Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

ulture on the South :• . -- - ~ ... · .... ·,, : •.! ... et.il1 1 , Ot :••:: : •- ,• • ' THE State Trt'asurer (Sir Gordon Chalk) on Tuesday relea, ed details of the State·s proposed cultural complex at. Sou th Brisbane. The t!lu.•·rntl•m.,r; here ~ho~· arrhllN"t'.s imprP"-. 101,9 of some par~s or t hP ~45 m ,li 1 rin complttx. {;n11.1.: r .• · nn nf I tw ,, rn 1,iPX 'Ji di tw ,·:11 r1rr1 niJl In to·.r !l'ac"'• -:-,.rh lht' f1 r~t , tA:'" ar 1 pl.r•ry exprcled lo bt• comp ·••ui by enrh 1~:'> * ~lnin rn,1,~•cwnfr; o! 1r,,,. rn111µ!'!:< \\Ill be a per form • 111;? 1r1s rr 1n r . rh,. Q11rPn.< ;i11d Arr GallEry, th!! Que"n:;la11d \1uc,•um i\nrl the Rta te t.1hrary. An RJl!l"t)r.11n1. rher:-1rlf• rrstRtrrRn\. and ron\'1m t1on romple.~ ·., ;;: 1!.so he inclu<ir-ct m the sctiemP. ThP pr:tnrmlJ\1,1. arls renl re ~·111 ha\' a 2oou-:;er1 t cunc,.n hdll an IROn~~"kl opcr.l and ballet theatre and a. 400 •'-r'nl ,H'H110 th~alrt. The Arl Gallr ry will f~rr the ri\'er and lht Museum ,1,, ::1 be SCJ>!H.slt!d !rn,n the gallery bv a r,edes Lrian mall. ·t;