Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

THE ARTS . Week of interest ON~; way and another, ii has heen an interes tinl{ week in ut - espel.'1ally, the i,: uc,.s may he haz11rded, for Sl.'Ul(.llor Nickolau,1 St.rfrm. I h a \·e not ,Yd ht\:ll a hl1• tu fUTll ll@;C Ii d1scuss1un ..-.·1lh .l\l r. Ser fnn Uul d uri11i:: Ui:tQ~:e~~:1!~~ 1 .i:.~ 1 :, 1 :~•I, 1 :.'ri~ 1 ~:~~·:;.~ ~ ,,,.h,ch may rt.>a~o11ulJh b1' tuke11 tu m ean thal h t' fccb 111=" work h1t1t not ~l~ ~~a~~l~~~l~::.~•L·ullv rucc1, 1 ed .&.s lie Yet the qu,.en,lund .\rt G111llf'ry Trusteea have J1,1a:t pun.-b:a~ one -, Mr. SeUrln'• work• - "The Slu&trr" _ •btch ltJ courte<o.y u( th.. Directer )lr. :t=.:-:lll•h. I havr had lhe prlwllelr IL 1s a guht- ch~rm ln~ p1t...-ce N metal oon&truct1on wd l vmnlly ot Inclusion In th~ Gallery's collcc111111, "° il would ::::rc.!~:\lt~J~11slu11ders are nol all '.!II T Hl COURIER - MAI~ SAT. NOV. I QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY CHILDREN'S CREATIVE ART SCHOLARSHIPS FOR 1976 Th~ cholar!ill,ps p, n. rle f1ee 1v,1, , 1, l 0, 1 ma1r r1ol\ fur one ~ea, 24 th,Jo1 e11 o;cti ;. 1 year; will he OCCf'pled for the I ') TG ~di .. 1,foy mnrr, u1g cla.,,r~. A ppl1CalH'm form\ ore a~adoble Cl 1l1e U 1lle1,, Telephone 729 2 138. CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS: NOVEMBER 24, 1915 THI COURIER-MAIL SAT, NOV, Bul the really lm1><>rlant an<l lnter– estln1 thing ahoul I hat 1>urrh11~ - -thing thal should be borne 1n mind by any artist who may feel a• nealected &S Mr. Seffri11 - I• that IL WM made ,.. a result. of I h~ Gallery·., approach to the arllst, not the 11rlts t·s approach lo the Gallery. The Gallery authorllle• are· alway• :ut :~ i:ll~i t~~.~-uallty art work,; to Heyday of printmaking on exhibit at Gallery There i. not a one-man ul11llltlon •ta~ In and a rol.md Brisbone, at leut, of which r.het are una wnre and particularly when reviews have bet'1i favourable, have a vlewln~ l11terest. · And the ortl•t viewed need 1101 nec– essarily be un alrend.,· nccc1>ted figure. Only a few mont hs aR:o the work or a teenage 1Jrl. relatl\'t~ly untutored. •·as deemed worthy uf tm rch ns,• hccuu#\e or the promise it ~howed, a,,; well as ltl'J in • trlnalc quallt)•. So our arUsL, shoulrt not de. p~lr if they think they ure boi11~ orerlooked. ;:i~ T:ke~e ~'i~~~~ct_:11: 1 111 ~,:~o!,~;k~ that piece to enrn the n,·coh,rte of l:fJftfcia'.'"sen m~y lie In their next e•• P,E new policy of Queensland Art Gallery of arrang– ing systematic ex– hibitions from Its ow n collection (accompanied by In– structive catalogues) has proved not only Its educational value but has brought to better attention the possessions as well as the existing gaps. ae~~ed f;i~~~e :l~f~ 8 %i Australian Prints, endea• vours to 1how the hlstor• I c a I development or Pr I n t m a k I n g In this country lrom the earliest colonial days, when It waa mainly a vehicle of documentaUon and lllus• tratlon t.o Its present heyday. TOday hundreds or art• lsts are working in this !~'<fn,~~lnt":eCf~:! 1 f~ artistic expression and t e C h n I C " I e X• perlmentatlon, and a much wider public baa THE ARTS Display is 'tops' ON i\lOHF. than nne l'Ount. the IIOlicy or the (lueensland Art Gallery of hring'ing· ii ,; ,;l<tl'k-runm treas ure,; out for 1mhlic exam– inution from Iime to Iinu, i,i lo be highly rommend~d. For one t ll 111c:, t he Ci.il lc·r ~· J)()!-i,-,NiSCS [\ collcc1..1on nf 111t1c h h H!llrr q u nliL~· than m any people. l'\'Cll :1n l'lllhu,ltL"'t."-. m·c aware or: for n1101h,.r. 11 p10\'ld1's a bUllt ~in scrh~', or 1l111',l nt l1•d tnlk:'\ Oil nrt. sincr wrll-pr11,1 uc,,t1 IJroc hut·C'!-i amplif~, the lmpnt:L of l he pk l0l'i:\l mntcn nl. The rurrc111 I\· c.,h11wi nc- ~prc1111rns. r r p rcscntlnf! pl'l11111111 k11w 111 Aw;1 rnll:\ front p iOllN'l'lll!! 1,, lilt• p1 , .... ,.,1t fl ar and the w1.•rk of 1-"'1\'(' l~11,•,•11.-l:.-iid \V,11nr11 Artlsl.s. com pl'i~(' h, 1tl1 !l tlt•l1cl11f11I VICWill CXl){' I i<'lli:<• und II rt•111111d('1' l h nt Q 11l"<'11;e:,Jn nrl h:l<s hud a nd ma,· -1111 b On!-l \\OlllCII nn i-,t• 1\1 1·o n,1dN.tl)!C .,trt11d11t1!. * Art b l, .... r,•r l t·,1 r,,r 111" p :1l11 lin~ f'X• h ihilion :u"<' r\11111• ,11, 1111 t , ,·1•••111•. n ,,.,. s it• C ;if,.. 0 11, , 1,1., I , lit·\· .... , 1•111·,·,,·11ta• li n• of a 1m,t 1w 1·i11il ,111t1 ll:q1h11 r \l;I\O ::.nd ~lurp.:1re1 flll1•\ 0 1 ou, 1m11 t1111t•. P11rt lc11h r 11\ ,.. , , ,. ·n b•• 11• n rr)111 nnnn n r ~•11, 1·1 !111 "q) 111 1 , whn \\'('ll' rl••"T 1,1 , r 11 111 lll l'. •ok n 11d ~111<1\' P ll\l111ll1ll! r Jj 11 ' i1 111] • 1 11 1,·(' 1)('1:1\ - ,\ t'l\l~ \l1 ,11: lill 1, .111d Ot' '.'~IC' i 11J ...1111. AJ..,n \\ 11r1),\ o f <• 111:,o1r,11 • .~ • .. t•p l\' nr<' t h r ~t1 ll - l11,, 11·1•, r- d' \ l 1 .. , ;, ,•1 w of prri11Li 11g, Alnn Dnkcr· hRs Clf'clC'd to lhrow down n chnllr 11gc tn l11111sclf hy maklnc !lorat sLud1c~ h i::. particular gl'.nre. IL mittht be R."5\1111C'(I lhn l tills would, of II(' c.-.~II Y. IIICO II I\ ill'g l'<'(' V I rc1>t' .... I i \'CI\N 'S ( \\'II IJ r c~u lt1t1H llhlllOl1m y) 111 showlmis. but Mr U.1krr lw .-.: !-tO suc- ~~~~[~•~[~q,~~~-~.'i111;~11,·::~~ .. 1.',~.1i~t' Llmt lilt? l n 110 !)l"C\·iou.-. l''(l11IJtll1 1n hn!- ii l1f\('II so c lfC('l l\'Clr d1:-.p l'll\'f'<I n :-. Ill h is C'lll'– J'('lll dbpli,y n t ill' T o\\11 (. i.rllrry 1 77 Qlleen St l'CC'I. ~l\d flnor ,. \V1th cnch ~uccc,,n·r (lf f1~rirn:. II h<'– cona•s i11cr,•:1J,,.111i,:lv d1tt 11 11!1 10 f111d word.-; ndeq 11a1•• tu dt•,,,•111J,, t llr m1rn_y hl"r\llllC'S pj l\1r. Ha k,•r ~ \\ n1 I.: - it 's \\ llnlh, n r t1:~1H· <•1m,•pt l1s <·rrnror·s :-.1' ll"'lt1,uy to h :1n111 111\ n l r• 1l1 • I', l 11s h11ld lN' h ll ll"llll' \l:-.t.•11 With .-.u\11 ~t•('Ul'IIY Hild roll I idCllC{', Nnr ,.. 11 1•0..,,1hlr tn 11\ t 1 rt,,nk th,• :-.11h– !1'•111•s o l l t'\l llr(' n1'111,•• 1•,1 I ll(' <11f– r1·1 t' ll(:1' t,1•1\,'f'('n 1111• 1,,,1111, 11f , flow - 1•1-,pr.1,\· nwl tlrnt 111 ., t,•r.11n 11· J,rr 111 \\ 1111 h II st •111(1, I t it ,., ,111plr n11d i ll• t111t':-.,1• nJ rnln r c 1·• I 1.1 1• ,11:-. - 111.-.rf' an•. 1,1r 111 ... 1.1,u,• .. , t•111 I 10 11c,·111s \II \\'h tlf' 111 thc :-ltl\\ 1111:. * nncl ~ tnrc.nn• : 111!1·\ 1111' , 1, t • I .rrnl Appr<'rl1, 1111n nf 1hr• work lln.s rt"- 11w u n l11t: fll (),, 11!)1 ,. ;\l,1\1 1 i ·11• ll 1!! StJll ~•d 111 n si·ll - 11111 l>tl! . :1 l!h1111..:ll l l1t1.~ s1•11 lp1,1rf:', rind 111•1 ,1,-. ., •h1t,11 111·,1• rtrpn \t•d or th<' 'lpp11n 1w11 , n c;1•1•11re fr,•1•-s1:u 1d11 \l! p ,r 1, II' d \'1d I I ,dll'\ 01\ till:-. or(,hli)l l H J)flll\111\l! t /1:tt IS brf"n knwn:,· 1ro111 ., d, •, J,q ,,11.-:1· ,ot /IC"r r111111t'11tl\' one Lo II\,• Wll h t111d 11wrC>11.-.- r nrl.v dayc. uudy 1•11Joy . no J,1\'1 1 0 1 hr .,111,· - · lll't • 'l'h r 11ri 11I, , 1·,·ti,111 i, ,1 ,·t n,, "•·•·lion t;~~i'~,. 1 ~ 11 y'~~~tl~ll~::i 1 ~t 1 0\t 11 :-., :,t•1..•lllg of tlw q \t ;·., • ,1.1 \I. Hn iltllll!.:,, \nn :-ilrt>i•I 1 \\nrlh~· r11ll1•1·1io11 nf llu• At. thr Cirnnrl r ,•11 tr,tl (in llr rY t:r u r1•-r" m :1rk11 hh ,·nm p , 1•h 1 ·11, h ·1· t(ir:111d Ct:'nt rri l A r·c•itdP, Q 11f'•'r1 s , r,•,•t 1, wit hin tlu · , ,•lf--or , p.u•1•· lm1111, 1•1I lim • Sa111 FulUrook Im.-; 1, Mn nll 11 1111h,•r o f lb. of llu• 11i,;,;11h"·· l11r?h l~ 1 a1 111osph<'r1r p 11•1•f"-. 111 111,.., d11tr - 1-w·1rr i-.1/{'1111_\' flll1H' I lll'll\fl"cl ~, \'I(.' - D 1s pln ,·, ~11r-h :l.-. Ill, ...,~ , 1 1°" llllhl lr wlilr h mc-:111s 'iUhtli... ll~f' n f ~uht l<• cn l11r Sf'J"Vlf'C' t h ,11 1•r11111n1 h•• •, ,,, h 1~1i1,, nntl :\ (li'<'\l'lll lllt,! t· \lllhlll\ 01 111c1111., . \!~nis;~ ~~,,.\~ 1 ".,' 1 "}:'/P\'fl '!,/ \ ''i/;. 1~:~:~: ;\II nrl' , 111nll Jl,'11111111~, h ,11 nnnf" 1hr 1,1 . 1n .. ,1, \\'I ll full\" ,· ,11 I t IJ 111 ii :;;·~t.:~ 11 i';~C'ILII~~., f~~:·11.~::\\\, ··~1i'i':~l1n~!) "~!,\ 1~ l lt !-}lil t' <if 1!J1•1 I ...... tl l 111 111 1\• • l,1•1_h__ o_1_,,_,._ll_1e_._ _____ ART REVIEW by Or. Gertrude Langer been con,·erted to the original print. Another exhibit ion •t the Galler)' leatur.. fh e Queensland women arl • Isis as a further conirl• buUon to Inlernatlonal Women·s Year. Anne Alison Greene and Bessie Gibson spent mo.,t of their painting 1~at'iei'rn,ti!r)!. ~~~o~~~a b y clrcumsln.nces. re– turned to lhelr home• land. The \\"Ork or bolh of them hM a 11entle and ~~~~ ~ 18 ~efefe~e t~~~ gr«:jt e y were affected only up to a point by lm• presslonlsm, namel}' 118 direct technique, but not by Its sparkling co!ours. And though they lived tn Paris at the time when the most Important modern styles were born, they appear to ha,·e b~n unaware or nol drawn to them. Vida Lahey, however belon1s to that group ol women palnterg (and Lhelr number wu greater than that of men) who lnlroduced P'o,t-Impre•• slonlsm to Australia. She did return from studies abroad and m•de other Important contrl• butlons, not the Jea.,t of them In teaching chil• dren nrt by mOdern methods. The llvlng •re repre• sented h)' Margaret Olley and Lil e sc ulptress Onphne Mayo, In her )"ouncrr days It must have been quite an nchte,·ement rnr R \\'Offl• Rn sculptor 10 gel so m•nv lmporlRill commls• sions. Ml!WI Ma)·o·s classical Sll'le would not ha\'e been considered con• troverslal. The sympathetic real• t~~e 0 \s 11 ':[.e\f r:~~~~;;g/~ct by those h State's $43,843 on art ( ! u 1•11, l.u•rtl \ r • lt·n -.111.•111 I :,i t :,.,, .1,, ,pti•,lt\11 11 , 111 llo· • • r •• 11 <lf-i4 ,lt1tH' '111·• I ·I• \ ' " , 1 • •!lr•1,• 'I ·,·11 11 111 ' , I! ''It , 1 , ,,1, I