Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

Th e lasl. of s d i,,·lini.r :;.; o f ..lhe ht!sl .\u~l ralian l.anclst·apes en,r exet·ull•d" mii; hl w,•11 111,11111 lh,· most t•nlhus ias lit· art -lon•r. But the intcr-gu.lh ·ry couu111tln> an– poinLCd Uy Lh t• IU7U "tlll t' Gallt•r~' D i– rectors· Confen•ut·{' to gu1 ht:I' mah.•naJ for the A uMrnl1a1, Lundscu1>e exhib1• tion now ,;howl11g ut l h t" Queell~lanci Art Oallery, and orfic1aL, of lit~ Pe1,•r St.uyvetUUll TrusL \\'l tieh 1ur1w1.r Sl)Oll • sored the undl'rtnkln~. h1u-e Mery rf'a– son lo be Grtlllhed t,y the resulL of U1eir labors. Thlli is the fine.'ll an<{ uw ... t com – prehensive disphl)' yr1 as&elllblt cl Ol Australian \undscape p:unt Ing. Nol only is IL a •u11erb e1 ho111e 01 Lile =~~!~~~ l~•~ ,:~ 1 J;ri../' 1 ./';~ 8 ~ 1 f~I~ · lection of beautiful work to lw ~nJoyeri by Uie leu•l informed us "''ell us uy liU' connois.,eu r. And lei us, ... Queensluncterx. lnke pride In lhe kJ1owled~e lhnl l WO of Lile plecr.:s j ud~ed by 1hr rrudllt• L"ornmlLh•l' worlhY of inclu•ion in lhe Nelecl 55 - :rc1:;:: /:1~?,t~- •~(~ht~is~•~;t•-~ ~~~\\ Feeding H I• Dug•" - un· the p1·u11C1'l)' of our own fhuu,cl/\ll)' :,;tu1ved QuL-cns– land Ari Onllr ry. We fi nd exam1,1t•. ..; of 1.hf ' auemplh b :;;~• 1 :.~m~~«~1~i. 11 ~:.~~1iv.s 1 \.. h'J.~~:;~ and the ,•ugnries or English light lo adapt lhemsi>l\'es 10 an 1•11tireh· !resit sel or conditioau,. · We aec two Pll.'Cfls IJy John O 10,,cr U1Rt, in ten m111ute~· viow111g tt.'11 us :l~[: ~~~t ~~~m·o~~ hr~f11~1\ 1 n:~ s1 1!;t~n~ week's lecturing. We see Uw Ho1drlbcrg school In hs ~r:~:~1~.~ld d1~0::.~.,,1~r1~:::n~:tl; oi ll~(~~ concept or un Australlon n\'er scene: we find ~wo chnnuers - •"11te Losl Child" and "Oold,•11 SunliQhl" - by Mccubbin giving a 1>0sl-grad11a1e re- rre:!e~!~v:r~n"1l~~ ':~:·g 1~\•,~~~•~i1d enJo.v ART • - ..-,, .... · ... . ~ ~ r I • ' ' - lllur~•rN Preston·• somehow pro11helic "F'h•mg O\'er the Shoulhuveu Rh'cr" and In t•uirw1mlher·s Lyplcnl "Man– gro,•e"; J uhn Olsen Bliks ror dLi;cus."lou wll h his "Dapplecl Country" und t' red ~t!!!~~•~f1 ~~~/•.~;,~~1 ::1 8 g~e~:d!~1w:t-~ Brcll Whllcley thumbs a cheel<v nolif' w11.h "T Iil' OIH•• ... Soon" - " ~~~'.;f.,c\~iec:.,n~l1n".:'.,11rg,a-;;-gh~~•,~n~~\f~ with a su~;uest1011 or tmrrealism ln "~;•;~f 0 /~~:"u tnlking nolnt. as.'temblt & crou11 l>el'on• o a,·ld Aspden's "Little Bay PnlnI inc." Adrnilledly. 11 would bi' ilnpo,,sible to lr1u1spor1 10 un e'<hibltion a rook)' coast line shroucll'cl In plasllc - even if we could sec ••noush artistic vulue in It ~~n"f.:~11~e:l 0 1~ 0 1~ : u1~~~e ~?~ 1 Ll~n5,! Inclusion of a pholocruph one of an cdlllon ol Len as II IL were an etching or " print or ChrLslo's experiment in "wrapping" - "Wrapped Coast", However, e\'Cll that should be or val– ue as an inlerest-rouser In nn exhibi• Lion thnl dm;cr ves to be crowclect c,•cry day or !Ls rnonLh's tenure ol I-he Q1h•Pnsland /\r1 Onllery. THI COURIER-MAIL SATURDAY APRIL 14 197S o·uEENSLAND Tho Gallory will clo, e on Sun., 15 Aorll at 5 p.m. In ordrr to mount tho new exhibitions, MODERN FRENCH SCULPTURI ond PHOTOGRAPHS BY BILL BRANDT Collection from Museum of Mcd,un Art N.V. Mr. A, J. Creody, Director of Cultural Activities will open !ho b hlbltions et J.JO P.M. ON WlDNISDAY, II APRIL, 191J, h:hlbltlons contlnwo until 20 Moy. Art fund· • given to State gallery TRll Queenaland Art Gallery has received a S15,000 scholarship fund In memory of one of Its most gener– OUs patrons. The ICholarshlp, to be known u the William Buttner Scholanbtp. came from the estate of the late Blanche LoulM Buttner In memory of her husband. Mr and Mn Buttner had many contrtbutlona from their own collectlona to the art sallery. 11:ra Buttner ll1ao Jett a collection ot antique furn– iture, 1Uver and rup to the 1allery. The f1rlt ICbolarshlp all'lll'd may be In the selection of an arcbltAICt tor the new Queenaland Art Galle . , ~-,~u :. ... ' - L_ :;. . GA 1 tfBXSJif ;· ~ ,.: : =~~ . -~~ · /1 •t1 1 W•H TA1 1tN ~ ---I - - - i --, , I i:::::J\ ID ~- Af'•0 1 1..,.t,T( l O{,. TIOl'o QI JUTUI ( Jll(W,'1 fll(l'NO hll'IOI • CO!rtS!ltU(TiOM Mop 1howln1 the 1enerof layout of the 1rH 1urroundini the p1opo1ed Gallery ond lndiutin1 the chosen site.