Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

TRUSTEES' p·RIZE FOR PAINTING in memory of DR. B.B. BARRACK. L. J. HAR\'EY MEMORIAL PRIZE FOR DRAWING COURIER ~IL 18 October, ll'.~ .o Prize~ sD.OW:; iiuality ART REVIEW by Dr. Gertrude Langer w. HEN all of the "Bouquet ;o, Yutorday," t~~! 1 'We;:~ ~~;r:e~~? ,;.entries are "'Ith Its trldcscem blue- servatlve, but delicately hunt , In a corn- re<l lloatlng to\\'arda the hnndlc<i pcnctl drawing, petition, the result vt::;:i~e Dumbrell In her i:~:~'.!. of A \'ounJ can be dlS11Strous, f~~1r~,"Ztph1f.u~?ri"" r he ex h I b t t ton ts but this Is not the almost sc llth~i 1ro11ped •• 10 subject case In the Trustees or op Ar d :,o . t~~~r~pe~vhlf~~urtct~~r- Prlze for Painting e~P.{{~;'a,f l\n , ;i: tn.l\., GUii :Jtre subjects and the Harvey Owen , rt t, . ~ •bil~tll!. , , Prize for Drawing, bollstlc construe •C::.,i:n ,-~ •It. ",they "-ngc now on view at fused with a m .: .,..dety, • ·~ • 11;¥; Queensland Art Ja,nct Dawson s . Ther, ~~J.83 wililili I Gallery, ""'' 111" where r . Lthts.....c9'iirtit1t_to 1,Htiit or the 150 artists In- brushy flow Is cht.nnelle r , vlted to compete Jn the f~f~'c/1:,;;et{eu\~t!~gr~~~ Trustees Prize (the Jn- and where light gilc adequate facllltles of the muted pink& and green. temporary prtmlses ne- Re I n Is zusters, wh cessilated the change charges ihe entire !lei from the previous open with mlcroblc densit y a competition/, 64 l't'spond- amonl! other abstracts ed. note. But althou~h the num– ber of tn,•i111t1011s to m– ~crstare orttst~ hnd been. 111 all fairness, t11·1cc those extrndcd to local artists. the numbr.r or work~ on \'lew by the Jat– ~~r0 lt,~~rut two-thirds or As I don't know the list of lm·ltces, I can only ~l."e':n;l~~~d~~•e or ~~W!i known. or worthy 10 be so, have not bothered lo compPle. Howe\'er, It ls ~ood to ~ee the works hv ,·ounJl taJen t . uch Iii Naric\' ~e F reitas. nnd Davldn Allc11 • • I t h o u ~ If ,their work hrre has been exhlbltc<i r,rrorc 1, n.~ w_ell ns nnt:r- 111c: the lmpro\'rrl qu:,lit \· or the work nf m:111\· o· hrr~. who,nrnsL nllcl\,· ·11(' sp:lrr fn 'f\\C:11~lm: on ~l~t~s.'nost re •a}"dtru: rn- Pct l:'r Olar & H Mard, ~nth". whl won the A,,·11r~. i.,_1' t profound PRlnllnl:. \ lt rrr('als It~ mm·l11 • ele~I•< content •t oner: but . 1hr de<rpt l1·r sl111 - pllc1t)' or this f!ne oh– strncL painllb mu L be ~~f- 1 t1'!: sth 1~; 0 ,.per– l·la11gln1t n a'rh\' 0 lo Nf-• 1· 11 l e Mnlthrws' Also elegiac color-lhou~ht. Montages tn~<'n·1~~11,~~1:s fch~r!no!~. h a I c Cllc capt11·nl111 "llrusb!1;and Sealed" b Elwyn liJ'lln, with 11,s tll' •trnw brtfslic nnd ply wood squat,,; bearln11 re, ·s ea l s connerte d b ~~~lrp,·: ~l:~ 1 i/ ~\'f1 1 ii:~,I~ Ince tha~ the Dada spirl ho\\s to A J npa ncse-lik nc. 1hetlclsm. Th)'r7.R D HC)' Insert the femnle or~n,1. crnrte from lenthcr. a.s a. centre 111rrr of his "All:tr Piece' ,while Irene Klndne,s nr~rhy slHJ,,.~ :t llbber·~ pro1,...,L pa mt 111~1 ah d .'.\IJr hRrl Taylor i~ nl~c <C111cc111N 1 with $CX in hts ,en· ~nnrt mixed mN1m work, "l:,·rrrday Man." F':1.:nrc1,tl' r, work nl!-'o l11rl11rles EJl7,a beth C11 m– m111s:s, John Rt~b\', O i I R111ic.,on Charle, Bllllrh Anne Gr:'\hAm who o C(lt1r~c. rannN ordinarU he bunch~<i IO~ether. bti ~1ignt'~~~~' ~:~o~~:1 1 ?~ ;;m ethers. · " A '"'ord or Praise Is du i the Intelligent an -.,11 1ve llanlllpg,of bot lblttorls. . ' ~ Th~ Hnrvcy Prize f Brlsb.ne, Qld. ABSTRACT ART WIN WIHHH of the $2500 Qu11011on4 Att Gallery Tr••-• Pri•o WN •• ob1trod p1iotl•1. Morch 30th, lty Pete• Clarlr.1, of MtlltourM, The Deputy ~remler (Sir Gordon Chulk) an– nounced the winner yes– terday on the fifth lloor or the ~1.1.M. Building, temporary site of the Queeru;land Art Gallery. The award I, In memo– ry or Dr. B. Bnrrack. Jor– mer Queensland Art Gal• lery trustee. Mr. Clarke aloo wor the Trustees' Prize l1. 1970. Winner or the L. J Harvey Memorial Prlz• for drawing was a work. Head of a YOUl\i Wom• an. by Nora Heysen. The Judge In both ex· hlbltlons was Mr. J . Wlerieke, former QuHn1 land Art Gallery direct.or . Brlsb.ne, Qld. on art entries lc~u=dwe~tob~~ to llmlL entries for the trustee•· prl1.e to 150 be· ~~r&11 !1r:tl~r:,J':1~~ Jster 1Mr. Bird ) told Mr. ~e~~~ll;~~r•;,ef~~J~. 1 Artists chosen to sub– mit entries were based on !!~~!~ ~~~~-1~~.1/it"e ~~i a Is o lncluded art.Jgt~ whose l\'OTk hRd Ahovm promise Jn recent local and Interstate 9"1bt- tlons. /