Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

on the South Bank THE State Treasurer (Sir Gordon Chalk) on Tuesday released details of the State's proposed culturnl complex at, South Brisbane. Th~ t!Ju. .. ,rnlloru here :i:hnw arrhittct's lmprP 1011s of some par~s or th111 S45 n111i 1 'ln complex. Cnn.,1 r ,, •:nn ,,r tht- , , rn1 ,IPX will hr ra 1r,,c1 r)Ut lri fo 1 .r 511UlP" ':\'Jt h lhe f1r~l ..llH·~ ari g:.tl1"l'j' e'.'t.p1•cted to bf' comp, 11 :M by enrlv 1:,:'l. * ~-tn in rC',n r,. 1 1wnts of tne rnrnp c:< \\ 111 be R perform• 111" .uts ,.,.,,, re. rhe Q11rens:a 11d An Gallny, the Que~n:;land .\-fu~ttuni anrt the Rtat, Library. An a ud1·,,r.11m. rh·en.1clf' rf'lstaurwn~ and connmtton rnm11lt-.'( '-'·::: .tlso hf, lnclur!Fd in th, schemP. The J""rfnrmll\\( ar•s renlre 'Qi.'tll ha\e 1 2000•seat concPrL hall an 1800·>•,at opera a nd ballet theatre and • ·IOO·•~Bt !tuc1lo lh'!olrr. The An Gallery wtll farr the river and lht Museum -~Ill b• M'pu,,tcd rrom Lhe gall ry b.v a. pt'<les1rInn mnll. "NRIUt"llllY Wf" Art p\rA.~Pc1 "''' h In, proposal. Wr \\ ouln llkf' 1t. to h&P• \ 1rn morr SJW't\dtly than 0A:1 htll, \\,. ;1 re "H tn ra– Vlllll' nl II ,' hr .~111d. Thr ron1pRhv wa., kHn 10 !--f'r m1.-rinr pif1n~ for 1hrp r r1 orm I n1ar1A Cflntrr . Q u r r n ~ 1" n d con– ~t-r,·R1or1111n nf Mu~lc r11· rrctor 1Mr R. Jone.,1 •••d rrom t.he plam. the µroposol •r.•m•d "quit.I 1msut111Rtlvt.," Quernslond Art Oal– lrry rtirrctor tMr. R. Mrlll•h • ••n the propos– al was r.xr il 1~. especial~ Iv as Lhr arL ~tlll•ry WU ·.o be builL rir,t. Tht su,t.e TN!&IIUNlr (Rir o n,don Chalk I re– l•a.sert rtrta11, or the pro– po,rrt $4~ m1lllon com– plrx on T 1 1,.~t1A.y, MA1n component.~ of 1hr rnm111P.X WIil bfl a prrf"rn1 ,r.~ ::.n~ c!P'nt,re, 1hr Qllf'" l1~1~net .A.. rt 0 &1• \rrv, ;hr <,;,H1rf'n!tlanr1 Mu• ~{'111"11 ''"" I h,. SUlf P LI • hr;1 n .