Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

•. ~. no Opercl ?.• ., says Sir Gordon By a Stoff Reporter MODEL (above) showing the main features or the $45 million Queensland cultural centre to be b\ult at South Brisbane. STATE Treo1urer (Sir·Gor4on Chalk) .pro111l1tcl yHtarday Brisbane'• prof,!Hd $45 111llllon cultural complex would not turn into 'another Opera Hou • -." · * "COURIER MAIL" ~~e, Old. But quantity surveyors estimated later tl:lat the complex could cost up to $90 million by the time it Is expected to be completed, late in 1:983. ARTIST'S drawing (below) or the 11edcstrlan mall and link between the proposed museum and art gallery. The museum Includes the Sir Oordon yesterday Avlim Cirrus biplane hanging In the pres- , u n v e 11 e d models and Construction of the comp1,,e, •/II bt cnrrlcd out In i~r ,nt11es, with the /11' i\la&• art gnllery expccl ~be completed by curl • 19'19. by about 10 per cent each year from then on. 2 It OCT1975 nnpPf!m·.rrtor.'- wou1C1 De r l•nnect to l\llow •u• ,1lrnce& to feel clo..,e to h ft I hi h •nllins for the new corn• ent museum. This wast e alrcra n w 9 -' 'iilex to be built at the Taking lnW account the 8la1e-by-stage con– struction of the comple:11, , ltf estimated coat bv lll&f 1983 18 between l80 mll• Culture Bert Hlnkler flew from London to Darwln,IJli> aot1thern approaches to a r ec01·d 151 days In 1928, 1. :lthe Vlctorla Bridge. th ~:.t•\'i·unro ••Id: "I w,,:•:~.1,~~;l ~h.:h ·1~ar.;J or1 the lnadh1a concert 111,11 In Vienna onn the I nprra house t~ based on t hr German Open. HoWie 1n Brrlin. comp ex~~n~'.,~~-~~'ld~oo~~ebec~s:: Qu•ensl•nd Theatre Compnny a~soc1at.e dtrer.- 1 t • •tnr I Mr. Joe MacColurn 1 In erlor ~~~i. tllfe ~:.w:: f:,.ou~~ prof,.s,onal companies. Pleased ..Naturally we are pJra.sed wtth the proposRI. • d We would Uk• tt to hap- q ue rle \'g~\1 ~•~~r~e~d~ir l~h/~~ vuur of It." he said. Thr compahy was keen tc, see interior pJan& tor 1he 11erf orm tn (J&rll lri1Ht1e Cultu,el .,. i.:t·ntn·, 1on11ation, Jllttrdey ••· ~ u t r n s land Con– prened ,•nthutio,,.. for ~~:~1) 0 r\~ -.of 8 ~U~lcin~j the State I propoted cul- '-H id 1rnm thr plaru. lhe hual COMple • ot S.uth µ!O l><h tU .see,ned "QUltf Brisbane. 1mn;:t1Ht.t.1ve." But spokesmen for th• Qutt•nsland Art 01'1· Q u e • n a 1• n a Theatre lery director !Mr. R. Company ru,d Muslca Melli.l1J said the p11>pos– Vl\'a AustralJH. Sa.id they al \\J\.') eXl:IUn&, esptc11l– ....,.e keen to see internal ly 11., chc art gallery waa 1.,llms for •,he builctrnas. ·\1, ~e bu11L flrsl. Mustca Viva At1."lt.ralla .1 lw .Sta~ Trea..,urer Queensland brRnch pros- <Sir Gordon Chalk! ,... ,rtrnt , Mr. o. J . Munmi l•a.sert rt•tatls of the pro– '"'" : "The pl~n• of the P)''rct •~~ m1lllon com– huI1r11ng~ look very hAnd~ )lit•~ nn lue.sday. . -,011Ie from the ou~tr1P.. Mn1n components of "\Vt" would like to hR\'t the 1•omplcx wlU be a n look R.t Lhe tnltr1or pf'rlormrn,: arts ce-ntre, "'"-"·'· the Q1i«,nsJ.!1Jl!L~ "It's what vou hear in- lerJ•. Lhe QueenshUld Mu- A1'1e tJ1at Is nl\portant.'' seum and t.he St.ate l• safd 11. wu brary. . . . • - --•- --• ~ ~~ ... - mf\r1 ?g~do:,,fr,)t~~e :4_: based on october 1974 co•t•. Although there 1would be , some escalation In ~~!tan~:r;u.~:t::i:~r~~t or l,he project would be malntnlned as cl011• u poulble to H5 million, De1l1ned "It certainly won't be' another Opera House. "What happened lhere wa, that no one knew lhe total design, or how the rool would be put on. ''Thi• complex ha.. been fully dealrned," he old. But current bulldlnJ coat Increases and proj– ected future costa seem certain to push· the price of the complex well be• yond the $46 inll11on IJ1- ure. Estimate., from a State firm of quantity surve– yor• show that building cost.ii , lncludln1 labor and material co.,t Increases, are expected to rise by an averqe 15 per oent each ear until June 1979, and TF.I.F.c:r:Al'H 8ATLTRDAY, 0(.,TOBER 2ii, l!l7r. uo3iran~:,:111!:t':i !lie n • w c u It u r a I centre would be a great acqulal• tlun for IJrl&barle and Queensland. It would not be llhaded by anythlni else like jt In th~ s:i; 1 t~8{3 0 ~tai:,, the ' eomttex wlll Involve: • A ·Performlnir Ana centre. eut Of MelbOUrne Street, contalnln1 • 2000-seat concert hall, • 1800-•eat opera and bill• let theatre and 400•-t etudlo theatre. • The Queen11land An Oallery, west of Mel• bourne Street raclnir · the Brubane River, with • total lloor area of 13,000 square metrea (140,000 tlQ•• lt,(The Queenaland Museum, ..l)llr&ted from the ,art 1allery by a Fo1~'r \~= ~'!\f"l\~eJ ' square metrei <III0,000 sq.• ft-hte State Library, to be b!lJlt on the site of the present St. Helen's Hospital and 8al"!tlon Army property. .,.&.c.,.. f\n audlto~ru,n. <ft\'>!t· flde restauran~~l!Cln• ·\'Ontloil comple , <'WIii be Included In com- 1>lr.x,\ 1 f-4 ·1 .. • • Sir Oordnn1 ~-·•l\11 IICllons Of ~w * . •centre. excepr -f' • oar parking 1rea.,1 w Id W · built l\bove /load level. · 'ARTS CENTRE OF ALL SENSES Enthusiasm and cnjoyn,cnt for all on the south honk of the Brisbane River, with c•c n p ~oplc passing by b c r. oming ;n•olvcd in a visual sense. Thi, I, lhf' thrmr <4t– rh11t•l'l !\tr. nohl11 (;it1 - son. 45, l.f'11t in n1inct a., hr "n'"f'd fot thrrr n1nn1h-. 011 hi, d,·,i,i:n fur Uw JHolH"rd ~-1:, million art t·rnlrt in Sou th Uri, – L.1111•. 1'hr rr nlrt ., ill r,l.u t• Hl'i, h,11tr nn i\ 1111l11r,1I lf•\rl "illl"ilh '-onlhrrn r :q11 - t.ah, .... nud • lilllt· n hrad 111 '-Olllr rl",llt"f'h . n ,•puty l"l'rmi,•r and Slat•• Trrac.nr,•r, ~ir Gor– don Chalk . un,•rill'd mmtrl~ a11d pl,rn~ for 1hr ht'"' ,•ompln lhi!\ w~•lt., Mr. Gih-.on, of 1'.-. r orIro1 , l" h11pr1~• t1~ t.alk al lrn.t:·th ahout 1hr "01nr1lr11: d<-.. lgn, but riot "' a our • m :ln rffort. \\'hrn 1·om111t•lf'd tt1" rm11plu: 1'"ll1 bt thr rrPa – llun of man~ prnr,lt.•. And It WI~ tmrw~...;ihJ,– lo rlr-.liirn "'urh a rom11le,i: t,f Ilw ,b.t of thr """' ;&rt rrnlrr " lt hnut thr r,i-.- t•·n, r of '-0 111,111, u--rr tuwlir, - :.a11d h.,1 n ,u11, tw 11,rr11 lh, 111 ,tll. \l1 . ("; jh,un , .1111 1 hr dr~i,lll \\•Irk "' ·'" d11111• b, \f1 ( ;j1,-.1111 :inc1 hi, , tarr or JK. Tl11•lt "11rk 11 ;, , cl•·. jtf' llfl1•11t 1111 t lu• ilih i, r- or •• ,.1.,uni11c. tllcf ,. .. l ,tl• t i .. h In t· 11 I 111111111 11\t•r h1•:1tf1•d h, !--h n.1, id ;\11111 •111d .il-.u ol \1 1 Jt,. . 111,,n P;1,l\·.. t1111. "ho ., .. 11111ftr - ,r,r,•l.1n , 1,·1 h – nl,·:,I , of 11111tlli' \I, or l._., \\a .. lli,- bul rlln,t .1111hor – ilJ. S11111r ro11, r•o11- .11IIJ.nl '- \\f'rt· rn,::.•i•·d lo h r lr, r,1/:.~ 1 th; ,:;~i"IJl~~~ • -,,:'i'i'.'on; t h rat rt• rnn .. ullaut of ~~•rlrw~-- 111• w,,., rmpln.~rrl nn thr fa.rnou, ,.\drl.1id~ •·r ..th·al Thralrt. J\110tht'r nprrt. Prtt>r J<no-.·laml, -.a, lt'flU'-lk – :t I run,ultant. ._...l'\·,.,,.,rthrlr~,. ~fr. Gfh- "loll rlicl .1,lnill tu J 111.tr "J • lho11 lhu••• 111111111! -.tint "111&.in:: nn th•· 1l1•-.1,r11• , lulu 1h,• • 1t1,, ll t... 111. "'\' • I'll fl.1• , ,l \l,•1·1,, ' ' \\ I\ ,. II 1,,11 ii,·· 4J.II ,111111·th ;11.,: 1.,, •nn,, l,•,th 1•1.. ,• •, 111, ,,r,· 111 1,1,: ( h 111,e, , ,,11,...,df. \ d 11r:1II , lf11·it ,IH•'fll.111,,· I• lt•r ri1,h i111 p,,r1.1nl 111 11111,'' >1r ...1ld 'O ll'jl"I 1i1111 !11 lhl" r,t1 hli1· ol lht• 1,,ri,111t•, IHI! f• i i n ,1-. • 11•,11 •,I " "Uhl tu• :i 1lr,•;ultul td.."' II •· i,. h•• :u1111il -. .1 ... n,ith" nian •·1 ,.1.,· I ,1111 11111 ,.,.,, ""' 111\nhl'rl i11 1111• ar1-i 1·,·ntrr. \I, "'Ht· ,:,, -. I am ~00 11,•• ,·111 1l11ohr'1. lw ,.,Id. \\"hal 1411, th" nr ~ .HI, ro n,pl,· ,. "h,•11 ,,,111 - plrlf'd. ,:in• to llri-. h:rnr. apart rrom :1 fillh, lo 1hr ptrrurmiur .end rt ..ual a rt"''·' \\'1•11. for "" loni. thal MR, GIBSON p11rt nf !--oulh Rrl,'1anr - at the ~outhrrn ap- 1'{/:;;~~,e:-h!: tt:ri~·if-!~~!1 '.\lr. <: llt,on cl.-,c·tilH'~ a., .. n "u11,·onc·1•rnt'd envi– ro1111wnt" ,.\II that • ·lit I h ,&U~f'. SWISS LAKE f'r ... l11111lrl 1:tl,,f• on thr c l11&t':t1 lrri~tic-. ur :t Swl,~ bk,. "l'ltr ,q1p rn,11·h In tllf' c·orn11lr , ff11111 lh1• -.1111th !o.idt• ~ ill 1.1t.,, on ,om1•. thin,: of lh,· .q,1,1•,1r;u11 r of an ,11ui1•11t u ,1llc·d fi l., , Sn "t ma.,· 4'l'fU'4't a r.1IJ11·r ,-,.-.n1111111llt:1 n at. n 1u -.11 lu n• lo nhlilt•r,1 It· lhr 11n1 0111•1·r111•rt ,q1p1•;u- 1t n11· I'll lh,, 1u, 1 :-,,;,tl1•~h , l11nil1I f,..1'1 an nut,i1l1•r ·it, I hi-. .1rl ~ rum . plr\' -..,.,., II-. 1l1•-.l,:11rr . a11rt t·u11,i1!•·1 ,lli,111 nt lht• hanrliC'.q1p1•d, lw , .,.,... h:a-. hrrn :111 11111·,:1.d 11,1r·t of h i, rtr,l,1,tn. a hl~<';~~ S/:'~·~ 1"11.;' ~•:,Jo~ n1,~nt or dr.1111atk vi,1...a, of mo,·rnwnl and t·nlur, rrum 01:\n,· p:11'1, uf 1111' 1·0111pl1· , -.,•t in 1:rnd- ,nl'l~rtf 1iii,;~••~ 1 ~·1 ,t1•t ._.,,nr f ~;a,1~~1!1~~••no: hr 111::;:~j fountain, In thP "';,t,lft blall. That .. 111 fin" lhrnu~h thr art ,:all1•n h ,1,·r lo hi" ,·rn-...rd to r,~,H h thr liht,Hy or mu - ,,•11 n1. EIGHT YEARS 'f'llr \\ntk nlll t.•k•• rh; ht H·.,r~ arul ha'- brf'ft rfr, i;; tu-rl ,o lht· rh·r1 u UI clom111at r thf• ,,·rnr. ~tr. <iilt,on hrll,·,•t•, Uri, h;1 ru• lur k,· to br tl1t· 1., ...1 ur lh,. m ,;jut r·a riltal-. fl '1•';,·,~~I? i,''~;~t;;I C~\':::11~•• ~ .., hr m :11h· h~· ml,tnk,-, in ..;HJ,u•, and Acll'l.1ht1•. r. ,'.,11t•11l;ul,· In tlu- mat – ••r, of :i.t...cr ,ltl'!'- an,I pro\'i ~ion for parkinr. Rr i,hanr -horn. Mr. Gib,on ha-' adrlr.d lo hi, hu,n('lowu\ ~k,·llnr ,-011- ..,idrru hh 111 rt'r'ent ~·,~r~. Thr '.\h,·n, Hall :t nrt ltw C t•nt ra l l.lbtar,· Kl Qu1•1·n:-la11tl Unh·.,,...uy, K r n m n r ,. r ~t"·trrla fl f 'hurt•h nnd th, (i11ffith \;nl , 1:r,1t ,· Llbrar, amt II um a n' I t I r ~ rt,rullh·x fwhh:h ha"' ju,1 tr1•r• ,·t'd • Roval Au-:trall.111 111- tilltulf of A.r<•hllf'f't'- 1'11.a – tlon , 11rr "'°'11' dr, lru..._