Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

Preservation The gallery lithographic work • I for people from Tatnarind FOLLOWING !'lose DON 'T be Slll'IJl'i.scd tr your bccr-drl11kl11 ~ next-door n eighbour, s uddt'n ly s tart,; spout– Ing about P icasso and Monet. 01\ l hr PX - hi hi Lion nr Br il ls h Prints. Qurr ns la nrt An GailPry IS 111111' sh owlnA "Tama rinrt : llnma i:e In I.i t ho – ~·raphy", w h t ,. h l ra vrls unrtPr t h P auspices or t h r Museum ,1[ ~•lodrrn Arl. N PW Ynr k. ART REVIEW by Dr. Gertrude Langer II he does. he ha., n·t gone mad. He's simply one of the m a n ~· Queenslanders I e u r n I ng about art. 1h11nks 10 the errons of the Queensland Arl Oal- lc:fi1c g•llery _this year h as bCl'll Sll\l,;lnK lunch hour l!lms. and Rfter– work le turr · !or adult . and special art , pru- 5trnmmes for r.h:ldrcn. They are nil being hclcl al thr i;:nllr ry's Lrmporn· rr sit.c. filth rloor. Mt. l~a :\lines bu!ldin~. Ann Street. ror anyone \\'hO wottld like to attend. Oallcrv director <Mr. Raoul Mellish, said ycs– t r rd R y hr was ''dc– llµh tcd" Rt the lncrca. ed turn-up since the art educnt.ton pro1,;rttmme had bei.:un. Lectures. th is year lrnd ranp,cd from .JuJMl!CM~ wood blo k pr:nt tr, l':c• ter l.lrucgcl the 1, ldcr - and \\'ere prm Ill): llll· menc;el\' pnpular Mr. Me!l1sl1 11•ch nrl sh11ulc1 nol t.w 11.11 lhr ellt H,L:-.. but :,hu11lct 01.· 1tble to be cn j o_\ l'cl hy l'\ • <'l'. '1 111C. Flllllr<' lN'lU I'''"' !111'11ieli" lh (' Etu.~11~11 "Pup Ar!" 1110\'C'llll'lll. und l'l'l l'lll oh-.Pl'\'1t tl1111s ur, 1\ nwr1- Ckll 11\ll~l' 1111~ Thr ~~ttllf'ry IS C:lllT f'll ll)" fraL11r111~ ..,, ark rnodrrn Bri tish p r int:,;;, Culnnml oils nnc1 a coll<'t lllll\ of "Antipodcttn~... a '.\11'1• bonrnc school or the lntc 10,o·s. Tn m;:1r111'1 l"> 1hr 11r1 1t1P nt 11 n r ,o rnnr'111111rv llfh - 111.:: aphy wnrh hnn 111 1-'l:c \ m!Clr .'-, whwh Wit,'i l'3- 1;1 hh.,hPc1 111 JnllO tl11 n11ch 1 hr 111:-111rul lflt1 nl ,Jun,. W :t \' n e Al1d rhrou!!h ! unchni: hv I IH• rro- ~ramme in Hurnru11t1rt. nnr1 the lHl,'i of the F'orc1 F'ounr1ation. It 15 11 0 ('11l• f)l'Ofll IIIHk- 111::? ,\'Otk:d1np dr \'Clr d tn 1lw ~1 imul11t1on nnrl orr– •'<'l'\'Rllnn nf I hr lH t or Lhr lttho~raph " Art is~ rnnnni OR'-' to work l hcrr . "They nre 111 \'ltl'r1 fnr l\\'n-month., rrllows h1ps_,.· r 1H'nllrnt:f•d In p1·ort11c n" 11Hll1Y rdil IOIM nr 11;; 1 ~;1~~1~ 1 ;~ ~:n' 1 ha,~'~J~~·1:·~•. ~ arr ~I,·rn t hr:-P rrfil 1011.< whrn the.· lrn\'r .. In 111nr yr;1r., 1 l!Hin Jn 1!'16!lt. Tamnrind lrns c1,•• rn grn.nts to more llurn 150 artist.~. a.,;; wrll ,u 7Fi r, rint.er- tralnrc~ - n rr• mnrkahle rernrd nf ~r n– ernu., pat,ronngc. fhr llthot:raph.o: in ,hP r ,;h ih1tion Onlr rl'"J'ltN•,.nl R ~el<'ctinn ot the m·r r 2fll'l0 ndll.1011~ or lit.h• o~raph,li wh1rh hnrl hrrn nrint,,n nttrin~ 111e rn~o, And lnrhHlr not only Amrrt,.nn nr-b,: !-. 1 Thr exce!lencr nr t h• prinlrr~. worklnt! In cln~r cnllR IJora llim wlIh I.It• 11rl1sts. ca n hP ,'-rrn in thP remarkable su lJtlelies or t. on, . rnlnur. l.rxturr, Rchtr.verf in ~ome or the mnrP r.omr,lcx wnrk.,. More lhnn Sixt,· arll~l-3 Rrr repre,..,enrrrt · Thcrr I!- no <"Lrcam– llnmg t.o nnr or t 1,1, 1 0 c11- rtr llnru;. ThP. \'Rr1etv I~ great. M.\' ernphA'-1,llii nn thr marvellouc; <'oncr nt or '.he ~·nrk.shnp 11.,elf ts nnl lntrnrlec1 In oh....r 11rr thr nrllstk mrrlt.~ nr mrt ivirt- 11nl \1-'0J'k~ N'Hllrlhllt('ri b ,\' wmr vr n · "r!I l.;nn, n. 'AP/1 a.s lei-.~n l,;n11'.l n Rrt- * ANOTH E R 1rmpnrn 1.v cx- 111 hit 1011 al, Qure ns– ln ncl i\ r t. Gallery frn l tt rrs Llo.vd Rees, who h nd h is r.nt11 h1rl hclay til ls yr:ir. In )Aljj/. 70 lfrr,- wa, hn11n11rprf b.\' ~ lnrcr rrt – m , pf•ru ,·r nrrnncl"'rt lw N.S,\V. . -\ r t Oil llrn ;\flrl I 1n,rllIn c: nil , t11tt• Gnl – lr nr!-1 T his 11nu:-. our cnllcr" .'-hnw" Ih<' dl'tt \\'lll!!' nn r1 pafntl n :::i- nwnr rt h, IL"rlr. " ~ wr ll n~ h,\' nthrr pnhhr (•Ollf'l'I 1n11s, ~rnrt prt\'nte ownrrs. I I IS r::rn l ll \'lltt: 11\nl'rrl, In ~r f' thnt. Hrr-. ir,, ,;n wrll 1rp1r, r111rrt 111 th,- • t.alr whrr,. hP wa.~ born anrt 1ra1n,.rl Thr r1~h1,. wnl'k, nn i.tim, ,•nntn I11 ,nme of h 1!– mn..,1 f'Xfl lll''illP nnr~ n11rt rrrncr m rr 111n n \' ,·enr~ of h1'\ h!r. ' ' l.lnyr1 n rrs tut.., ~tnnrt npnrt from rnm r mpornrv rnm Pt111'111 , , \'f'I lrn." won thr nr11111r11 11nn or proml- 11rn1 ,·,,1,trmpnrn ry Aus– Inillnn 1Hll~I~. II 11. IU'I hn.~ 1h rnm:h !' nc.P" nr 111n~t 111 1n 111 r I , rtr1n 11rr1 ln- 1r,;;111:.::H l~ns nr lnn d. 1·a1lf' nrnl a1Th1trc1urc In hroar1 M~rr111rn1.c;, C'.spr t·lnll~· n( IRn1h, :llJf'. ' nu1 hts rl1'(n,·tn,: 11n<1 p:11111 in~ )rn.~ hcrn In- 1 stn !lrrl Rh\'H.\'1', \\l lh 1hr. mtr n, ll \' nnc1 rnrr or lmr. nnct l hb I.,;;, then• 10 :-rr nnrl frrl. nnd trnn– Sf'rnrl.~ fAshJon. "'~siicti9n i'tbyed '•··,.. f ., r htoo ., effectiv~~ 17 OGT~7~ Hobart, ·~\ ~' WOUtD Reem that the decision of the Queenslnad Art Gal . trustees, to allow entry for the annual Trustees' (for"'t•rly H. C. 'lichurds Memorial) Prize by invitation only, had restric1lve erred leyond that anticip11ted. ·..;,-,,• ., ' ,: ,: AU! o U g h 150 In· ,\lthoush on the ..., Mr. Clark~• .._. - YI~ were extended f11ce, the Jud,:ln,: nf 64 him the prlN l~.tlle to ldiiil o.nd Interstate c•llllinp Instead ol per- Rkhard'• of 1911 i:f/:"i- a ~~:;,~1:.J! 1 •~ 0 h't;! ..:"':.!1:r. "lt' • •=tt~~ ~~~.~ .. W::rJi \ .,.,,";~1 prec~t entries ..,,ere that l'lr. James Wieneke toncue11 ";- at.· the reeel,MI. a goodly 1no- (formerly I.be Director of t.lme: thl,. vear•• piece l'Opt/M ot them from tht- (l.A.c;.1 , thl-. year lhe "''ill, I ~u,:ceSl, be found Q1,~a::;:-s~lso R:J. en- t~~fU«Jn~ ,~':id tU~."m- ~i,•e~1{d~~~:,Te.Oft produc.. ~ s received ror the L tndtviduaJ m ention or Nora H,•yson en ~red iorH';f~~ 1 l~~ 111 ~e'1 1 r~·/1~: ~\\~~it~de~a~.';~~y 1~' n~.:~?.~ 1 = ~~~:~n,lll~jr i ~?t~a~fi ":.~~:.;, Dietl~ COll\19f)l.fOnnlly I h f f t ighL "trn'11tlonni .. rtrld t.o re .. heN'1rr rRMt>clatln1i wil,h ~/ tn\\~~e 0 w 0~ 1 ~doue~tall peat h~r .;ucce~~ In win- Cthe Rtclrnrds' e\·ery aec- q,_ 1111 inlt t.he enurc cat.a• ning thr prcvh,us L. J . ond year, upon wb1of\ l)O Jnµu~. I-11u,·ey prize in 1973, hff.'° l,c L l u n hnd i.etn pl Rill II m&,:isntd LhAL Tlll~ I," j\ very senslt.lve enlrt.., In hoth it ,~ plca.slril: to find so eSM\' In rorthrlgh t pnr- ao~tlUon!f h,n ·t IH•t•n 1111rn,· o r ou • eenslnnd . t,rn1tur,, Ill 1>encll t hat. b._ llnrl yrt U11·n• rr - nrLi... 't.~ _ gh some - ..mu!'-t h,, v(' coo;;t. the Jurtge aiatft.1' a Ian:-'" are:, or are consplcious bs th eir Iii mu•h her1 rt •searchlt1g- :\,,~\1~~~~,·f~~!~, ~•~; :.~;!C !1(1~ ~ \:::~~~~ l tJJ:_! r~r '1i1;! ~ :~~~ pC:~te11'?!1l~~::: Gallery's porm:111r 11t cul- tncn,i;unru: tip so W("II ttnd the !H11 11darcls are M' hi~h leellotw , s.._i (',111f1dt.•n 1ly to corn- M ,, U1t• tlu•ntcs aod st.yles 'lfie"W st.r\C't.lon nn lh<! p t! t t t I u n fron1 ot.her Are \ 111 1,•tl. • Tnl8tecs' Pr1i e, 1,hcn-.r 1 •1'\ 1 Slatt•s 1t 1 .. 11k:,•l)· to be eev.crn.l 11e11ni1 to h fl \'(' h "•'ll Y<',11':oi hdore !II~· will aomethlr\y or R ,._.., ntc d1.• • P1.•I<.'¥ Cln.rkr'~ '~1nrch r ra,._,, 10 he a proQ\en&fnr cl•s!""u~li•. 1' .,, tr·,.. ,, 1,., d 3Utll ."leh.• ct.ed Uy Mr. Ill•· (i" tlcrv autttorltfes, '"' r "' ,._.., \V t,•nrokt•, l 1111 .tillr('. nn ly b111 \Cl.1U4 t\op~ ·th nt' thl:. proved oo hr ton 1111111,•1 • ,''.,' •• ',•,·,r, 111 ...t!•. ,•,r 1 cct·h 1~~,,..,ecocon:. 1 1 1 d 1 : 1/L',, r 'ij: •,xiir•a lenrr wll h ,' JI.II! :.. toe §lll to h,• 1' 11 11...: , le... LIIL',e t9.'0~ rompt•litl,,n~ .. -.-~l'rlUlE1s r cmld h i •·,~ p:in-.,111 with perho.tlS a will e~Util U.<' n 1 ,,Jux.1 - . \.,_, ror th·•tr r-o•- rt ,,,,.•n 1tt!l•~r r 11 lrie5 · I~ uott be re!l=1rk tcrl cm- ~t,,tm,.•nd J11rl11, 1.1: ill ,•-.,i' i'f'I •' nh-=•ruct t h at t.rlr.; Ml ft 0 801"ec -, ,0 1lh ... r 111111 ,· ., 111 l,,, h \! c-cru.rc of · "'t sp#lcJ mpnri1rr ac- 11111,•h d1M·u~slon amo111.t 1' It .-re.: • rf' nuu,y oonimectatfon. JMtr,1ns 01 the ~xblbat.1011 youn i: rr !lf l l11l11 in Ho~r , th work llf)W lurn i,:ing In Lhr (lue,•11-.t.11111 r1111I In nlhrr shnwln~., ouah or ru 1 Q \, • ', tt.•1111,or',rv qunr Stttt,•-., \\'hn-.f' wnl'k Is or ur<'l'!H1bl ,Atanrlu n1. 1~ ,,./.. ,;11-; 1110 ,n t', i loor ·of r1. ~,:1111t.1 rd 1;.11rfi 4 •irntlr lnrar lv p1 t•rl\f't11hh ..., I110-.r, 1!1t• :\1 I ) I n utld m c: 1 :\1111 hli:h lo ju,tlf" tlwlr try- nf t,h<' r n1111Y.!'IJ1np , n11d .-;1r~•(•t , nn rl why 11,,1 ·1 lni: llwir -.:k ill 11ul lnu,~I• L-hf'ir st, 1,,., heinl! "'-'PII- ·11n.t 1,-; w lrn t h e com - uo1.ti1111 ., i:,aln, t l11n"ir or • k'1111J\l, !I l~I ,1H ('l1t h 11,l,lSlS P•"'l lllO!l IS 1\1\ n.h<1U L. cs l,lhli-.h,·d IM IUl f•r ~. Art prize won by ex-Tasmanian BB!SllJ\NE. _ Tile l\ ill– llrr or tilf• Q11C'rnsl:111rl Art Gn Iler.,· TI·w,1 cc!-i· Pnzr l!ii n11 Hb:-trnt·t pnl111111~ en. ! !l lrd "1\tnrch :JOth" In· ~j~~!~~-nlnn -l>orn Pc1cr l ~lic Dr_pUl_\' Pl'f'Jll iPI', Sir Ciorri?n Clwlk. n 111101111crcl lhr \\lllllC'I' .,·r!il rrdn\' nt the Q11rcns lnncl Art dA llr n ·:,, lrmpornrr prrmlH•s In 1hr ]\.fli\f Bulldmg 111 Dri."-bunr .Pr tr r <;lnrke nl~n won tllC ~rr!i Prlzr 111 l!Ji0. 1 "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, 17 0CT 1975 :.--$70,972 Art Gallery rent 17,,. ,·rRrly rtint of th_,. Q11f'rn,:;lnnc1 Ar! r;RllP.n' s 1r 1npnl'Rn' 1)1'C'llll~r , Jn 1 t1r ~tti\f ~111lctm:: :\ nn s1rrrl. w,1,;; p n ·rn::: 1h~ Erlur::11 1n11 \ l1111.'-IPI' 1 '.\fr Burl 1 ~~1rl in ~ i~tr PM- ha;r;"\0'ir'"~-1"':'' Wrt!lh l 1 \ 1. p . Rnr kh-1m that 11 , qJuabl~ ~=~~tl~~•J1,.ri \:~\ ,~,, Au~- t r AIi a n F : ' I r. i Art ~rhool ,, ,.r,, c I\ r~rully r~ rHi '"r T\ h1\1- on loan Th,::r• n·::1r.. no c1An1Bte c rhf'm