Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

BRISBANE City Council advertising man– ager Mr. Brinn Wll\lams (foreground) with his prize-winning painting "Bheep– mnn" at the Garden City shopping centre, Upper Mt. Gravatt. last night. (luei,nslnnd Art Gallery asslst.:mL dlrrclor Plr. It n 11 11 I Mellish • left Ju d ,r r rl the cnntesL. t,rlffllh Unh•er.,lly Vlcc•Ch:uwl'llnr (Pro• sor F. J. \\'lllctll rl~hl, opcnrd lhr <'Xhlhltlon. :\lr. Wlllhrn1, s,·nrNI h l s :\lllh art corn– p~litlon win with the paintlnJ;", which wr.n S500. 11 Is o 11 palnlln~ ;~:~1:\~1:1~:.i'~n;~arn t:!~ 107:\ Oardrn ('lt.y Art S h o w (:oncluctcd hy Macgrr,t"or I.ions ( "luh. Th<' COfflJlCtltinn at. tracled ncnrh' 700 en• trlr s In thr ,,alnlinJ:" !'Cdlon, bcsldrs mnn~· r nlrh•i,,i In lmmllc·rnfls, stul11tun· nrnl 1rnth•n ·. Thr rxhlhltlnn "111 hr npt•n to the !!t'n l'l':il 1111hl l1· lill :--11111lay, )1:1rrh '.!.i ancl nll 1'11 · trir!'> arr n,·nllnhlr ror 1rnh1ir JJUrrhn!-,r . :'\t!lrc:rrJ:nr I.inn~ C:lnh 11r<'slch'nt ('.'1r. lt:\y Al· t ns•q !oald Inst nilt hl J1ii;; duh rx11rctcd lo rRisc S,2000 in cnmmls11lon monry frnm thr show. "1-'rom the proceeds ~~n~ 0 fncr lieh;1~, 0 c!~!t: ntt amhulanc·e and the bahrnce of the money will ~n tnwnrds dtwCI· 011mt~nl of a children'! 1mrk In tin, suburb of M:u·~n,;or," he said. Tnlal 11ri1.c money of . 10110 wn~ donated by i\lttt·;:n•J:nr I.ions Club and the finrdcn Cil)' t r a d c r s , which gR\'C :S."100 each. w1?i:1~~ w:::J;[r. \~·~ 1 ~~ 0 ' I) r I sc o 11 1S100 ror hundltra ftsl, Mr. John ncane tSlOO for sculp• l u r C I • h~· Potlrihar 1~100 for pollery1. ~lr. Williams, of Free St rt•rt.. N1•wm11rkcl, said lw had been entering ;1rl t·om1,ctltlons. slnl'r l!lliO. lie !i-:1hl hr had won :,.~no :, l G a r d " n ('it ,· ln~l n·nr. tils whin..r this ~·rar, "S ht•t•11m:111", w:1is clone (rom a !>krld1 whlrh h<' h acl first ,lr:l\\'O In the Sew t:n,i:huul country. The 101:1 Garden City Art Show orJanlsers d alm lhl• year·• show ~:',: 'l,"c/~~~•~u~'.,~•~~~~~ Greek gods in the bush A londscop~ a, Greek gods ond nymphs cavorr- 1ng on on Australian plain ..,,ii be a fcotu, e c,t t he most omb,tiou, Aus.t,olion c, h1b t1on c .. e, held ot ,..e Queensland A,t Gol– lu y. It\ :l-1 JUlHltlJI~\. ttlP ('\'.– h ut1 ;1111 ,•H.llf'ri :\ u,1 n - 1 ,Ill J.,\1111..t 11\ll'•, 1'11\rr, 1 llf' l"'I l'r ! 11,IOf\ o' :\It - 1 1 ,1 •., n .u1il ~r,1pr 11rt 1111m l',!111 lo I\IW Tht' 11 11111h 11ain tlm:. nul i, 11art fir 1in, 1, 1itra l ,.drnol 111 .\ u, 1ralkt11 a rt, \\ 3.'i ,tonr hy !°'~tl111' )' I.um: in 1hr IR!lO~. T hr r :-.h1h111n11 p 1r\ ,,. flllBIH"NI In 1hr l 1 r1 r S lUYVf'...Rl1 1 T ru-..i "-R" !-1.elrrtect rem nauo11a l, S ta ll' Hllci 1)1'1\Ut<' ·nl – lf'l'lC~ throus;houl f\ u..;tra- 11-1. End tour It ha." w urert <•1i::h Au."1rnl1:111 1·11.r~ 111 the IASL \'r ,1r Ullf1 8 1'1:,IH-tllC Will be II ~ In I ~howlni; t>t"forr hf'II\Lt hrnkC'n up. Thr n .tuhlliun mrlln,;; u11he11n1.l in Un• .\l'l (i;1l· ~~·;J~en~'•;~fnlJ~:" ~1~ Jt~ 1 1liil,Y ha" lo be r1•mn,·ed o stnroitr lo makr \\'ay for lho rxhlhlllon. Tile Gnllery WIii hr rln"rct from tomorrow unu l nex\ Frida ·. THI COUIIII-MAIL 1ATUIDAY MAI. 11 1,:,1 QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY H11s y,t-rii.. cnd .... 111 pro-. 1,i11 1hc IO\ I oppo1tun1tv ol , ,c,nQ tht- l!,.h1b11,011 AUSTRALIAN LANDSCAPE Thf' Gellr ,y ..., ,11 then t,~ clost d h orn Ml"lndov 2nd Armt tr Thu1\dC\ 5th, ond ,c -opc,v, with po1nuno\ h nm 1he - PERMANENT COLLECTION on Fridoy, 6th April, 1973 'World's best' art gallery Th, , , 1 "' i 1 , 1 Mr. ll1lk1 Pt1111tnl ,,o.,l11d l11t night tho1t lri1bet1e'1 new ert ,a • llery would ht " tht hut in tht worlcl". lt n·ould mcorporiltf! tht top re.,LUre!i of he world'~ best gillltric.~. ht salrl, Thi" g~llt'ry de. 1 .:ii:::n u:11.!I ~\'.p"'ctrd lfl bt made pub· lie in April. hr sa:d :\1r. Bj<'lkr P"'' l"f'-1"11 was olflcl&II)• opcnin~ "Thr Au~1 ral1Rn L'l ncl • !5<'BP"" cxhlhll lon. wh ich I 5 Oil ~hO\\' AI IhP Quten~lilnrl Art GAllt-rr untll April I. 1'hp ('Xlllblt 1011. rnn• c:.1~1 11\C! nr ,i4 p1c111rrc. h,· 4!\ :.rt1s1~. ..,un •M' tl1r trn;tn:--y nf rile rllu nt:-r ·... hrnt11:c11.r>r :HI frf"lm 11!lO 1n 1fl7C't 11 hR~ brf'ln nq:nn1c:.r rl Anli f n~ nrer1 b\' thP ~,a ,,.. /\rt Gall~n·e" And t h , PrlPr S t11\'\'f'IS8nl T rm-1 ·