ,,.nr. I .11.,t ,\'1•:1r. 111 1h,· 1·n11- 111. 1011 OJ l1:1\l11~ IU H11t – llU lt.• 1111.• olrl ro111tt•11w,·tJ L;:l llC'ry 111 Orc-1;11r)· T n - 1111·•• .111 cl .... -•l t ll!~ ll p llollM' ~ 1 ,'~~1 ''tf~t/'r'c1T::'':1,•r;;_,::; S t l"l'l•I llo CDll1Pl'lillun \l u... h l'ld 111 \II'\\'. t,f l/1(\ lllllllN1 .,10,·.1.,:P ~J).H.'l' uncl 1:u-k OI foc- iJa 'l", fnr Ju<lr,.:lni,: i,rr– h 11ps :mo or rnor<' 1•111r11·, :!!,s'. 11 1~ :~J~f!~r\\~i~~.f•P:;~.'~~; b('t 1.~r 10 hlH·1...• n1Jn1ulo1wr! l hc l'\'f'll t t h l~ r rur 100. IIL"'ilCncl of restrll'lilll-! II 10 a <'011lC1'l bet.\\l'PII lt.0 I? I lw r ,, I ht· ·! u ',• llc ,I!", dtl!', 111 ,1 " ,1111 It ,.... llll1•1'1w l d 1•tnl' ll"'l1>11 - ~o 1t-1·.~ <1•1 ,t li:t l1...• p10<hl111i:,: I U " 111111wcL11 !l' Ul'l lfl/l Ot1 th,· 11,·w l',illt·n u1 1d !.! ••I t h,, lt11'11.11,•,·' IJ.ic •J:: \\li1 1 l't• ll -.l111u!(j IJ1' 101 0. i-'.ur1, • • • (iu11,· 1~ tltt· '\'111/Ju/:,m l1 t<111 I 1\l rt•n,·,· I t,1\, _.~· \\ url, 111 11, .. 1110 ... 1 h 'l.'f'lll , h t,\\llit: a l lilt• Pl11l1 p Bu1·011 ( i llh·r:1., • ~ ,\r~ t il11r S t1,•1't N1·\\ F:iri11\ u :-t•t 1,• t 01 111111 1orr1.t. .,, 11<!11•-. ,1..111• 1n hi, d11,r– ,ll'IC•r 1, 1,t·ulh !-.L'IU,11 l\'C ... ,,,,(' . llt•n · 1t11•rf' f~ 11u $Ju,·J..h l'l'lll'l' •l'lllut.011 lwt 11'1 11rtl,1·~ .,111111111tn· of hi." "l'l'tl(' .. Ill lt•r n,... or lll'lil'-• 1\(- 111:,,JJ.:hl <'Akulalnt 10 !-/1:1 rk n11 nc:,1 li<'t re rc– •' f>DII'-:• 111 h is ,·i(>\\'(' f:,,,. i 11 V l Lt• d ('llt.111111"1, nr \\ h on1 50 urc Qu~e11:il.111- clers. l.li .!111 l'1l11•rn1~ throu~h . lull (!'('('... brCOIIJCli H l!/ 11110 ., l' 1hrouC!'h t he ,·n11l!NI ni-.lc., of some )Cl'l'li l 4.'lllhNlrn l. [11 fu el. It ltlll,;lal h tl\'(' IJC"~ll C\'t'll bl•lter IO h u,·e nbn ndoned It t1 nlll fhl· m•w 1,,:'n Jlt•ry \\ ni-. 11 n l'!\– tabllshcd !act Sut:h ~ lcctlon or au– lhorillied entranb RlU!"t, in its ,·ery naturr, be odious to die art lr11ter– nlty a,c a wholr. The questions wlll ln– evltnbly be nskcd :" Who ~~i'i.c/~~es5,e~Ws~:~ rr.~~ t 1 t',~1~'r;~~fes~ft~ 1 ~~e•/i.)-~ ~~~~•ln1;,,,,~••5:;~~~~~~~ Why was1n I lnvlt~d?" .\ lllv ponct 1., rt tran.c.• lt11·11111 ·.o:;111dv In hlue: a NLrnn!;ler ff}{ t hro1111111,{ 1111 llll\\'11 1111~ host 1., ,' Hl~– i; c .-. 1 I\' (' or SC'dUr ll\'C hlO\'t'IIICllt. 'rhe kr.,·notf" or lhe show Is "atmu"'phrr,•," 1\·tr. On\\'/'! hn:, SIIC• cr-cctcd In ca1Jturlng the co11t,in1111II.,· chan~iug moods or ttw dn rk. moist forest.:; 1u, surrly us na- ~re m~:~ (l~Ol''tt;,dro~l~w~ :1:r~'tt~~;f and enJo~•mble THI COURIER-MAIL THUIIS. AUG. ZI i,75 or thll number are Queens– land artists. 'Ibis Ja th, . maximum number of art– ists whose entnea can be handled In ~nt lo– cation or the, nt;ni£rt~ ~~f" 1 ~r~ r~~~d stor- age of crates 111d packing mat-erlals whlell~ ~ not be located In !iM.1.M. I 0 11 11 d In g In . IIRnce w I t h safety • a\1r.t1ons. These mRlerl- ·. ave to be re.moved for storage, a~f ,· the bulldln~.. .. ,/ ~. Also 1t1·~1ees had not 111 the. entries to 150. g Inconvenience ..-ould >bfen cnused to the Gn~I ,,.. there Is no storage kJ)flce In which paintings In.excess or this number could be held ror ,·Jcwlng hr the Judge and for sub.sequ nt return to U1e art lSUI. Entries have been limited to one per artist and ha,·e been limited In size to not larger than five feet by four feet to allow for max– imum J1rt'st"ntetlon. In conjunction with this year's Tru~tres· Prize the L. J . Han-ey Memorial Prize for Drnwing $500 Is to be conducted as usual and w!tho •L any llmlt.ntlon or cnt rRnts. Entry form~ for th!c "li·e Are f\Veilab1e at the "- ,Uery for all artists who want them. - Raoul Melllsh, Director. queen1- land Art Gallery, COURIER MAIL 17 October, 197 $70,972 Art Gallery rent The ,vearJ;- rent nf the Queensland M t Gallen··s ~~~fg RP.r~~~~s A~g Stroer, ,wa,, Si0,792, the O:duoatlon ,\llnl1.1.!!r ,~-Ir Bfrd/ .. fd',tri' Stiite l'ar; IIRmrnt .1•0.,(erd~y. He tolrl Mr. Wr!Qhl, u\ .1. P.. Rnr klH1111r1nn I Al 12 rnlunb!p o!I ntuar~. \\'h1ch lrnrl . h \ln;rnrd It) lhr. Au,,;.. ttRl1•11 F' ly ln e .\ rt School, \\ rrp • rA rrfullv c~rrr1 fnr " hilc on loRn · There wn:.~ no rfA m Hel! to thPm.