Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

PLANNING & ESTABLISHMENT COMMITTEE (Chairman Sir David Muir) WORKS DEPT. LIBRARY TRUST1 Chairman Mr. G. K. D. Murphy L USEUM- TRUST 1' Chairman Mr. J. C. H. G!!_J Chairman Sir lion Traut 11,GR.+.M shows orgon iso rron of rh! c1Jlturol C!nlr! Th@ Plo nn ,.,g 01 stoblishment Comm,rtee enacted into n t n .,t .,..,,., ur cu are com lllld-lt83. . The flrat buildlnr lhould l'M'.'~~~tm' lf::'te"r~.~ Ancl .k -could well aost lle&l'lr'Jo $JOO mUlion than Ille pr'apoaed '45 million. will be rour buildings under comtructlon, In their var- the °.ilbrary-art p.llery-mu- 1 1eum aide. Patrons wll nit from there to the per- rorml111 ari.s centre. I riet ·uirk~i.. muteT"lfclltr headtd by Sir J>a,id 'Mulr. And u it happens It 1Dade Btr ·oai'lil Muir 1•.s chair– man. So he has two ha'-'·.' It.Ja 101ni to take many. anr South Bank Golden Casllel.l to }1eld enou~b menllucka for the cultural cenire. 8 J d n • y ' 1 harbourstde ahowpleu tn 1957 wu esti– mated to cost $3.5 million. The bill by t-he time it WIIJI opened tn 1973 was SJOO mUllon. The Treasut'er I Sir Gol'– don Chalk, admi1-s the Brisban, project could co, 1 SIOO million. But "'hen )'<'U 1111k hmt and Sir Da\'ld ~~~ ~~~u~ l\~~'.~1\. pr~fi~; <ornplex will not hR\'t one thln11 be1·ond "'llRI Cabinec ' 1 pproi·ed in November, 1974." · Th• rac1s •rt - • Worl. DO"' ts e~-p~l'lfd tn bel?in in the middle or next ,,u. • The order or s1ar1 inc the four components v.·lll bt: I. Arl Galler)" lbtcau.,., thtrt a.rfl Rrt trr.a:, ure~ in thf old s;alif!r~·. end " ~top rap 1tmporarr 1u,l:rr~·. l11n1 t1rpitn1l:, need proper hot: !I• m~ . !:~ UU ~·.1J bf' l '.? 9h~ aou.,r, lllf'lre~ . l ~1mparp,- 1ri: h 17•10 ..q,.a :-f' m nt 1r~ Ml thfl olci Or<"~Or~ T crn11·• Art Galleri·. Toe An On > ~ry ih~po~tfl 1 t" 1 bJll dul;~R~ whtre It, hu J64-I square nutrf,11\ tot all) . c,n t wo floor., :.!. Tilt pt>rform1ng Art!-i r,lltrf fsometh1111t ll1 USI b• don, quickly to 1(1\'e Bris– ban• a maior concei1 hall • ~- Thr Mus,,um. or 13.88~ ~quart met re.~ T 111~ con,pares wnh r,100 :-i'1 til~ir metres ••h1rh 1!1e Mu:-,-?,1111 hf\\ 11on· &l Oreg01 ,. Tei• race. 4 . T he 11.lll••quart m, :rtt llbrnr)· b f'C' llUSf' h ~ requirement is not cons1d– t red a< pressln11 as thP ~-lu– aeum·~ Tit• •·hole •how 1, ar1t•d- 11lfd lO b• rtnlshed in Jltld– !08~. )1~t:':f:!iert or the four b11ildln11 will, or course, be the perfonnlng art.s centrt. It wUI comprise. - • · A major concert h.111. 1,ating 2000. Whtther It "ill ha\'e t•·o decl<A or 1e11.1 L1 not kno•·n. • ,\n opera-and-ballet llttatro l\'llh 1800 ..at.s. • A 5H1d10 theRtrt, suit– •blt ror drama, and oeatln11 300. Sir DHld emphasi.. A: "The aim Is not to close down ereri• other theatl't !~m,B~-~ 5 r~~~~e ~ri:·~·tre f~: rllllie!- aiid we n·ent to s,, t he tn cont-lnuing. The 5 .0 .1 o Theatre wlll keefl :f 1 n1te"n,~nl:.~•rstlr'll~i~~ will <!Iii be c.oncen, In the Clt\' Hall. Frni\·al Hall v.1!1 still be orall~bl,. "In our pl•nnlng for the <:omplr:-.. \\P 1 \ <' taken ar• ,·ount or tit, , ize or all or thti-t othtr b,11ldinR~ Tht pe-rformi11g 11rt." cem r, w 111 •liUl)plemt nt. nuher i lurn r('pla<·, them In ·~~;)1,~;~ /t~~~ft~-1f:b~·bri~ t: nuc to opera,('. It 9,·1:1 b,. :rn Annex to thr. n,w on, . ThP nrf"a of the exL~ttnr h111lcilnR 1, 3519 square tntl · re!- The Gor,.;n:nf" nt hi11' bou~h1 " rn~t 11rra on the Soun, Bsnk. l: ex1ond, from South Rn .. bn nr SIH · llon almost to tht \\'1l'!am J,,:•,. Bridge. T n! ~rea.1 prohltm hi'~ btrn lht \'1ctor1a Brldgt ' i t h Mrlbo11rn• SI rttl t r atr 1C' l' Ut t 1nr clear lhrough tht cen1rt or 1hr , ·ttol, con,pi,x. Tim will br takrn <Rrt or "'llh under- ¥-~/ tii1d1~ 1 ;~ "~,r:: 1 ~f:~- IO r lear flnon.' . Car.• .-111 bt pukrd b•– neoth. It will bt poS6lble fnr ~deslrlan, to "'•lk ,~ • II rour building, •·il hout •rnl ng 1001on !he ,round . r.:,r.• lt',l/ hi p1t rkrd on And '., a -.i-1ce 11ttle' , Thamn touch there ...111 b• a Jetty Just uy11reun or the :t1~'f. ~~rt~!~~ 1":t~~.. t Sir Davtd. probabli· qu:te correc1h·. tusl•t., there 1u• no speclhc plan., y,c. .-.r– chtt,ct Robin Glboon next werk ..--11 bt ~ked to pre.s,nt thf" ma.,;·.er r..om• mlttft - the Muir Com– millet 1r YOII Ilk• - • !lnal "ronccptlial pian··. b\' rerry. .11 Is planned Iha t the whole area v.·UJ bt sub-tro- r~~~a,1~h~~.~•f~~~e, r:~~~ llhlS, nl~ht llght.in1t an.d, as much as posslbl•. build– Inga -·Ith "open" sides. and )~~n oi 11 r,~•":·a~~~•• rather Manhattan Wa lk ..,,,11 go. :~v ~rf~~mlnJ.:tf1c~~.1'i kind or tradtotf. an ,qul\·• – l,nl atnount or land •.-ill he made ln10 seLback on ~1,1- bourne Strtet . t he w,s~ern •Ide or 1he centre. Stan!..- Street probab!) -·11J und,rgo so.n• kmd of dl\'tr5lon. What is certain 15 that the ar1 s..Jler:,, will straddl• Stanley Strett. 1'hybe nearly nine ~-ear~ 1• • long time to p lan and build I cultural centre. bu1 S1r Dand l\11ur and h,s pl,1nner5 1hmk Jt I!§ rea ~on• ablt. Th• oprra l mg sNup l• ~olnR to look Iii:~ lh• •c– r r,mpan,\'ln~ ri1R k1'&m Lrp .~!111:011 ,.oon I!. llkt!y ,,. ronn~rt the Plann .:15: and E,1,1bl~ hmen Corr • 1111tt,e ,n to a tnBt Tl11~ 9,· au 1d exercise o· , , •All contro: of the comp!, ~. Each or the ro11c bodle• h l\,'i !\i, own · w,er com– nmtre". It freds rnea.,. 1tnd deWLiled rtquirement., to ·he construcu.ng a uthorit y ThLI is the Worl..s Dep&rt - ~~~!!\,ih~~.~!1o~e~J1ea~r8:fgt these Oo\'trnment -shadow– ed folk arnld ··Work.s De, ~~:,u;; 1 ~~-;t'.r~~i~~~'i,re_(~~~~ 1 · rueLin~ a.u thor:t ,.... Each or thr four ,.-111 be r,sponslble for I ht entu·e operation of 11.'- O\\'Tl pa r– ticul•r compon,nt In th• N!nll't, Tht ari ~a!ltrr . mustum 11nr1 l!bra11· t rU!il, cnmr m tc, · hr or,r:. ,~. a.t1nn R.! tht,· •·trr R11t ·.h,. p,-1'orm .n2 t1 r:., t"n 111 m •r, I~ n,'A" f • ~·a t This , ·111 be 1he plan put 10 the Gov,rninent. tr ·h• Go,. t r nm en t like.it th1~ plan. 1h, archltec1s will be m!itruct,d to product c1e– taJls and bring OUL ·.endtr documenu. Robin Gibson and Part- 11ecs l1 no1 the archltecL - Yet The firm i ·a.1 comrn1'– i,on,d b,· lltt Mt Oalltr)' Trust to ·.. no" ·.It• n,w Art Gallery bu11n1nG. Sir D"" id txplalns: "Then :llr. Gibson had don• so much work on the Art Gallery building that 11 was airrr.,d the con.,;;t ruct• mg AuthorJt~· would be ,r•il-admed 10 ha1 • him aL'-o dnt9,· up · ht con– ce1n ual plan. "Mr. Gibson Is not th• proJtCt 1rchlttct. l· will he up 10 th, t·onMrurt Jn!l a.u– thorn,· ·o namf' the a.rch1• t-tcl.'' . Ytl. It "111 bt , .irprlstng H Robin Gibson <ioe~ not Jt: thr /ob H 09.' lappy are cllll lJI l\ , it'Hdtr! sb011'. n ·, Somt art, oiherA ft.J-cn·· Many claim t.n&i. tnt1• ar~ not btin~ consulted Thai 1 ht ~·hole · M'Ct,t'' plan 1.-; '-omuw !rnm an r.-.tab– llshmtnl cl1qu, That 11 v.111 iM' an acoomplt<htd !ru:·. belor, Iht)' CM rlo ~~1;~'.",f8 ,1:' 1 ~tog1~~-;~~; 1 t m;\tnkf'lli roulct bf' built 11110 thf" cult ural rr11trP Sonw fe:-1r ·J1p GO\ , rn - mrn1 L1 fRilin~ t~ ,,.~ ad - I \'Irr !r:,m an, bodi, ... nne man 1n lhP ort~ lR.i.t· '-'cei: unkmrtly 11cr11~rct Sir I DR,·:d ).fulr'o\ commtt tre n.-. "• bunch of ,mplre b111l. <in.~ ~•hn 111'1" I r)'lnll l fl ,1,,v:;,rnr, o·,, 1h, rrnl ,-x – per:.\ ' T h, M111i:ra Vi\'- Snrlr l ,. prl'.-.1dl'nt " l r lJ ,I \f 111 r, , 1-n,·,- ·s111,,. nnt hint hu been heard of the prOJ• , er.t lat.e11·. we must llope that. It wlll still proceed. • What must 1lve concern is , an apporent Jack of con– sultation \\1th prospect! I'< uset.." ~lr. Munro Is surprised that Mustca Viva, one of ~~f::~:1·1~~:s, i. ~Fntre~t out or the plannln1. Mr. Munro make• the point that there ls murh techntqu• in plannln~ con– cert halls. Festival Hall, he ~& ,·!Ii, "'R"- meant to bP a r ii m b In e d stodlum and concert h•U but failed In both. '1"btY ,hould he plan– nln1 this project In the open;' he :;ayFi. •·Thi!! !~ taxpay,rf monp~· Rtul tax• ~:Ufd' fa~~ r~~tr,~·~i h~c~~~~~ trouble aa the S)'dney Op• em House.'' ' The State·a c ullural al• fairs dirtclor (Mr. A. J. Cref dY 1 15 not II nlL':nl>1•r 1i 1 he J\lulr committee. This has shocktd many cultural l,aders. ;,-irra-aponsorect' Festival ot the AIU Soclet)". CClltjJ" ' ,. 11\! hos not been consulted by the Muir organlsatlu.·, Her society spends about s100,ooo 1 }-ear rost.er1n1 culture In Queensland. Thi" Australian Broad– castlnr (lommlsaton. '-· lit\·• it or not, .,.,111 contln •• ~~n~e~• ~fi. Oi'fh, ~Big pleada "loyalty to long– at and In II arrangements 111th the Bri1bane City Council.'' Yot th• A.B,C. hL<. man on tit• South Bank per– formmg art& bod) The Queerulond Light Opera Compani· director, ,and founder• , Mr Da,·1d ~rcFarl•ne. say,; h• h"·' be• n eonsulled. Wha1., mor,. h, thinks the com• plex "'11! "cater v.-ell." Mr. McF•rlon• 1s pl'-<lng on to thr S<111tn Bh11}· m an)· Jctea~ IH p1rkPrl up m a re• Cf' lll \\ n;-'r! 1(1\lr, r" t' , .. I 1 11 , ~ , f' --l ~ h- 11 ·11Uf'f':·. Flll• '\C! I'- .~ome- 111ln.! 11J..;. • ht· T!lt Queensland Youth orchestra conductor t}.1r. I \\'" 1 ,hil 1,ro ,1. i:t \',,;;, 1" ,John Curro, de~crib~s the u+i 1.1,- p .\11" 1mn .'\ ,. ,1!- tr Creed, omission a s "abso- , ,. ,; r \',.n hno · m 11 n :1 lrt lutPh' preoosterous" thf'ir, AL ·1om 111 tl,r p1a r- One- expert as l\~: " Do n ,11~ Anrf , n11 1-:no~· ,,·l? t Sir DaYld And his corn - 1l.n1 \\Oulrl ll1t \r IJt> n I ,.• m!Ltees know how to makr :hlngs ,·iabl•? An opera iht-a fl't" will c ost 11nmn l iOOO a we•k to hire - plu. I:! per Cl:nl of I he taking~ Will oJ>f'ra atu-e.cl thnt k111rl or box off1c,,. ?" · Twelllh Nl~ht Thea t r~·• ltlrer.lor • Mls.~ .Joa n \\'hal- 1,,· 1 Is r..onfiricnt Sir 0R \"l r1 l!-. 1,)ll tht Ti, llt l! Mt'k Al.I i}!!at~~.~~~1tf"~ u~i' bf! l~1~~ trrpren,urlal. H must tak• p•ring, ,•isiUng fuO\\'S · ·· Fred Rogers, Tht S undAJ" 1 ~fair, arl nnd mu.sic critic, · lios •·orrle., aho111 th• ~~~f,~,d7~Pf{:'~~~ih ie;gf ' Joh : ' · •·w• ,.,.. ~·ho.t the worlu D~µa rtllltr11 M.d A I l,he n•w r o11~cr\'11tortum nter the Q 1T. Thr, fa llrrt :r, •11,0·.,, 1 ne room,: ,.o:mdr>roof.'" \I re l,c:-,lf'\ r. C'\tto. d !..rf'r• ' " ' h · J\l'l~h 1 ]P of ; JH• r.,n- '.\tr t!lod B l\'AY wAc: tr> H ' dm 1 1. anc' c1Ct 11. \\ nn a ...,,Jcctl'd con.m,lteP of t11,· hr---t. peo"Jf• Rlld ad \'!.'\ed b· 1l1P bf"•l experts we could linri . \ lrthoc1 H ll ,, ,l.C:. Sir oa.. 1 1r1 \\'Hh con.pli'le m – nrirl'n•,,. 111w-:. 1 ·•If .-ny– hoci~ 1,n, H11~· 1drns. w, are 1L w:1,~ a1:nl~blf' · A.t :in. wit h a 12-!'tar hAck1;n111nd R5 Quten~- 1An d · ~ RJ.!rllt•J,?rnrral in London. Sir DR\'I~ Muir L' Lhr S1atr · ... l11dustrrn l f'e– ,. r I op 111,,. n I dJ.rector He !Hlks With 1,·roon.o:. He n1 lt•1o from a tJlo.i'i,. sult.f! on t h~ elghllt floor of Ann Sl,rret's Ml:11 llu1l~11t~. \'0 11 cnn bf'I If 111, .Sout h 8 k11k e,.ccnlnlfl to FI t,:100 (If ~"'U nlli~on blU. SU' D•11d "·tll ht· mudv ~·Ith A fun:. !-1,IH>•slud lii,,t of rr-n.. on.i, ,, h~ 11 w 111r, unrwo:dnhlr