Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

r ~ll- T <£),v a=- A e:r;;z 6·t\J2 .. £<ct?) n ( i).) ~~ <.17s- ~ ~ s-ot 252/SEPTEMBE.Jl The pro,nm includa: Elec:tlve Workabope-Puppetry; Photoaraphy; Potlery; PalD.tlna; Metalcraft; Splnnln1; Dyeln1 and Weavlnr, Creative Mualc: Group Improvisation: Music In Education; Ethnomu1icolo1y: Theatre (de1l111); Theatre in Education; Theatre (production): Poetry; Dance; Television: Creative Drama; l!xpreHlve Lan1uaae. Related Arts-including Sound: Movement; Paintln11; Poetry. Community Crafts-Fabric and Fibre. Interest Groups-Dance: Lanaua~; Poetry: Puppetry; Photo1rams; Polaroid Photo1raphy; Creative Drama Seminar; Creative Musk:; l!namellln1; Instrumental Group; l!thnomuslcololY. Participants are required to select ONE Elective only which will be followed for the duration of the Assembly, and THREE Interest Group areas for short term sessions. Chlldrens Related Aris Workshops. Childrens Crafts Workshops. Enrolments for the Assembly should be made to Mn. C. Pontolcs (A.S.E.A. Assembly), Ansell Airlines, G.P.O. Box 233C, Hobart, Tumanla 7001. TEACHDS FOR MOllNINGTON l!IUND AND AURUKUN The Presbyterian Church advise, ,that teachers are required for 1975 to teach aborl1lnal children at Pre-SChool, Primary level (all 11radcs) and alao Grado 8 at the Mornin11ton Island and Aurukun Schools, Cape York Peninsula. Succeaful applicants would be recommended to the Department of Education for employment or transfer. For further particulars contact Rev. J. R. Sweet, Box 1-465, G.P.O., Brisbane, Phone 21 2888. Aff GAU.BllY CHANG& OP ADDUII The Queensland Art Gallery hu re-opened In temporary preml• on the 5th ftoor of the MIM Bulldina, 160 Ana Street, Brisbane, telephone 29 2138. The Gallery now has an Education Officer and audio vlaual proarams related 10 specific exhibitions are available aa well u a aeaeral aulde lo the "Australian Palntina: From Colonial to Contemporary" 111hibillon. However, It is recoanlsed that many teachen may wish to conduct their own proaram at the Gallery, and the Gallery Is happy for teachen to do this. Teachers are welcome to write or telephone the Education Officer beforehand for Information on current exhibitions. Because there are certain re11rlcllon1 placed on the number of people permitted in the Gallery at any one time, aroups of students must be restricted to 30, and each ~up must be lo the charae of a teacher while la the Gallery. Whether you wuh to take part In one of the Gallery's education proarams or to visit the Gallery with your 1tudenta, to avoid conaeauon ii ii necessary to make a booltina with the Gallery's Education Office before ftnalisiq tnvel arranaanenll. !ICHOOUI COMMl!l!IION-NEW UAIIION OfflCEIIS Two new Liaison Offlcen have been appolntod · ID the atalf of the Scbooll Commlalon In Queensland, They are Mn L Martin and Mr 0 . S. Rutherford. Mn Martin wilt be wodina from the Schools Commlulon office In Brisbane, while Mr Rutherford wilt be located at Townsville for lbo remainder of tbla year. 1'1111 O!mmleeb! OlleN an 110W ._.... at the followln, ....,_:_ llrllbaM ac. IJ31 O.P.O., .,.._, 4001; 6dl Floor, Wlllkllll PI-, 288 Edward Street, Brlabam; Talophone: 29 5077 (STD 072), Towmvlll-Box 11111 P.o . 1 ToWDIVOle, -41110; Custom, Houae, The Strand, Towasvllle; Te ephono: 71 50-47 (S'ID 077). KDUCADONAL IU!SOURCE MADRl~DING PllOGRAM 'lbil ii an lnaervlce Education Proanm jointly 1poaaored by the Queensland ln11ltute of Educational Administration and the Dlvlllon of Education, Moun! Gnvatt Colleae of Advanced Education. Punds have been provided by the Joint Proaralll5 Committee for lnservlce Education. I I - r ) '\